
Chapter 0.5

Name : Ian Wynster

Age : 19

Class : Divine Cultivator


"A gasp surrounded the atmosphere as the crystal revealed the stats.... Everyone was shocked and surprised at the result"

Ian was the reincarnation of the "Divine Cultivator" Even though everyone considered him as the weakest, attaining even the Cultivator class was a achievement and would secure your future.

"As they continued the President of the cultivation class was being contacted for a 'special' case. As soon as the President heard the words 'Divine Cultivator' He rushed to the center where Ian took his test"

As the President entered the room everyone was in shock as the President of Cultivation was kneeling infront of Ian"


Everyone Gasped

"President Kandq asked his guards to make everyone move out of the center"

"Ian was not surprised at the sight of the president kneeling infront of him and Ian Mockingly replied that he was weak and started acting like an old man"

I see "Replied president Kandq so This is the Will of an Divine Cultivator"

"Oi President let me test your strength I want to see how strong you are but this body is weak as hell"

"Of course master" Replied Kandq

"When the Divine Cultivator Started realising his aura Ian's Body failed and he died"