
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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The Books

Ryan: The first Book is a book on Weather. This encompasses the four seas, Grandline, New world and even the calm belts weather. How to detect changes that will occur before they happen and the best way to move through them. Perfect for Navigator's. The second book is about basic and some advanced medical knowledge. Perfect for an aspiring Doctor. The third book is on the basics of Science written by the M.A.D.S. team. The fourth book is on how to construct and build ships. From a small sail boat to even an island ship.

Picking up the last book he said

Ryan: Those four books. Are important because even the most vicious pirate will not kill people who hold those professions. But this book is for those at the bottom. Those around the world starving because of Heavenly Gold. Those with dreams of the sea or ambitions to dominate this book is a book to change your life. It's a detailed step by step process on how to become a strong person on this sea. From physical body training, To dieting, Navy Six, and even Haki and Devil Fruit knowledge.

Opening the book he said

Ryan: For those who want to be Swordsmen. You have Hawkeye's, Flower Sword Vista, Crazy Sword Franklin, Red Earl and others knowledge. You have knowledge for sniper's, fist fighters and others. This book is a collection of knowledge and experience of the worlds strongest powerhouses today. Aside from the Marines, WG and the Two faced guy with a ghost heart. It's about to enter the year of 1519. Five years. In five years I will wage all out war with the WG and when I win Im going to take Pluton and Poseidon and destroy every island that doesn't have a battle power of at least a Navy Rear Admiral. Bring them out

Several people brought ten boxes filled with different colored fruit's. Each box was then given to each of the ten winner's.

Ryan: Now you all saw the strength of these guys. The Marines, WG, Revolutionary Army and Pirates have been wondering. Why did the strength of my crew grow so fast. Become so strong. Well watch closely. Eat them all.

The ten guys began to eat the fruits and the bodies began to change. After eating them all Ryan pointed to the two weakest and said.

Ryan: You two stand apart and throw an all out punch.

The two nodded and the world saw the hands turn black. The two punched out and people saw even though the punches didn't touch. Some form of substance touched in the air. Almost invisible.

Ryan: This is the third stage of Armament Haki. External release. I'm pretty sure every force on this sea understands and has probably shit their pants. As these ten who originally aren't anything noteworthy. Became powerhouses that at least two or more Elite Vice Admirals or even the Admiral would need to deal with. So it's not a matter of If. Only when. So if you all don't try to grow your strength. Then you can only die. You have until the year 1524. Until then You better get stronger. Don't believe that those Kings will protect you. They'll only become more daring once they have their own powerhouse. Even if you want to live an ordinary and Normal life. You must have the strength to do so. Who knows when Pirates will come. Or a celestial dragon wants to take your wife or family as slaves. Or a scum marine decides to bully you. The weak have no right to decide how they live or die. So get stronger or you may become a victim

The Screen went black as the people around the world still looked stunned by the amount of information. Then they found the sky to be covered with seagulls dropping packages. Package after package. When revealed it was the Five book's shown by Ryan.

Then something unexpected happened on populated Islands. People found that it wasn't enough and began to scramble for them. Pirates fought with civilians, Marines, Kingdom Soldiers and Vice Versa. Kings tried to take them away only for the civilians to resist.

Obviously not trusting the person who rules the land. The words that Ryan spoke at the end obviously touched some people. And with the fear of two ancient weapons hanging over them they of course resist.

Although they didn't understand what happened with the fruits. They of course understand the Admiral. Such fruits created people that even the Navy Admiral has to come and contend with. They of course felt that if he could make ten then he could make more. The Marines only have three Admirals and although the strength of the WG is unknown.

They know that several WG powerhouses are hanging from crosses on Hatchinos. As for how much battle power the WG has. It's unknown but how much could they have left. And with the constant defeat at the Disaster Pirates the people of the world didn't have much confidence in them. So the world erupted in turmoil for these books.

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

At this moment only Marines of Rear Admiral rank and above are here.

Garp: You still think it's blind confidence Sakazuki?


Aokiji: It's really astounding to create such a powerful person. And these notes are definitely Teacher Zephyr's.

Kizaru: It's terrible~ Marshall I take it actions against the Disaster Pirates are labeled run on sight right.

Tsuru: Zephyr most likely saw this in action and felt the WG had no chance.

Gion: Even Tea Dolphin's knowledge on sniping is in here

Comil: Marshall Kong's knowledge is in here. But it doesn't give a name which is good.

Sengoku: We really can't compete with them. I reckon the world has gone completely mad at this time. Instead of an Era of Pirates. It'll be an Era of Strength. I wonder how they'll fight against this.

Garp: Fight. What to fight. The high-end combat power can no longer compare. Or rather even if all institutions band together. We'll only be above by a small margin. Although I don't know how he can make such fruits. It's definitely easier for him to make an Admiral than us. Besides what's it got to do with us. It's just changing who rules the world. We're still the Marines.

Aokiji: Awesome

Akainu: Humph. I won't listen to Pirates anyway

Kizaru: Isn't it good to follow orders

Tsuru: It's really you Garp

Sengoku: That's right. We're still the Marines. Let the order go down to all marines. Prevent the fighting of the people. Eliminate Pirates and try to calm the situation. If need be let people make copies of these books by hand if they really want it. Although it's disadvantages to us. We can also take advantage of this knowledge. We have the best resources and materials. I don't believe we can't calm this situation. Justice will prevail.

The marines who had originally lost motivation regained it in an instant. With the orders of the Marshall the big machine of the Navy immediately began to act. Aside from Sengoku himself all high end combat set sail to calm this situation as best they could.

New World Red Force

Shank's: Just eat a fruit to gain such strength. How can anyone compete with this.

Lucky Roo: Ah if just eating fruit could make a person so strong why didn't I try it

Yassop: It's not normal fruits. And based on the situation it has nothing to do with Vegapunk.

Beckman: What's even more shocking is that just eating fruits can give knowledge of Haki. And even the advanced usage of it. Shank's I see no way the WG can compete with this. Until the knowledge on how it's made or produced or how much he has in stock is known. Even if the WG wants to unite with the Revolutionary Army or Pirates. It may not work.

Shank's: This. Then. Sigh.


Marco: It's best to maintain a good relationship with these guy's. The WG is really gonna be finished.

Whitebeard: Such absurd fruits are really shocking and annoying. It makes the hard work I did so insignificant.

Jozu: I feel I may be able to breakthrough with this knowledge though.

Vista: Same. I hope to train my swords into black blade's.

Marco: Pops the territories under us have become chaotic. What should we do.

Whitebeard: Just calm the situation. Don't take those books though.

Marco: Alright

The territory of Big Mom and is much calmer. After all Big Mom had already prepared for this situation. As for Kaido the people in his territory feared him But only one Island began the formation of resistance.

Wano Kuni. Several of these Samurai who originally became fearful and pained by Kaido and Orochi hid in the shadows waiting to resist. Especially so for the former followers of Kozuki Oden.


Sabo: Multiple reports of fights between civilians and Kingdom Army have been reported. What should we do.

Dragon: Help the civilians without drawing to much attention. If the forces are enough then they can directly take the Kingdom

Sabo: Will he really use the Ancient Weapons to do that?

Dragon: I don't know