
The Divine Emperor of Fate

One will to split the heavens apart. One will to make the earth shake. One will to humble the gods. One will to conquer all worlds. Only my will....remains Eternal Note: This is not a ripoff or fanfic of A Will Eterna. Only the synopsis is inspired

Fairytail69 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

Lin Ming didn't say anything. He had respected Lan Yunyue before, but he didn't expect her to end up in someone else's bed. He felt nothing but contempt for her now.

"Haha, you're quite arrogant!" Li Yifeng's face immediately darkened, and he turned to his two henchmen. "You two, go teach him a lesson on how to behave!"

"Kid! You don't know how to show respect to Young Master Feng!" The two henchmen grinned maliciously and approached Lin Ming.

A cold voice suddenly stopped them. "Stop, what do you two want to do?" It was Sheng Mei who walked over.

"So it's Mei." Li Yifeng looked at Sheng Mei, his eyes flashing with infatuation.

Licking his lips, he smiled, "This kid was sneaking around our backstage. He might be trying to peep. I was just about to chase him away."

"He's my husband. Do you want to discipline him?" Sheng Mei said calmly.

"Husband? Impossible!" Li Yifeng was suddenly shocked, and Lan Yunyue was also dumbfounded.

Especially Lan Yunyue, she simply didn't believe that the waste from before could have ended up with Sheng Mei!

"What? Do you have a problem?" Sheng Mei furrowed her brows.

"It's not that... I just didn't know his identity, sorry..." Li Yifeng explained awkwardly. His family was far from the level of the an family, and he didn't dare to offend Sheng Mei.

Seeing Sheng Mei's displeased expression, Li Yifeng quickly changed the subject, "By the way, Mei, you seem to need an accompanist. How about me? I'm a level seven pianist! I'll definitely satisfy you!"

Li Yifeng was somewhat proud as he said this. He was known as the Piano Prince, with exceptional skills. With this ability, he managed to charm many women.

"No need, Lin Ming will accompany me!" Sheng Mei shook her head.

"Miss An, Lin Ming is just a waste, tone-deaf. How could he understand accompaniment? Don't let him deceive you..." Lan Yunyue interjected.

"That's none of your concern." Sheng Mei said coldly, then she grabbed Lin Ming's hand and entered the backstage area.

"Your taste is really poor!" Sheng Mei mocked.

Lin Ming forced a smile, not bothering to argue, and simply said, "Thank you for stepping in for me."

"Don't mention it. Even though you're a disgrace, we are nominally husband and wife. If you make a fool of yourself, it's embarrassing for me too." Sheng Mei said indifferently.

"Um!" Lin Ming's face turned black...

"Alright, let's not waste time. Let's rehearse quickly..." Sheng Mei waved her hand.

"Okay." Lin Ming focused and began rehearsing with Sheng Mei.

Sheng Mei's body was very flexible, her dancing figure was moving and elegant, but the music seemed a bit lacking.

Lin Ming searched through his inherited memories and found a suitable piece, the "Snow Goddess Sonata"!

The "Snow Goddess Sonata" was cold and noble, with beautiful melodies that matched Sheng Mei's temperament.

But before Lin Ming could try the "Snow Goddess Sonata", the program had already started, and performers were taking turns on stage.

Overall, the performances were quite good. It was Lin Ming's first time participating in such an event, so he watched curiously from the sidelines.

Soon, Li Yifeng took the stage.

He was wearing a suit, with meticulously styled hair, and a handsome appearance that instantly attracted countless eyeballs and the infatuated gazes of numerous girls.

Li Yifeng nodded to everyone with great satisfaction, then walked to the piano and assumed a poised posture.

He was playing a piano solo, and his level was indeed impressive. His ten fingers danced gracefully on the keys, producing beautiful notes that delighted the audience.

As the piece ended, the enthusiastic applause lasted for a long time, accompanied by the piercing screams of girls, almost piercing people's eardrums.

Even Sheng Mei nodded slightly, apparently appreciating Li Yifeng's performance.

Only Lin Ming stood there indifferently, his eyes revealing a hint of disdain.

"What? Do you think this piece isn't good?" Lan Yunyue, who knows when she had walked over, sneered.

"It's indeed average." Lin Ming smiled faintly. With his inherited memories, he had access to many divine musical pieces. Naturally, such performances didn't impress him.

"Average? You probably don't know anything." Lan Yunyue's face was full of sarcasm. "You're just a bumpkin. Even if you've got Sheng Mei, you're still not up to standard."

"Hehe..." Lin Ming Mingckled, too lazy to argue with her.

"You say it's average, do you think you can play a better piece?" Lan Yunyue persisted.

"I can easily play a piece better than that!" Lin Ming said casually.

Hearing this, Lan Yunyue became even more disdainful. "Boasting doesn't pay taxes. Let's see how you embarrass yourself later!"

"Lin Ming, come over here, it's our turn!" Just then, Sheng Mei waved from the other side.

"Now, you watch and see what real music is!" 

With that, Lin Ming stood up straight and walked towards the stage!

Sheng Mei's dance skills were very high, so she was the finale.

When the last performance began, the entire auditorium erupted.

"We've finally reached the finale, haha, we get to see Sheng Mei!"

"She's our city's beautiful female entrepreneur, the epitome of elegance!"

"Beautiful and kind-hearted, such a good woman is truly one in a million. I wonder who will be lucky enough to win her heart."

This time, it was the boys' turn to get excited, as many had come just to see her.

Amidst all the anticipation, the stage gradually darkened, and Lin Ming followed Sheng Mei onto the stage.

This performance was a guqin accompaniment to dance!

Lin Ming sat with the guqin, positioned in one corner of the stage, leaving most of it to Sheng Mei.

He was just an accompanist.

Ding dong~

With a light sound, the curtain rose on this dance.

The sound of the guqin was beautiful, with notes leaping and flowing, melodious and gentle, as if one were immersed in a snowy landscape, filled with the poetic sentiment of winter.

Pure, cold, aloof, elegant, just like Sheng Mei's demeanor.

Sheng Mei closed her eyes, experiencing the mood of the music.

She felt as if she were suddenly in the vast northern lands, the earth dressed in silver, surrounded by cold loneliness, the only scenery being the proud snow plum blossoms.

Suddenly, those plum blossoms turned into falling snow, white and pink, interweaving together, so beautiful.