
4: Professional House Demolisher (Part 1)_1

Translator: 549690339

With the Old Lady at home unable to handle affairs, the eldest brother had no choice but to lead his younger brothers in self-reliance. As a result, any of the Liang family brothers you picked would be able to shoulder responsibility, a testament to the training they received since childhood.

After Yue Ning gnawed through two steamed corn breads, he was still a bit hungry, but with the grain bin at home nearly empty and the remaining supplies dwindling, he needed to eat sparingly.

He spotted a stool with a wobbly leg, so he dug out a small hammer and grabbed two small nails, busily tinkering away with it.

Just then, with a creak, someone pushed open the door and walked out of the east room.

Yue Ning furrowed his brow, 'ptooey' spat out the iron nail from his mouth, then glared fiercely at that dark and ugly thing with a fierce gaze.

Dong Huiying was inexplicably met with a hostile glare and stood there stunned.

Earlier, she had been incubating mushrooms inside the house for quite a while, but when nature called, she thought of going to the latrine. As soon as she stepped out the door, she saw Yue Ning, who sat pompously under the eaves, rolling up his sleeves to fix a stool.

The man had broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and long legs, but his facial expression was displeased. He coldly withdrew his gaze, swung the hammer, and continued to work on the small stool, flinging around with a violent beauty that was truly shocking.

Dong Huiying was not foolish and could naturally tell that he had a strong aversion to her, albeit for no apparent reason.

She couldn't help but wonder if the original owner of this body had offended him before?

Otherwise, where did his hostility towards her stem from?

As Huiying stared at him for quite some time, Yue Ning got increasingly agitated inside, so he gave her another cutting glance.

"What is it?"

His face was icy, but his eyes burned with fury, looking as if he wanted to devour someone.

She rubbed her stomach, "I need to use the latrine?"

He was slightly taken aback, "The latrine?"

"Yes, the outhouse, to relieve myself, but I don't know where it is?"

Yue Ning's eyebrow arched in suspicion, thinking what trick she was playing now. Ever since this 'Dong Dabao' came to their Liang family, she really had caused a lot of mess.

He touched his cropped hair, pursed his thin lips, and hardened his face.

Seeing that he was paying her no heed, Dong Huiying sighed softly within and had to fend for herself. Raising her chin, she looked around, eventually spotting a small and low outhouse and guessed that this could be the latrine?

Feeling quite urgent now, she clutched her stomach and ran outside. But then—'clang' went the noise.

Dong Huiying: "..."

Yue Ning's fierce gaze shot toward her instantly, "Dong—Da—Bao—!"

The young girl stood there, dark-faced with freckles, her face filled with confusion and unawareness, now standing in front of the courtyard gate.

The courtyard gate, over a meter tall, had been fixed by Yue Ning just a few days ago. But look at it now? How long had it been, and she had already managed to break it again.

Dong Huiying felt embarrassed inside, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do it?"

She didn't want to become some kind of super-strong destroyer; this was becoming like a professional demolisher, absolutely terrifying.

Without listening to her explanation, Yue Ning rushed over, burning with rage, bent down to pick up the courtyard gate, and saw a large crack splitting the center. He was furious.

This person seemed to always be looking for trouble, ever since she came to their house, tables, stools, windows, and doors would often end up wrecked.

Both he and his fourth brother were quite skilled at carpentry, and often, they would be so busy repairing these things that they were run off their feet, harried and overwhelmed. Yet, she, oblivious to restraint, kept causing more trouble for the family.