
The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

A decision can destroy the sun, moon and stars. A finger can kill the Heavenly Overlord. While chatting, the Heaven and ten worlds can be annihilated. A poor little kid walks out from a remote mountain area while holding the Nine Dragons and the Incredible Cauldron. With a control over the time and space eternally, he embarks on the Path to God where he defies the odds of the boundless universe gaudily by fighting against royalty and clashing with the legendary generation.

Heavenly Overlord · Eastern
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3239 Chs

The Arranged Match

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Just as Su Yu was about to activate his space-time manipulation technique, a female figure flew to the front of Su Yu. She hit the palm of the Great Elder away!

Thud, thud—

The Second Elder and the Great Elder stepped back at the same time.

"You dare fight me?" Surprise and shock filled the eyes of the Great Elder, he didn't understand what was happening.

The Second Elder had struck him, the First Elder, for a simple student!

Her ugly face was raised slightly, harboring a cold intent. Her raspy voice caused many to shiver. "I said only I can kill him! Those who defy me shouldn't blame me for being heartless!"

The crowd did not understand. Why would the Second Elder protect Su Yu?

She had even opposed the Great Elder!

The Great Elder's yellow pupils slowly became cold. He did not allow anyone to challenge his authority!
