
The Disastrous Life of a Gamer

What will you do when in the middle of the night, you will wake up with a wild Deadpool standing in front of your bed ? And how will you react when your entire life will turn into a game? I do not own anything other than the story and the OC characters.

MeatBunKun · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 30 Date with Hinata

Hinata was rolling in her bed while waiting for Tenten to help her dress for her date with Haru.

Five minutes later, Tenten entered the room with a bunch of clothes that only she knows from where she got them.

"Get up, Hinata. We have a lot of work to do for you to look perfect and blow his mind off."

Saying those words, Tenten took Hinata from her bed and start watching her trying different outfits for more than an hour before both of them settled onto something quite simple, yet still attractive and beautiful.

The outfit wasn't anything special or extravagant like a dress or some expensive jackets and jeans, no, Hinata decided to wear a pair of blue jeans and a dark undershirt, and while it may seem too casual, Tenten and Hinata believe that going on a date wearing something like this was way better than showing off wearing something expensive.

<Haru POV>

Meanwhile, I was driving my newly acquired Triumph Tiger 1050 towards my home. At first, I didn't want to buy a motorcycle, but after a little bit of brainstorming and just for the sake of it, I decided to find one of the popular bikes made in 2007 and I managed to find one in England thanks to my ghosts that are in every important or major country in the world. After I switched my position with one of my ghosts in the UK, I approached the guy that owned the bike and after a few minutes of talking and one or two mind control spells, I managed to buy the bike for just 1000 pounds. Poor guy, when he will find out that he got scammed?

When I arrived in front of my compound, I saw Hinata waiting for me and I've got to say that I liked what I saw. Somehow, we decided to wear casual clothes and even more interesting is the fact that our outfits were matching.

Parking two meters away from her, I got off my bike and walked towards her.

"G'day, my lady. Would you like to go on a ride with me?"

Hearing my words, she giggles a little before, with the most serious face, I ever saw her, she responded.

"Thank you for your offer, my fine sire, but I will have to refuse. I'm waiting for someone and I don't want to cheat on him."

Both of us were looking at each other before we burst into a laugh.

"Hahaha, you surprised me, Hinata-chan. I didn't know you could pull up such a joke."

"Thank you for your compliment, Haru-kun. It took me a while to learn how to get past my shyness. By the way, do you have a place in mind?"

"I was thinking about going to an amusement park. What do you say?"

"To be honest, I didn't think something like this existed until I saw some pictures on the internet and I would love to experience it."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

To be honest, I was surprised that she learned a bit about my world, and seeing that she was excited, I throw a helmet towards her. Hinata caught the helmet. Smiling at me, she wore the helmet, before she climbed on my bike.

I took off from there and started driving towards the amusement park while Hinata was hugged me as if her life was depending on that.

When we reached the amusement park, Hinata was excited as she has never come to the amusement park because in her world they didn't have one, and to be honest with my feelings, even I was excited to visit the amusement park. I remember that one time when I was a kid and my mother brought me here to forget about what happened with my dad.

"Haru-kun let's ride the roller-coaster first!"

"Sure thing, cutie pie."

Hearing my teasing words, Hinata holds my hand and starts dragging me towards the roller-coaster.

After the rollercoaster, Hinata becomes even bolder with her actions and from the simple, yet lewd hand holding to occasionally giving me kisses on my cheek and even pressing my hand into her holy mountains of happiness. I didn't say a word as a man and even more as a horny teenager, I was enjoying her treatment.

As she was so excited about the whole date, Hinata dragged me to most of the rides and we tried most of the games where I won all of the prizes for her.

"Haru-kun, let's try the cars."

She kept asking me to ride different rides with her and I happily followed her. Why would I do that, you may ask? To tell you the truth, I was glad that I could make her smile which she did during all of those rides, and without a doubt, she was slowly getting over her shyness and her past self.

After running around the amusement park and riding all the rides that were present in the park, we decided to eat something.

"Hinata-chan, let's eat something, then we can continue our date."

We decided to order some burgers and some fries and eat them at the terrace of the fast-food shop.

"After this lunch, we can go to the Haunted House that you wanted to go to so much but I want you to promise me that you will not blow or destroy anything inside. After all, even if they are looking scary, I doubt they can surpass Sakura's airport and Danzo, but we need to be sure and safe."

"Really we can go to the haunted house then I promise I will not destroy the building, I hope…"

I smiled and nodded my head after which we finished our lunch and after we eat some ice cream, Hinata kissed me on the cheek for being so thoughtful.

After we had our lunch, I bought two tickets for the haunted house.

As we walked into the haunted house, I got to know a new side of her. Apparently, she was afraid of ghost's even though not like other girls that would scream and cry, but still, she is a little bit scared of them as for her, ghosts didn't exist and seeing one was scary, even if the said ghost wasn't really a ghost.

At one point, we were slowly making our way through the house when suddenly, a man dressed as a zombie popped out of the ground right in front of us.

When she saw the zombie, Hinata didn't even hesitate and kicked the man right in his face knocking the poor man out.

I laugh seeing her so panicked and sorry for what she did, but after pouring some water on his face, the man woke and apologize for scaring us, before he left, he begged us to not beat anyone anymore.

We continue to walk through the house while occasionally getting jump scared by some of the works and if that wasn't the peak of the date, I don't know what could make Hinata kiss me on the lips. Every single time, someone jump scared us, She would tightly put my arm into her breasts while she got closer to me.

By the time we left the haunting house, the sun was slowly going down. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, I took her towards the ferries wheel.

When we got on the top of the ride, I decided to make my move and I kissed Hinata. At first, she didn't react, probably her poor brain couldn't process what happened but after a minute or two, she starts counterattacking me.

After good know how many minutes, we noticed that we were almost at the base of the ride and we will need to leave the ride soon. Fixing our clothes and Hinata's hair, we left the ride under the playful gaze of the woman that was starting the ride.

Older women or MILF are scary, you know. They can smell you from kilometers away and would try to seduce you, not that I complain or anything…

As we were walking towards the parking lot, I met someone, I didn't think or dreamed that I would meet too soon.

In front of us where Ms. Hyoudou and Miss Hyoudou while between them was a girl that strangely enough resembled Issei in some way and if I didn't saw her almost passing out when she gazed at my crotch, not to mention seeing her parents, I would most likely call her Aika.

But after they left with their car, it hit me: Maybe that's why Issei liked men. What if he was originally a girl and by some strange incident she becomes a he. God forbids, who in his right mind would create something that could change the sex of a person?

Leaving those scary thoughts behind, we got onto my bike and I drive towards our home, after a successful date.

(At the end of the chapter will be hall of honors for my patr3ons that supports me from now on)

Guard Class- Caesar

Survivor Class : James/ Juan D. /Exactingspoon/Impunity and Osmund O.

Thank you guys for your support and thank you to all of the readers here on webnovel)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters or just for supporting me.


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