Silver Dragon tenno codenamed Talos. It's been nearly eight earth months since the scarlet spear operation when little duck brought together a tenno armada to help turn the tide against the sentient threat led by Erra sister of the sentient known as Natah formally known as the Lotus. When the new tenno armada was formed it was chaos and we were struggling on how we needed to fight the sentient's.
By the time we managed to get our heads on straight on the operating procedure of operation scarlet spear. The downside of the operation despite the fact we managed to resurrect the Railjack warships not every tenno was able to build one or knew how to operate them we were so green along with the flaws and glitches that came with the re-creation of the warships from the old war.
When the operation was at its height the pilots of the were called "Red Fangs" because once we managed to board a murax we striked with the ferocity of a viper and poison them with their own codes it seems a little silly looking back now but whenever the ground forces on earth looked up after sending us the condrixes they say "now it's the red fangs turn". During the operation Little duck some how got information on Erra and Natah saying that Erra may not who he claims to be due to an a exchange between him and Natah with Natah being certain that we destroyed him and Erra seemingly forced Natah to command the the sentient war factories in place of their mother then Erra letting go of Ballas's leash.
Personally I'm not sure what to make of the situation since there's simply not enough information to go on but with the new operation in the works we might be able to figure out why on who might be really pulling the sentient's strings.
The point of these entries is to help you get a feel of the warframe universe and I'm using certain names like "red fang" because during the Vietnam war certain combat pilots who flew into warzones were known as "red tails" and they flew in and dropped in or picked up troops to fight off insurgents and I think the warframe railjack pilots would be given a similar name because they flew in and dropped off fighters to the murax dreadnought and fight the sentient's