
⟭⟬ Chapter 22 - Divine Voice ⟭⟬

Taehyung's POV

As morning comes my first priority is my children so I got up early and go to my children and feed them so that Aunt Yeona wont feed them later even if I'm busy I want to give my children my love to them to that they wont grow up with the love their real parent and ill do everything for them, as I made my way to their crib I lift them up both and start on feeding them as i got downstairs i heard Eomma already cooking in the kitchen, I enter the kitchen and greeted him.

"Happy Birthday Eomma," I say as I kiss his cheeks.

"Thank you Tae," he thanks me as he stops what ever is he doing and looked at me" Why didn't you tell me that you were scared that you'll be on the dark side you know to yourself that you'll be in the good side," he says as I nodded and continued feeding the babies.

" I'm sorry Eomma, but I can't help it to be scared I just don't want to you to be worried about me it hurts to see you cry because of me that's the reason why I didn't tell you that I don't have a choice to go to the dark side but I'll try my best to decide for myself," I say as he nodded and kissed my forehead and walked to the living room and continue feeding the kids. As I feed them I start singing the song I composed while I was in Hogwarts it's Sweet Night.

On my pillow

Can't get me tired

Sharing my fragile truth

That I still hope the door is open

Cause the window

Opened one time with you and me

Now my forever's falling down

Wondering if you'd want me now

How could I know

One day I'd wake up feeling more

But I had already reached the shore

Guess we were ships in the night

Night, night

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

As I continue singing I didn't noticed that the others are listening to me singing they're about to clap but Eomma looked at them with a deadly glare so they put their hands down and he mouth 'After he singing then clap' as they nodded and let me do whatever I want.

We were ships in the night, night, night

I'm wondering

Are you my best friend

Feel's like a river's rushing through my mind

I wanna ask you

If this is all just in my head

My heart is pounding tonight

I wonder

If you

Are too good to be true

And would it be alright if I

Pulled you closer

How could I know

One day I'd wake up feeling more

But I had already reached the shore

Guess we were ships in the night

Night, night

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

We were ships in the night

Night, night.

As I finished the song I heard clapping and I turned around to see them clapping, as I see Jungkook leaning in the wall while looking at me with heart as crossed arm we walked towards me and kissed me passionately I didn't think twice to kissed back, as we pulled out of the kiss realizing the Horrible Truth that we need air we leaned our foreheads together as he speaks.

"That's a wonderful song Babe I wish you could sing to me as well," He says as I peck his lips and nodded I saw Aunt Yeona walking towards us and smiled at me.

"You have your mother's voice just like always," Aunt Yeona says as I looked down the others looked confused at what Aunt Yeona said as they looked at me for answers expect for Eomma and Jiminie. "Tae if you want them to support you, you need to tell them the truth it's the only way for them to understand you," Aunt adds as I nodded and looked at them ashamed of not telling them everything,

"When I was still in Hogwarts I used to sing everyday when I'm bored or just chilling I wrote songs and poems the song you heard me sing is one of them, when I sing boys and girls are always around me they always ask me when I'm alone to sing,

that's then I realized that my singing ability is magical, it can make someone be mesmerized to me just like you guys did, you clapped and really loved my singing.

Professor Snape told me that my amazing voice run in our blood he told me that when my mom still attends school I'm just like her we have a voice of a Siren, Our Voice are enchanting, angelic and divine.So I have decided to stopped on singing often so that I won't attract people," I says as they nodded in understanding.

That's when I felt that someone lift me and I squeaked in surprise as I slightly tighten my grip on my Babies, I looked at the one who lift me up without warning is none other than Jeon Jungkook. He lift me up and places me to his lap as he puts his chin in my left shoulder.

"You smell good Tae," he says as he sniff my neck and give wet kisses in it we didn't even noticed that the others are still there and Jin Eomma's glares at Jungkook.

"JEON JUNGKOOK YOU BETTER STOPPED DOING THAT THEIR ARE STILL KIDS IN TAE'S HANDSS!!!~~~," Jin Eomma yells as he pinched Jungkook's ear as he screams.

