
Sabaody archipelago

The two years worth of training summed up could be called hell for Ace. Everyday he had Rei launching swords or projectiles at him disregarding his safety while he is blindfolded, but if he is injured Rei just uses Avalon to heal him. As for the fire control, Rei had Ace imagine increasing the speed he burn his fire and concentrating it in a smaller area. The results? Blue fire which is a lot hotter than his normal fire.

"Oi Ace, hurry up. You down want to miss out meeting Luffy do you?" Rei said yawning while Ace is dodging 8 blades attacking him while he is blind folded.

"Oi Rei! you try it then!" Ace said dodging another blade before melting the sword with his newly acquired blue fire.

"Na i've already done it you see." Rei said nonchalantly.

"Hey Eve, so how long do we have left until Luffy reaches Sabaody archipelago?" Rei asked preparing to leave.

{Eto you have 5 hours till Luffy reaches the place.} Eve replied.

"Thanks. You know what Eve, once I eat the Gura Gura no mi(Quake quake fruit) without side effects I think I should be able to make you a body." Rei said with a smile on his face.

{Really!!! Hahahaha! I'm getting a body!!!} Eve shouted happily.

While Eve was partying, Rei had a smile on his face.

"Hey Rei, why are you smiling randomly?" Ace asked while he melted the last sword.

"Nothing, now lets go. We have 5 hours to get to Sabaody archipelago." Rei said standing up and walking out of the shade, he looked the same as 2 years ago.

With the addition of his Alucard bloodline, Rei didn't age a bit. In addition to this, in these two years Rei had also saw news about a outbreak in Impel down. The warden Magellan had to flood the whole prison with corrosion poison to stop it from spreading. This had caused the prison to be unusable.

"You know the drill, grab on." Rei said as he prepared to fly towards Sabaody archipelago.

"Shouldn't I get some cloths to hide myself?" Ace asked.

"We'll get it when we get there. After all, we're meeting Rayleigh first." Rei said as he took off.

Arriving at Sabaody archipelago, Rei could a island full of tall tree's while the top was covered with bubbles. Sending out observation haki, Rei found Rayleigh drinking at Shakky's rip off bar in groove 13. Landing outside, Rei retracted his bankai before entering.

"Yo Rayleigh!" Rei called out as he saw him drinking.

"Hahaha hello Uncrowned Emperor Rei." Rayleigh replied.

"Hahahaha stop that." Rei said as Ace followed in with him.

"Say Rayleigh you have anything to help Ace here to hide himself before he find's Luffy?" Rei asked pointing at Ace.

"Yeah, just talk to Shakky over there." Rayleigh said to Rei and Ace.

"Thank you." Ace said before going to Shakky.

"So Rayleigh, how is the training for Luffy?" Rei asked making some small talk.

Soon Ace reappeared in a long black cloak.

"Now then Ace, lets go meet Luffy." Rei said standing up.

Bidding goodbye to Rayleigh and Shakky, Rei and Ace set off once more.

"So I haven't told you this before but my goals are to kill two of the Emperors of the sea and overthrow the world government." Rei said dropping the bomb on Ace.

"...!!!!" Ace stopped walking as he heard what Rei said.

"Are you serious?!" Ace asked quickly.

"Of course I am. If I get rid of the world government the four emperors will want a piece. So I might as well kill them too." Rei said as they approached the open space where Luffy will kill the pacifista.

"Hey Ace, you wanna join me?" Rei asked Ace as they reached the space where the fake Strawhat's are recruiting and sat down to spectate.

"Since oyaji is dead I might as well follow you to rip out the world government." Ace said with a grin.

"Hahaha indeed."

Looking forward, Rei saw the pacifista's approach.

"Alright Ace, ready to reveal yourself to the world?" Rei asked standing up.

"Hahaha of course." Ace said standing up as well. Walking towards Luffy who had his massive bag, Rei was about to speak when the pacifista fired a shot at him. Snapping his finger, Rei sent a sword at the shot causing it to prematurely blow up.

"Oi.....Did you just fire that shot at me?" Rei asked as the dust cleared. Everyone went pale as they saw Rei standing there looking slightly pissed.

"Uncrowned Emperor Rei.....Bounty....2.5BILLION!!!!!" Someone shouted in fear.

