
The Divine Healer is a Black Lotus

She opened her eyes after reincarnating to find that she had just completed a gruesome C-section. Looking at the suckling twins in her arms, her skinny siblings, and her frail mother, Hua Jiujiu decided to leave her extended family and build a new branch on their path to riches. After the separation, the villagers said they would starve to death as they had no food. But she had hectares upon hectares of food in her pocket, waiting to be harvested. Without money, they could not afford their bills. But after a single surgery where she saved a person doomed to die, everyone, rich or powerful, fought amongst each other just to get an appointment with her. Without a man, her family will be bullied. Well...Running off to the hut at the other end of the mountain, Hua Jiujiu cornered a man against the wall: Marry into my family! However, though she believed she would lead a perfect life in the village, she suddenly discovered that her man was a God of War whose name echoed throughout the world. As she tried to hide in a corner, shaking, he simply scooped her in his arms with a tender look."How shall I be of service tonight, my dear wife?

Rainy Day · General
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40 Chs

Inexplicable Harmony

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"My stove isn't being used. You can use it." Lou Sijin handed the wolf meat that he had chopped to Hua Jiujiu. "If possible, help me cook the wolf meat too. You can take some with you as repayment."

"Ah… Alright." Hua Jiujiu hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

After taking the wolf meat, Hua Jiujiu entered the house. Lou Sijin looked at Hua Jiujiu's back.

His gaze moved to her worn shoes.


His eyes flashed slightly.

Hua Jiujiu got busy happily in the kitchen.

It seemed that today, there would be another sumptuous lunch.

"Ah Jin, can you help me borrow salt, onions, ginger, and garlic from the village?" Hua Jiujiu shouted towards the courtyard.

Lou Sijin's hands that were handling the corpse paused.

This little woman…

He got up, washed the blood from his hands, and went out the door.

Hua Jiujiu was in the kitchen when she seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly ran out. "Actually, let me go."

However, Lou Sijin was nowhere to be seen.


Why was she so casual with him? Moreover, this man had just arrived and did not know anyone from the village.

Just as Hua Jiujiu was hesitating if she should look for him, a tall figure appeared in her line of sight.

He was even holding the onions, ginger, and garlic.

No matter how one looked at it, this scene did not match.

"Where did you borrow these from?" Hua Jiujiu went forward to take them.

"Hunter Zhang," Lou Sijin replied.

This did not surprise Hua Jiujiu. After all, Lou Sijin also hunted, so it was normal for him to know people who hunted.

"Then bring him a bowl of fish soup later." Since she had borrowed something from him, she should return him something.

Lou Sijin did not reply.

To be honest, people might not necessarily want fish soup. After all, very few people could prepare fish well.

Therefore, not many people in the village ate fish. They would rather use the money to buy meat.

Hua Jiujiu probably didn't buy this fish. She probably caught it in the pond last night. However, how did she catch it? She didn't have any fishing tools at all. Moreover, she clearly came down from the mountains.

Hua Jiujiu took these seasonings back to the kitchen. She had also encountered some other spices on the mountain just now. She believed that the food made with them would be very fragrant.

Not long after, a fragrant smell came from the kitchen.

Lou Sijin, who had already taken care of the prey, looked at the busy figure through the kitchen window in surprise.

This little woman's culinary skills were not bad.

Initially, he thought that it was because he was too hungry last night, causing him to think that the dough drop soup was delicious. Now, it seemed that this little woman's culinary skills were indeed good.

In this small mountain village, it was not a loss to be able to eat such delicious food every day.

Lou Sijin was thinking about how to get this little woman to continue making him food in the future.

Hua Jiujiu secretly added spiritual spring water to the fish soup and wolf meat. It seemed that because of this spiritual spring water, the taste became even more delicious.

Satisfied, she packed the food and left the rest in the pot for Lou Sijin to eat.

"Ah Jin, you can send this bowl of fish soup to Hunter Zhang." Hua Jiujiu finally found a chipped bowl in the kitchen.

Lou Sijin really didn't want to give it away because he was hungry and wanted to eat too.

However, he still reached out to take it.

A finger brushed past the back of Hua Jiujiu's hand, making her look over.

His hands were really beautiful.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but think that.

"I'll leave your lunch in the pot. I'll go back first," Hua Jiujiu said.

Lou Sijin nodded and went to deliver the fish soup.