"AHH Eomma it hurts AHH!" Jungkook yells as the sleeping babies starts to stir in their sleep and opened their eyes at me I Coo'd at them and kissed their foreheads and they start giggling, as the commotions stopped and looked at me and the babies they Coo'd at us and we heard a camera being clicked I looked up only to see Eomma and Appa taking a pictures of us with Jungkook has his chin on my shoulder and looking at us with his Bunny smile as I smile my Box smile.

"Ok let's start preparing for today's event it's your Eomma's birthday and we need to prepare,"Aunt Yeona says as they all nodded as we were only left, me, Jungkook and our children on my arms.

" I love you Tae," Jungkook says as he kissed my temple I hummed satisfied and turned Abit to kiss his cheeks.

"I love you too Kookie," I say back as we continued on bonding with our children and the other preparing for Jin Eomma's Birthday they all don't want us helping they say that we need to Bond more cuz after the day we'll start training more and more so that's what they say well they got a point so we just Bond more.

Time Skipped 2 hours ago....

"Tae, Kooks the foods ready come and eat," We nodded and walked to the dining room and sat on our proper sits as we eat Jungkook feeds me as I hold our twins and cradles them so that they'll sleep as I heard them light snoring I stand.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook ask as he looked at me concerned and confused I smiled and peck him.

"Just going to tuck the twin in bed," I say as he nodded and I walked to our room and tucked the twin in their crib and kissed their foreheads and exit the and make my way to the others. As I made my way to my sit they all looked at me and Appa speaks.

" So Tae what's the plan," Appa asks as they nodded asking as well what's our next plan, I looked at Jungkook he nodded encouraging me to think of a plan for my Birthday I'm scared of what will happen I can't lose my Family.

"Uhm, I'll tell you tomorrow before training I still have to think of it before telling you guys it's hard to think of something like that I wish the order of the Phoenix are here and my Grandpa to help me," I says as Jungkook rushed towards me and lift me up and set me to his lap and kissed my nape.

"It's okay Tae we're here for you but you got a point most of us are useless on planning but we can help a bit just teach us." I nodded.

" Tommorow gathering time is 530 (5:30 am) in the morning get ready Jungkook and I and the rest you get with your spells I need to teach Jungkook some of the spells I made and the powerful once," I say as they nodded but I saw Jimin pouting and he speaks.

" Why does Jungkook can know about the powerful once and you can't teach me, Tae~ please teach me also so that I could help you with when the time comes," Jiminie whines as I just laughed at his cuteness.

"Ok, Fine I'll teach you when we're all done teaching the others but I wish you could handle the spells or else if you can't, I can't forgive myself if something happens to you," I say as he nodded happily and his boyfriend's looked at him concerned that something might happen to him he talked to them reassuring the he'll be fine as Aunt Yeona called.

"Ok it's cake time!" Aunty Yeona shouts.

"Yayyy!" Jiminie and I Cheered in unison as the others just chuckled at our childish attitude and start singing a happy birthday song for Eomma.

"saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

sarang ha neun -- Jin Eomma

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~~" we sang in unison as he closed his eyes and wished and blows the candles and start cutting the cake and distributing the cake, as we finished eating the cake we start hanging out at the living room that's when we heard the babies crying that's when my mother instincts getting active, so I rushed to the room and start craddeling them and as soon as they start to sleep I put them again to their crib but they start on crying so I just brought them with me and feed them as I got out of the room I sat beside of Jungkook, I lift my shirt up and they start on sucking my boobs and soon they feel asleep but eventually we didn't looked at the time that we didn't even noticed that it's getting late, so we bid our goodnights and sweet dreams and entered our rooms as I and Jungkook entered our room I put the babies on the crib and I got on mine and Jungkook's bed, as Jungkook got on the bed he pulled me and spooned me as always he kissed my forehead.

"How about you sing for me so that we could sleep easily hmm," he says I nodded and start to sing my song. Winter Bear.

"She looks like a blue parrot

Would you come fly to me?

I want some good day, good day, good day

Good day, good day

Looks like a winter bear

You sleep so happily

I wish you good night, good night, good night

Good night, good night"

"Imagine your face

Say hello to me

Then all the bad days

They're nothing to me

With you~~~"

"Winter bear

Ooh~, ooh~, ooh~

Sleep like a winter bear

Ooh~, ooh~, ooh~

Sleep like a winter bear"

And soon me and Jungkook slept with happiness and peace in our selves. As we await for the worst day of our lives.