

While the world was in chaos after Rei had killed Kaido, Rei himself was preparing to build the body for Eve.

"Ace keep watch for me ok. I need to do something important and I can't break my concentration too much." Rei said looking at Ace.

"Sure." Ace said as he walked away.

Making sure that Ace is far enough Rei continued on with his plan. Sitting down, Rei entered his mindscape.

"Fuuuu, you ready Eve?" Rei asked as he prepared to make her body.

{Yeah, just don't exert yourself too much Rei.} Eve said with worry.

"Don't worry Eve, now....AVALON!!" Rei shouted as the sheath appeared. Stamping downwards, energy flooded the mindscape. A rainbow of energy was gathering towards where Rei stood. Veins could be seen tensed, as Rei concentrated in making Eve's body.

"HAAAAAAAA!" Rei shouted as he tried to exert more power towards the making process. He wanted Eve's body to be the best it could be. One which she could also protect herself.

Clasping his hands together, Rei started to make the female body base.

The land in the mindscape shattered as Rei attempted to create a something that went against the law of nature. The world laws forced Rei and Avalon out of the mindscape, lighting clouds gathers as it tried to stop Rei.

"FUCK OFF!!!!" Rei shouted as he opened the 7th gate.

"BANKAI!!!! NANATSU NO TENGOKU!!!" Rei shouted as 14 wings appeared.


The 14 wings detached and formed 7 domes stacked on top of each other.

"RHO AIAS!!!" Shouting once more, Rei added another 7 layers of protection.

The clouds rumbled as lighting started to gather. Energy swirled around in the clouds as Rei continued to make Eve's body.

Rei's eyes became blood shot as he concentrated harder. His body thrummed with power. Separating his palms, Rei pointed one up and the other down. Moving both hands in a clockwise motion, Rei slammed them together once more as the rainbow energy started to string itself around Avalon.


Heavenly lighting crashed into the defensive manoeuvres that Rei had put in place. Instantly decimating Rho Aias, the lighting continued onto the 7 layered protection array. The lighting had faltered slightly before it started to break through the array.


The first layer shattered.

"Tsk!!!" Rei clicked his tongue as the energy started to form the torso of Eve.


Two more layers shattered as the lightning gained momentum.

"HAAAAA!!!!!" Rei shouted as thousands of blades shot out of the ground flying towards the lighting. Sparks flew everywhere as the blades broke one after another.

"LUCIFER!!!! HELP OUT!!!" Rei shouted as he bit his lip and spat out a drop of blood.

"Hahahaha Rei, making the lass a body now are we? Well, retract your blades and don't waste your energy. I got this." Lucifer said as he formed himself from the drop of blood. Wearing black armour with short black hair, Lucifer could be seen with devilish charm. Unfurling his wings, Lucifer shot towards the lightning. Rei retracted the swords and increased the speed of the energy gathering.

"HAHAHA!!! Puny lightning...disappear!!!" Lucifer shouted as he sent his own black lightning towards it. The two clashed causing it to split up and spread to other parts of the island reducing mountains to dust.

Rei exerted himself as much as he could. Almost kneeling from the lack of energy, Rei stamped down as hard as he could causing the ground to crack.

{REI STOP IT'S FINE!!!! FORGET IT!!!} Eve shouted seeing the lightning strike both harder and faster to the point even Lucifer had some problem. She didn't want Rei to be hit by it as she knew he could die the moment it hit him.

Stubborn, Rei shook his head as he quickly ate a healing pill to keep going. He couldn't give up now, he was so close and the finish was within his grasp. Taking a deep breath in, Rei shouted trying to exert himself more.


His aura exploded out in a frenzy as his skin ripped and repaired as ridiculous speeds. More and more energy was gathered towards him increasing the speed to making Eve's body.

"KUAH!!!" Lucifer shouted as he coughed up blood when the lighting struck him. Crashing back down on the earth, Lucifer stood up holding the wound that opened up on his shoulder.

