
The Battle Begins

"You coward who only hides behind women!"

The voice, cold and filled with strong killing intent, entered Mu Yang's ears. He couldn't help but slightly furrow his brows as he looked at Mu Yue, lying in his arms, her face covered in blood, the tight-fitting clothes on her abdomen torn apart, revealing her smooth, white skin stained with blood.

However, Mu Yue, unable to speak at the moment, could only slightly open her beautiful eyes, half-closed, gazing at the young man holding her in his arms.

Opening her mouth, she seemed to want to say something. However, the pain from her abdomen made her face contort in agony, and she immediately closed her mouth.

Mu Yang noticed Mu Yue's attempt to speak, shook his head gently, indicating for her not to speak. Then, flipping his palm, a pure white jade-like pill appeared in his hand.

"Don't talk, just take it."

Mu Yang handed the pill to Mu Yue's lips.