
Crisis! Choices!

The wind howled, and yellow sand filled the sky. The enemy had unleashed a fierce attack with missiles and lasers. Even though most of the people present were superpowered individuals, nearly one-fifth of them suffered varying degrees of injuries.


Suddenly, a bright white light flashed, and a massive energy beam, hundreds of feet thick, shot up like a gust of autumn wind, sweeping across the sky. In its wake, all the black warships were reduced to powder!

Iron Man made his move!

In just a minute, his ultimate attack had destroyed thirty percent of the warships!


At the same time, a dragon's roar echoed. On the left side, above the heads of Lan Qi and Yan Qiong, a dragon of ice and fire, hundreds of feet in size, slowly opened its eyes.

A terrifying aura, like a towering mountain, pressed down. Everyone on the battlefield was slightly stunned, looking at the ice and fire dragon that had been condensed.

With one eye fiery red and the other eye water blue, the dragon gazed like a king, ultimately fixing its eyes on the countless warships above.

Those who were scrutinized by the dragon suddenly had their body hair stand on end. The suffocating aura of impending death was something ordinary people couldn't endure!


The dragon roared to the sky, then fearlessly charged upward. In its path, no matter how powerful the warships were, they only had one fate...

They were crushed!


However, before everyone could recover from the shock of the dragon, a wolf howl shook the heavens. Another massive beam of purple-black energy shot into the sky!

In its wake, the space was shattered inch by inch.

Unrivaled power!

Right after, to everyone's astonishment, this purple-black beam of light shattered countless warships, then directly shot toward the cracked spatial rift!

That was the home base of the countless warships!

"Boom! Boom!"

The incessant sound of explosions filled the air. The warships inside the spatial rift were being mercilessly destroyed, without any mercy!


Seeing this scene, everyone looked at Angus with a few more respectful looks. Although this burly man had a violent temper, the strength he displayed was enough to make him proud.

In just a few breaths of time, almost all the warships in the sky were annihilated. At the same time, the spatial rift was visibly shrinking at an alarming rate.

This symbolized the victory of Earth. No one expected that victory would be so easy after the world joined forces!

"Haha, the interstellar regions are nothing!"

Angus laughed loudly, a proud expression on his face.

However, things always went unexpectedly...


Just as Angus was about to retract his spirit cannon, a terrifying suction suddenly erupted from the spatial rift.

The suction was so strong that it even tore the void apart!

Almost at the same time, Mu Rufeng's face changed dramatically, and he shouted loudly, "Angus, be careful!"

Without any reservation, accompanied by Mu Rufeng's angry shout, the spiritual power of the entire world within a radius of thousands of miles erupted violently. Countless sharp giant palms formed out of thin air, directly grabbing Angus's spirit cannon.

"Mountains and Rivers Extinguishing!"

The next moment, Mu Rufeng shouted loudly, raising his right palm, lifting the sky!

Mountains crumbled and the earth shattered!

The giant mountain and vast land disintegrated, turning into a hundred thousand meteorites that crazily struck towards the spatial rift!

Everyone was stunned.

Not to mention a hundred thousand meteorites, even a single meteorite, when struck with such a ferocious speed, would undoubtedly severely injure Hulk!

At this moment, everyone turned their gaze to Angus. A multicolored irregular object was being gradually extracted from his body. As this thing was pulled out step by step, Angus's body gradually became limp, as if turning into mud!

It was his soul!

"Come back!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng roared again. With both palms forming seals, the giant spiritual hand forcefully pulled the spirit cannon back into Angus's body!

If the soul were drawn out, Angus would undoubtedly die, and this was not the worst-case scenario! If the enemy controlled Angus's soul, he would undoubtedly become an enemy of Earth, launching a counterattack! As the supreme commander, Mu Rufeng would never allow this to happen!

"Come back!" Mu Rufeng roared to the sky. His efforts was not completely in vain; the spirit cannon was slowly being pulled back, and Angus's soul was gradually reintegrating into his body.

