
Alliance, Confession?

The crowded street bustled with people as the scorching midday sun cast its hot breath. Mu Yang gradually came to a stop.

"What's wrong, Brother Mu Yang?" Mu Xue asked puzzled.

Mu Yang, however, didn't respond. Just as Mu Xue was about to inquire, a cold voice echoed from behind, accompanied by an invisible force that seemed to lower the temperature of the entire world.

"Mu Xue, long time no see."

Although the words were directed at Mu Xue, Mu Yang could feel the invisible pressure heading straight for him.


He snorted internally, unafraid. Simultaneously, he and Mu Xue turned around to face the source.

Behind them stood a handsome young man, around fifteen or sixteen. His straight posture emitted an air of superiority, and his narrow eyes assessed Mu Yang and Mu Xue.

Before Mu Xue could respond, the man smiled, "I suppose this is Mu Yang, Mu Xue's older brother."

"Exactly." Mu Yang nodded.

"Hehe, I'm Lin Jing from the Lin family. Nice to meet you."