
The Family Competition of the Mu Family

Using a special method to compress spirit energy, forming a terrifying explosive force, and the opponent’s spirit energy could be shattered by one palm!

After the vast information in his mind settled, Mu Yang finally opened his eyes.

"Shattering Palm!"

With a light shout, spirit energy from all over his body instantly gathered in his right palm, a unique force covering the surface of his hand.

This was the compressive force unique to martial skills. Moreover, at this moment, this compressive force was crazily compressing the spirit energy!

"Hmm?" Mu Qingyuan, on the side, showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Mu Yang struck the ground with a palm!


In an instant, rocks scattered, and a palm print was revealed, reaching a depth of thirty centimeters. What was even more astonishing was that the surrounding ground showed no signs of collapse! In other words, the concentration of Mu Yang's palm strike was extremely strong.

"Well done." Mu Qingyuan silently nodded. Then he said, "It seems that you’ve fully comprehended. I didn't expect you to have such a connection with this martial skill. If that's the case, it won't take you three days to master it completely."

Mu Yang grinned with a hint of profound meaning in his smile.

Just now, to avoid shocking Mu Qingyuan, he intentionally weakened the power of the attack.

"In two months, the annual family competition will begin. I'm planning to sign you up." Mu Qingyuan suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" Mu Yang looked up, excitement flashing in his eyes.

The Mu family competition was held once a year. However, due to Mu Yang's condition, he had never been able to participate, and could only watch others competing as the audience.

"Your eldest brother, Mu Yu, has now stepped into the Half-Step Ninth Stage Foundation Building Realm, deserving the title of the strongest among the younger generation of the Mu family. As for your second brother, Mu Tianfei, he has a naturally weak physique and hasn't cultivated spirit energy. Instead, he helps manage our Mu family's business..." Mu Qingyuan began to explain the strength of the younger generation of the Mu family.

From his words, Mu Yang learned that Mu Yu ranked first, naturally. The second place was Mu Yue, the daughter of his second uncle, an expert at the Eighth Stage Foundation Building Realm peak. The third was the son of his third uncle, Mu Jingke, who was also at the Eighth Stage Foundation Building Realm.

"Practice the Shattering Palm first, and after three days, I will teach you another second-grade martial skill." Mu Qingyuan spoke with his hands behind his back, his face pale, yet radiating an indisputable authority. He turned around and walked towards the distance, with Mu Yang following.

"Why are you following me?" Mu Qingyuan turned around, puzzled.

"Aren’t we going home?" Mu Yang was confused.

"Going home?" Mu Qingyuan's mouth twitched slightly. He immediately slapped Mu Yang's head with a palm, angrily shouting, "You practice here until it gets dark, and that’s when you go home!"

"Uh..." Mu Yang held his head, not knowing what to say.

His old man, after he could cultivate spirit energy, became several times more strict to him.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Mu Qingyuan's gaze condensed, and he looked back.

At the same time, his figure disappeared instantly!

"Something’s wrong!" At the same time, Mu Yang's face changed. With a kick of his hind leg, he rushed forward at high speed!

"A third-grade spiritual beast. Lucky day." Mu Qingyuan's voice echoed in the distance.

He raised his right palm, filled with fiery spirit energy, and smiled at the ferocious two-meter black bear ahead, ruthlessly striking with a palm!

The black bear also roared angrily, retaliating with a palm!


However, before his palm touched the black bear's paw, Mu Qingyuan felt a powerful explosive force blocking his right palm.

"Dad, this is my friend!"

With the anxious voice of Mu Yang, his body was immediately thrown back dozens of meters!


Upon just attempting to steady himself, Mu Qingyuan felt as if he had collided with something soft and furry, cushioning his fall. Lifting his head, he beheld the immense face of a bear. However, the latter sported a human-like grin, as if smiling.

"Is this the Shattering Palm?" Yet, at this moment, Mu Qingyuan gazed at his own palms with a hint of astonishment before turning his gaze to Mu Yang.

The formidable power of the Shattering Palm exceeded his expectations. Were it not for the glaring gap in strength, Mu Qingyuan would likely have been even more astonished.

More surprisingly, this black bear seemed to be good friends with Mu Yang? In the Magic Beast Forest, spirit beasts typically harbored animosity or fear toward humans. How did Mu Yang come to know this black bear?

"Yang'er, what is going on?" Mu Qingyuan was perplexed.

Mu Yang smirked.


The black bear roared angrily! In the next instant, the sounds of a hundred beast roars surrounded them, and within seconds, nearly a hundred spirit beasts appeared in Mu Qingyuan's sight.

Mu Qingyuan was stupefied. Could all these spirit beasts be friends with Mu Yang?!

"Dad, the spirit beasts in our area are all my friends, so you shouldn't attack them in the future," Mu Yang reminded.

Mu Yang was kind-hearted. While others killed spirit beasts to obtain their spiritual herbs or enhance their combat abilities, Mu Yang did not. Three years ago, he began battling the spirit beasts in this area, but after each victory, he spared their lives, giving them spiritual herbs for healing instead.

Over time, the current generation of spirit beasts became aware of Mu Yang's presence. The young man fought not to kill but to improve his combat skills, always compensating them with a medicinal plant after victory.

This was why, during Mu Yang's breakthrough last time, many spirit beasts carried spiritual herbs in their mouths. Most of these were medicines given by Mu Yang!

After a while, the spirit beasts in this area had developed deep connections with Mu Yang and became his friends.

When Mu Yang shared this experience with Mu Qingyuan, the latter was also filled with astonishment. To be friends with so many spirit beasts—a rare occurrence in the entire Ancient Forest Town.

"Cough!" Mu Qingyuan coughed, "Well, since that's the case, I promise not to harm the spirit beasts in this area in the future."

Suddenly, he seemed to recall something. He turned around and promptly disappeared.

"Yang'er, you cultivate here, and don’t come home if it’s not dark yet!"

Mu Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

Helplessly, he heard rustling sounds from the nearby bushes.

Initially surprised, his expression turned resigned.


"Ah ha! Brother Mu Yang, how did you discover me?" A black-haired girl suddenly jumped out of the bushes, her ethereal beauty captivating. Stepping next to Mu Yang in one stride, she shook his arm and complained, "No one wants to play with me."

"You little troublemaker." Mu Yang caressed the girl's cheek and then stood up. "I'll take you to the town to play. How about that?"

"Really? Brother Mu Yang, are you done cultivating?" In Mu Xue's bright eyes, two beams of light suddenly shot out. Then, as if afraid that Mu Yang would change his mind, she directly hooked Mu Yang's right arm, playfully saying, "This is what Brother Mu Yang said. No reneging allowed!"

Mu Yang smiled wryly.