

<<Thursday, 24th July, 2017, 8.03PM>>

<<At the Nagano Residence>>

The home, snug and welcoming, invited Kai inside. Opening the door revealed a comforting space filled with the familiar fragrance of home, wrapping him in a sense of belonging.

"Mum, dad, I'm home."

"Welcome home, honey." Akari welcomed, visibly happy to see her son back home. "Your dad’s working late hours so he'll be back later tonight— how were classes today? Did you finally beat your sensei?"

Akari was ever so curious. Being a good mother, she was well aware of her son’s struggle at school.

"Not this time," he replied, saddened by the question asked. "Matter of fact, I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will."

"Awwn. Come here,” Akari embraced her son. “Don't worry, dear. You'll get the win sooner or later, okay?— wanna have lunch?"

"Nah, I ate out. I need some shuteye right now."

"Sure thing, hun."

She kissed Kai’s forehead as a final farewell, relinquishing the hold she had on him. He left for his room, tired by the stress the day had plagued him with. She looked on to her son as she was worried about his well-being. He had been feeling gloomy for the past few weeks 'cause he never got a victory over his Sensei despite his efforts.


In Kai's room, he was long gone into a deep sleep, embracing the comfort of rest.

In his short-lived tranquil slumber, a voice called him in the realm of peace.

"Let me in, Kai," the voice requested.

"What if I don't want to?" he questioned.

"You just have to… for the greater good, let me in…"

In submission to the voice in his head, what manifested was a void which continuously gave way. In his vision-like dreams, he discussed with an unknown being.

"What do you want? Why do you keep bothering me?" Kai asked the shadow-like mysterious figure.

He appeared to have a muscular build with a dark, sinister voice.

"Kai, aren't you tired?— tired of losing to him? Fed up of all the constant teases from your friends for your every loss?" The figure started off strong.

"Well, yeah. Who wouldn't be?" Kai rightfully pointed out.

"Exactly! You work your butt off. You train your body and mind every frickin' day, yet, to no avail."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I can help you, Kai."

"Help me?... " Kai asked, confused as to how his dreams could solve his problem. "And how exactly do you intend to do that?"

"Follow me, and you will see," the figure concluded calmly.

Upon agreeing, he took Kai by his hand to what seems to be another spatial dimension where there's nothing but void.

"What is this place?" he asked.

"You see that?" the mysterious figure asked as he pointed North-East.

He looked towards the direction to see a glowing sky blue orb at the center of the void.

"Yeah, I see that."

"This, Kai, is the true you… your inner self…. your core… and for you to be able to achieve all your heart desires, you need to connect to your true self and know the true meaning of the power that lies within you."

Kai was instantly mesmerized by the sight of his supposed core.

'Wait. I really shouldn't be trusting a man from my dreams,' he thought.

"Well, I know you must be thinking why you would trust a mere manifestation of your dreams in what seems to be imaginary, but I say to you right here that all you see is reality."

"Hmph... Then what can I do to connect to this power within me?" he resented.

"Glad you made the right choice… the only choice," the figure responded, smirking deviously.

"What do you mean, 'the only choice?'"

The Figure took the hand of Kai and they warped towards the reach of the core. Kai saw upfront his Core in all its glory. Suddenly, the Core began glowing even brighter than before.

"That's it, Kai. Harness the power within."

He could feel the sheer power emanating from his Core. As Kai was just about to get in touch with the Core, they forcibly got absorbed into it which caused him to wake up forcefully in extreme fright.

<<Friday, 25th July, 2017, 8.09AM>>

Gasping from the shock, Kai soon realized that it was all a dream…’

'I guess it's just a dream, but it sure didn't feel like it. Oh well…' he concluded as he fell back on his bed.


As he was about to sleep some more, his alarm rang indicating that it was time to freshen up for school.

Visibly shocked, he freshened up, ate his food and ran out of the house to school yelling a good morning and a goodbye to his mum and dad all in ten minutes. They waved goodbye to him as he rushed out.

Finally getting to school after a ten minute run, he paused to catch a breath. Ash, his classmate, walked up to him.

"You better hurry up for classes. Don't wanna make Shujin mad, do you?" Ash asked.

"Right!" he replied, catching his breath.

They head on together to the training field as the bell rang the minute they entered the arena. They found Shujin meditating on the battle ring.

"Thought you'd be late, Kai. I was starting to believe that you've finally given up."

"Me… giving up?" Kai questioned boldly. "Like I'd ever… I ain't here this time around to serve as your punching bag. I'm feeling different today… I will defeat you and get rid of that smug look from your face."

"I guess we just have to wait and see," Shujin said, smirking.

Kai stepped up to face his opposition.

"What's the catch this time around?" Shujin raised as they began to set the rules for the bout.

<<In the background>>

"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling that it's just Kai vs Shujin-sensei all the time. When will we get our turn?" Akira questioned.

"You really wanna get your ass beaten up?" Yua asked.

"Good point."

Kai and Shujin began a thrash talking session.

"The usual. I wouldn't want you crying over me winning 'cause I made use of a weapon," Kai mocked.

The students stirred up the mood of violence with an exclamation.

"Hmph..." he exclaimed as he was impressed by his boldness. "What's with the new found confidence?"

"Hmph… What's the matter, Sensei? Finally feeling fear?"

The students exclaimed in shock. There was complete silence, but Shujin broke the ice.

"Enough talk. Start the match."

The second the referee called for the bell, the match was underway.

••• ∅ •••

You know, ever since the conversation with the strange dude in my dreams, I've been feeling different... This sudden confidence boost is kind of strange to me. I guess I owe it all to "him." All of a sudden, I felt on top of the world. For the first time, I can feel the adrenaline in me pumping. It wasn't always this way. To be honest, I don't want this feeling to end. Could this be it? Could this newfound feeling… be The Power Within?

••• ∅ •••