
The Divine Healer is a Black Lotus

She opened her eyes after reincarnating to find that she had just completed a gruesome C-section. Looking at the suckling twins in her arms, her skinny siblings, and her frail mother, Hua Jiujiu decided to leave her extended family and build a new branch on their path to riches. After the separation, the villagers said they would starve to death as they had no food. But she had hectares upon hectares of food in her pocket, waiting to be harvested. Without money, they could not afford their bills. But after a single surgery where she saved a person doomed to die, everyone, rich or powerful, fought amongst each other just to get an appointment with her. Without a man, her family will be bullied. Well...Running off to the hut at the other end of the mountain, Hua Jiujiu cornered a man against the wall: Marry into my family! However, though she believed she would lead a perfect life in the village, she suddenly discovered that her man was a God of War whose name echoed throughout the world. As she tried to hide in a corner, shaking, he simply scooped her in his arms with a tender look."How shall I be of service tonight, my dear wife?

Rainy Day · General
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40 Chs

Time Flow in the Space

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Hua Jiujiu thought for a long time but could not remember where she had seen her before. Then, she was attracted by the books on the bookshelf and touched them excitedly. "There are actually so many ancient medical books!"

If not for the fact that she was in a bad situation, she would definitely have hugged these books and started reading them.

Hua Jiujiu reluctantly put the ancient medical book back and looked around for clues left behind by the previous owner of the space.

After searching for a long time, she only found a paragraph.

The meaning was simple.

She could not use the space to do bad things, or she would be severely punished.

Moreover, she had to use space to do more good. Otherwise, she would also be punished by karma.

"Since I have obtained such an opportunity, I will definitely use what I have learned to benefit the people," Hua Jiujiu said sincerely.

Suddenly, her palm felt a little hot.

Hua Jiujiu raised her hand to take a look and saw that the lotus flower-like birthmark gradually became clearer. It was like a real lotus flower growing on it, and it seemed to emit some lotus flower fragrance.

It seemed that this space was very spiritual.

This made her believe in karma and retribution even more.

After staying in the bamboo house for a while, Hua Jiujiu walked out of the house and looked at the good medicinal field. She thought about when he should buy some seeds of herbs to plant.

After circling the space, Hua Jiujiu sat in the courtyard and put her chin on her hand. She started thinking.

She did not know how big this space was. She had walked for a long time just now but could not reach the end. However, when she looked around, she saw nothing but whiteness. She did not know what was on the other side of the white fog.

This space was really magical.

She did not know what her transmigration had to do with this space.

Hua Jiujiu raised her hand and looked at her palm. In the modern era, she also had such a lotus flower birthmark on her palm. However, there was no space inside, so how did this space jump out?

After thinking for a long time, she could not think of anything. In the end, she let nature take its course.

Actually, it was good that she had transmigrated. At least she had family here and a warm home. She no longer had to go home after work every day and face a cold house.

Although some people in this family made her speechless, it didn't matter. She just had to protect the people she cared about.

At the thought of this, Hua Jiujiu's gaze became very firm.

She must bring her family to live a good life!

Hua Jiujiu stayed for a while longer, feeling that something was wrong.

After squatting for so long, Wang Mei still hadn't woken up?

This didn't seem right.

Hua Jiujiu came out of the space. A foul smell assaulted her nose, almost making her vomit out her dinner.

Just as she was about to leave the outhouse, she suddenly stopped in place and looked at the chickens in the chicken coop.

They didn't even make any noise at all.

It was already very late when she left the house, and she had stayed in the space for so long. Logically speaking, it should be past midnight.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of what happened this afternoon. She had entered the space and came out again, feeling that not much time had passed.

So, the time in this space was different from the time outside?

It seemed that she had to study it when she had time.

As she was thinking, Hua Jiujiu saw a woman running out while holding her stomach. It was obvious that Wang Mei had woken up at night.

After Wang Mei went to the toilet, Hua Jiujiu took out the embroidery needle she had taken from home and suddenly appeared from the space. Before Wang Mei could react, she pushed the needle into her and made her unconscious.