
The Divine Disciple

Li Xuan, a young boy with a dream of becoming a powerful cultivator, seeks to prove himself at the prestigious Xuanqing School. When given the opportunity to demonstrate his skills and compete for a coveted position, Li Xuan faces off against a formidable opponent, Wei Chen. Through his unwavering determination and skill, Li Xuan emerges victorious and earns his place among the Xuanqing School's disciples. He sets his sights on even greater heights, determined to become a new god in a world of ancient gods and rise above all others.

lancelot_ · Eastern
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20 Chs

The Path to Ascension

As Li Xuan left the main hall of the Xuanqing School, his mind was consumed with thoughts of the figure's ominous words. He knew that he had made a dangerous decision, but he could not let anything deter him from his goal of becoming a god.

Over the next few days, Li Xuan's thoughts were consumed by the small black stone that the figure had given him. He could feel its power calling to him, urging him to begin his training.

Finally, unable to resist any longer, Li Xuan made his way to a secluded spot in the mountains, far from prying eyes. There, he held the stone tightly in his hand and spoke the words that the figure had taught him.

In an instant, the world around him was plunged into darkness. Li Xuan could feel a sinister presence surrounding him, like a cloak of shadows.

"Welcome, young cultivator," the figure's voice boomed through the darkness. "Are you ready to begin your training?"

Li Xuan hesitated for a moment, but then steeled himself. "Yes," he said, his voice firm.

The figure chuckled darkly. "Very well," they said. "But remember, there is no turning back now."

Li Xuan nodded resolutely, his heart racing with both fear and excitement. He knew that he was taking a huge risk by following this path, but he was determined to see it through to the end.

The figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing themselves to be a tall and imposing man with sharp features and piercing red eyes. He wore a long black robe that billowed around him like a cloak, and his face was lined with age and experience.

"I am Master Qiu," the figure said, his voice deep and commanding. "And I will be your guide on this journey to godhood."

Li Xuan bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Master Qiu," he said.

Master Qiu waved his hand, and the darkness around them dissipated. Li Xuan found himself standing in a large clearing, surrounded by lush forests and towering mountains.

"This will be our training ground," Master Qiu said. "Here, you will learn the secrets of cultivation that will lead you to true power."

And so, Li Xuan began his training under Master Qiu's tutelage. He learned the ancient techniques of cultivation, practicing day and night to perfect his skills. Master Qiu was a harsh taskmaster, pushing Li Xuan to his limits and beyond.

But Li Xuan was determined to succeed. He could feel his power growing with each passing day, his body and mind becoming more attuned to the mystical energies of the world.

As the weeks turned into months, Li Xuan's training became more and more intense. He was pushed to his breaking point time and time again, but he never gave up. He knew that he was on the path to greatness, and he would do whatever it took to reach his goal.

Master Qiu had told him that there was a sacred mountain deep in the heart of the world, where the most powerful cultivators went to test their skills.

The mountain was said to be guarded by fierce beasts and deadly traps, but Li Xuan was undaunted.