"WHAT!! WHY IS HE HERE?!?!?" People started to shake in fear as they saw Rei.

"Oi fat bastard." Rei called out to Sentomaru who wielded an axe.

"Do you want to die?" Rei said summoning an array of swords. Sentomaru slowly backed away as he knew that someone like Rei is way above him. However, some marine had tried to shoot him in panic only for the bullet to be deflected.

"Hahahaha, Rei seems like you're not feared enough yey..." Ace said as Luffy's eyes went wide and teared up hearing the familiar voice.

"No....It can't be..." Luffy said looking at the person covered with a cloak.

"Hahaha really? Show me how you would cause fear then." Rei said untracing the swords in the air.

"With pleasure, FIRE FIST!!!!" Ace shouted as his cloak burned off. A fist of fire launched towards the marines as everyone including reporters buckled in fear as they saw Ace alive.

"Make a report QUICK. GOLD ROGERS BLOOD LIVES!!!! FIRE FIST ACE IS ALIVE!!!!" reporters shouted in fear seeing Ace.

"Yo Luffy! Long time no see." Ace said with his trademark smile.

"ACCCCCCEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Luffy shouted as he hugged Ace and cried his heart out.

"Hahaha Ace, go talk with Luffy for a bit. I'll take care of this." Rei said walking towards the remaining marine.

"Now then do you want to fight or run?" Rei said unleashing conquerors haki.

"RRUUUUNNNNN!!!!!" The marines shouted in fear as they quickly ran away.

"LUFFY!!!!" Sanji and Zoro shouted as they approached the area.

"WHAT!!!!! ACE?!?!?!?" They then paused and shouted seeing Ace alive and well.

"Hahaha come on Ace, let's go to their ship before the marines blow it up." Rei said as he patted Ace's shoulder.

"Hahaha Luffy we can talk in a bit, let's join up wit the rest your crew first." Ace said patting Luffy's head.

"UN!!" Luffy nodded with tears and snot everywhere.

Jogging over to the ship everyone was speechless as they saw Ace still alive as well as the fact that the Uncrowned Emperor knew Luffy.

"Luffy! You know Rei has a bounty of 2.5 billion!!!! He killed Akainu a marine and wiped out over 40% of the marine force!!!" Nami said to Luffy who was slightly clueless.

"So he's really strong then." Luffy said before turning to Ace.

"So Ace how are you alive? The vivre card burnt out didn't it?" Luffy asked.

"Hahaha well you see before I woke up I remember "dying" in your arms. But when I woke up I was alive and hungry so I found a fruit and was about to eat it before Rei here punched me." Ace said with a shrug.

"Well Luffy's not wrong you know. You were dead but just as you died I healed you bringing you back to life. So the vivre card did burn out but just after it I revived you." Rei said while he leaned on the railings.

"Ehhh?!?!? How are you able to do that?!?!" The crew asked with burning curiosity.

Snapping his fingers, Rei traced out Avalon.

"This sheath is called Avalon, it allows me to heal any wound as long as they haven't been there for a long time. So if I reached Ace later, he would be dead." Rei said as he untraced Avalon.

"How are you able to make weapons out of thin air." Zoro asked looking at Rei.

"Any weapon I see is stored as knowledge and I can remake them continuously. Essentially they are fake but I can make them real once I improve. That is one of my abilities." Rei said telling them about Unlimited Blade Works.

"Let me show you. Zoro can you show me your three swords?" Rei asked.

Nodding zoro pulled out the three katana's. Looking at the blades, Rei snapped his fingers and multiple copies appeared floating in the air.

"Your kidding..." Zoro said looking at the blades. Swinging one of his sword towards it, he could see that his sword is evidently slightly better than the copies.

"See my weapons are copies, but soon once I improve I will be able to make them real." Rei said dispersing the swords.

"Now then, you guys have your journey while we have ours. It's a shame to part here but we'll meet in the future." Rei said as he used his bankai and unfurled 14 wings.

"See ya soon Luffy." Ace said as he grabbed onto Rei. Bidding farewell the duo flew off.

"So Rei where next?" Ace asked.

"We'll go look for some trouble with Kaido first." Rei said flying faster towards the second half of the grand line.

and thats a wrap. Feel free to comment what you think. Discord link is here if you want to join: https://discord.gg/RB89zaF

And as with always,


Reilicreators' thoughts