
The Discarded Duchess

The story follows the journey of Amara, a young lady whose life takes a drastic turn when her family plots to sell her off to secure their ambitions. With courage as her only weapon, she embarks on a daring escape, accompanied only by her loyal maid and an enigmatic stranger. As Amara navigates the treacherous paths of deception and despair, she discovers unexpected allies and challenges her inner demons. From the opulent halls of her family's estate to the rugged wilderness of the unknown, join her on a heart-pounding adventure filled with twists, turns, and ultimate sacrifices. Will Amara find the strength to rise above her circumstances and forge a new destiny? Or will the shadows of her past consume her, leaving her forever discarded? This is a tale of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit."

GPX · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Thundering Escape (preview)

 The rhythmic pounding of hooves against the sun-baked earth vibrated through the wooden frame of the wagon. Inside, Amara squeezed her eyes shut, the sound of a relentless drumbeat mirroring the rhythm of her own heart.

"They're gaining on us," Kylea hissed, peeking through a small crack in the boarded window. Dust motes swirled in the shaft of sunlight that pierced the gloom of the wagon, momentarily illuminating the worry etched on her young face.

"How close?" Amara's voice was barely a whisper, raw with a mixture of fear and determination.

"Too close, my lady" Kylea replied grimly. "They'll be upon us within the next bend."

 A groan escaped Joshua from the driver's seat. He was a sturdy man, weathered by years of toil, but the past month of relentless flight had etched new lines of strain onto his face.

 "We need a plan," he muttered, gripping the reins tightly. "They'll cut us down at the next crossroads. We have to do something before then."

 Amara's mind raced. The crossroads they were approaching was notorious. Although one path led them closer to their goal, it couldn't change their current situation. The other branch ventured into the uncharted Northlands, a region shrouded in rumors and whispers, but untouched by the reach of the Skyer Duchy or any other forces in the kingdom.

"Northlands," she blurted out, her voice gaining a hint of steel. "Let's go through the northlands."

 Kylea's eyes widened. "But Amara, that's... There's nothing but-"

 "There's nothing for them to follow us either," Amara interrupted, her voice gaining conviction. "It's a gamble, but do you have any better option right now?!"

 Joshua hesitated, the weight of the decision heavy on his brow. He glanced back through the window, catching a glimpse of the approaching riders. Their faces were obscured by dust and distance, but the glint of sun off their breastplates sent a shiver down his spine.

 "Alright," he finally said, a resolute glint in his eyes. "Northlands it is. Hold on tight, both of you!"

 With a flick of the reins, he steered the wagon sharply to the right, the wheels screeching in protest as they veered onto the uneven track leading north. The jolt nearly threw them all off balance, but they clung on with desperate tenacity.

 From behind, a roar of frustration rose from the pursuing horsemen. Amara could almost hear the curses and shouts, their anger fueled by the unexpected events. She peeked out the window, catching a glimpse of the dust cloud behind them as the frustrated riders struggled to adapt to the new course.

 Suddenly, a new sound pierced the air. A shrill whistle, sharp and insistent, echoed from the distance. Amara's heart plummeted. It wasn't the panicked shouts of the horsemen, but something different, something ominous.

"What was that?" Kylea asked, her voice laced with fear.

 Joshua remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. He flicked a worried glance towards the northern horizon, his weathered face etched with a new layer of concern. The whistle had been a signal, a warning. It meant that someone else was aware of their escape and that someone might not be on their side.

 The wagon rumbled on as the hooves' sound faded into silence, leaving behind the familiar Skyer territory. The whistle marked a crucial point in their journey as they entered an unknown land, full of whispers and shadows, with no guarantee of safety or acceptance.