"Hmph!" Suddenly, an emotionless snort echoed from within the spatial rift.

"Boom!" Without any warning, the suction force surged tenfold, directly targeting Mu Rufeng!

"No!" Mu Rufeng exclaimed, and the spiritual hand grabbing the spirit cannon instantly dissipated. This allowed the horrifying suction to fail in absorbing Mu Rufeng's power. However, due to Mu Rufeng's interruption, the multicolored soul inside Angus's body was swiftly pulled out again!

"Shoo!" With a flash of multicolored light, the soul, encased in a glass-like body, swiftly flew toward the spatial rift.

Seeing this scene, even Mu Rufeng, powerful as he was, sighed lightly, giving up hope. The enemy's displayed strength was just too overwhelming. Even he was almost counterattacked by them!

As everyone sighed, it seemed like the legendary Wolf King Angus was destined to fall in this battle. More worrisome was the fact that if the enemy possessed such terrifying power, this battle was now without assurance.

At this critical moment, a young voice suddenly sounded, breaking the worried atmosphere.

This statement surprised Mu Rufeng. At first, he felt joy, but it quickly turned into deep concern.

Wild winds were blowing like thunderous roars, and the space was shattering. Around the multicolored soul, space kept breaking, forming small storms, and silver-white thunder surged continuously. In the next moment, everyone was shocked to see that the rapidly moving soul was slowing down!

"Come back!" The young voice sounded again. Around the multicolored soul, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth also turned into a rainbow. Then, to everyone's astonishment, Angus's multicolored soul was forcefully pulled back into his body!

Who is it?

This was the first thought in everyone's mind. Even the invincible Mu Rufeng couldn't do anything. Who had such formidable strength now?

"Hoo..." The soul returned, and Angus fell weakly to the ground, panting heavily.

However, at this moment, no one could hear a faint laughter coming from the spatial rift in the sky.

A flash of white light appeared, accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder. Then, a figure in white appeared in everyone's sight.

"Dad, just in time." The man in white turned around, revealing a sun-drenched smile.

Mu Yang!

It wasn't until this moment that everyone understood. The one who had saved Angus just now was Mu Rufeng's son, Mu Yang!

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. His gaze looked towards the void, and his expression turned from surprise to deep concern once again.

Seeing this, Mu Yang frowned slightly. He had saved Angus's life and his father should be happy. Why was he so worried now?

Looking up at the sky, although the spatial rift was slowly shrinking, Mu Yang had an uneasy feeling that the enemy might have even stronger cards!

Time passed second by second, and the spatial rift was about to completely close. The sunlight poured down again, and although the earth was in ruins, the tense atmosphere was gradually dissipating.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this large-scale battle was finally coming to an end...

"Something’s not right!" However, just when everyone was relaxing, both Mu Yang and Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly widened.

"Boom!" The world shook. The spatial rift had completely disappeared, but Earth's protective shield and high-tech defenses had also vanished. In other words, Earth, beyond the atmosphere, had no defensive measures whatsoever.

The situation changed once again. Countless dark warships almost instantly covered the entire Earth.

That’s right; every piece of land on Earth was about to suffer an attack from the interstellar regions. Danger alerts resounded in every region globally. At the same time, Mu Rufeng's face had become extremely ugly.

From the beginning, he had planned it all wrong. He thought the interstellar regions could only enter through the spatial rift in this location. However, he never expected the sudden disappearance of Earth's protective power.

And now, with the majority of the world's superpowered individuals gathered here, they were unable to attend to the danger faced by humans in other places. A thought flashing through everyone's mind.

This time, they were doomed!.

However, when a strange voice echoed, a glimmer of hope appeared in everyone's eyes once again.

"You foolish lower beings, I now give you two choices."

Disregarding the heavens and the earth, the voice resounded from the sky like distant thunder, instantly enveloping the entire Earth. This voice gave people the feeling of one word: domineering!