"Fuck! I, Lucifer, the origin demon shall fight you for a hundred rounds you lighting fucker!" Lucifer shouted as he flew back up for another fight. Aiming his hand upwards Lucifer gathered purple fire which then slowly changed from purple to blue to white and finally pure black as the fire started to burn light itself.

"DISAPPEAR!!!!" Lucifer shouted as the fire shot upwards erasing all the lightning that could be seen. However, with each one destroyed another two formed.

"FUCK!" Lucifer cursed looking as this. Looking down at his body, Lucifer could see that he couldn't stay out for any longer.

"Tsk! REI!!!! THE REST IS UP TO YOU!!" He shouted as his body turned back to blood.

Lighting gather once more in large quantities as Rei was about to finish the body. The lightning morphed into a lance to increase it's piercing power. Striking down faster than the speed of sound, the lightning crushed 3 of the remaining 4 layers of protection.

"COME ON!!!!!!" Rei shouted as he formed the last few section of Eve's body.



Just before he could finish, the lightning had broke through the last layer and struck Rei's body causing him to cry out in pain and spit out blood.

{REI!!!} Eve shouted in panic seeing Rei get struck by lightning.

Rei's vision started to fade as he fell on his knee's. From what remained of his vision, Rei could see the body almost finish forming. Exerting himself one last time, Rei pushed to form the last piece.

"Eve, go...insert.....soul.....energy....." Rei said weakly as his vision faded. Eve quickly infused her soul energy into the body taking control of it.

"REI!!!!" Eve grabbed Rei into her embrace before he could fall. Looking down she could see his face pale and covered with blood. Moving his white hair away from his face, Eve watched Rei take weak shallow breaths.

"Baka Rei...." Eve said quietly with tears at the corners of her eyes as she held him.

The lightning had stopped the moment Eve's body had finished forming. The clouds dispersed as the skies calmed.

"Who are you?!" A voice shouted.

----------(Ace P.O.V)----------

"Who are you?!"

I quickly asked in shock and confusion. Earlier, there had been lightning striking down in this location which had even caused the mountains to disappear. But what kind of lightning was that? My body didn't listen to me and I couldn't move. Once I could, I ran towards where Rei was and there she was. Long pale blue hair, deep blue eyes and wearing a white one piece dress. She held Rei in her embrace like he was the most precious thing in the world, she didn't even notice her dress stained by Rei's blood. She looked over at me for a slight moment before she turned back to Rei. I wasn't sure what her objectives are but with Rei this injured I can't take chances. I walked towards her slowly to not startle her but purple fire suddenly lit up in a circle around her and Rei. Blades appeared mid air and ice lances formed.

WHAT!!! How does she have Rei's abilities?!?!?!


"Urg where am I??" Rei said as he looked around him.


There were nothing around him, no land, no water, no sky. Just a white space which oddly didn't hurt the eyes.

"EVE!!" Rei suddenly remember what happened before he passed out. He started to panic as he couldn't hear her voice.

"Rei don't panic." A neutral voice rang out.

"WHO!!!" Rei shouted as he went on the defensive.

"I am the system god or as Eve like to call Main System. I would like to thank you for making her a body. While she did originate from me, you have made her a separate entity. She is effectively my daughter, and while I cannot display emotions like her I still know when to say thanks. So Rei, I am grateful for you making her a body despite the difficulties. If you had gave up at the end her body would have been a failure." The voice of the main system rang out.

"So your her parent?" Rei asked in mild confusion.

"Yes, I don't have much time to talk to you but I have given you and her a gift which will be unlocked once you enter the Ascendant combat rank. And don't you dare dissapoint her, because you don't want to find out what I can do with my authority as the system god." The main system said before the space started to collapse.


Before Rei could even react he blacked out once more.

and thats a wrap. feel free to tell me what you think. Discord like is here if you want to join

: https://discord.gg/RB89zaF

I'll be drawing what Eve will look like tonight and post on discord.

And as with always,


Reilicreators' thoughts