
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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Raising the spirit of ambition

Aokiji: Healing

Kizaru: In the escape at first Kuro and Bartolomeo are basically emptied. He wrapped them in soil and then when I attacked them the barrier appeared again. The two looked completely refreshed. Bartolomeo maintained the barrier the whole escape.

Sengoku: What a hassle. Do we know where they're going?

Tea Dolphin: No. Those guys killed everyone in the Underworld on Finch Island.

Sengoku: Then let's continue to look for Shiki. When he's found we can act.

Disaster Pirates Meeting Room

The 13 individuals has become 24. For this Ryan didn't really care but he felt stressed about money. And Carina this little devil girl almost choked him to death when he asked for money yesterday.

He now has a total of 56 Billion beli. Well had 56 Billion beli. Now it's time to give fruits. Kuro, Gin, Bartolomeo, Van Augur, Jango, Sham, Buchi, Desire, Carmen, Gambia, Bear King, Honey Queen, Fisk, Vlad, Franklin and nine more small Captain's.

12 Billion beli spent to buy strength increase fruits. This allowed Kuro, Gin, Bartolomeo and Van Augur to directly breakthrough to the physical strength of a Navy Vice Admiral. Of course a normal one like Momonga.

While Jango, Sham, Buchi Gambia Bear King reached the strength of Rear admiral. The three girls strength rose to Commodore and Fisk rose to Rear Admiral as well. Vlad and Franklin also rose to Rear Admiral. While the nine others became Lieutenant Colonel.

He then gave one six Styles fruit to everyone for a total of 4.8 Billion Beli. Soru for Fisk, Vlad, Franklin and the nine. While everyone else got tempest kick. Then he spent 26 Billion on Haki fruits. 13 in total. Carmen, Desire, Carina, Honey Queen, Kuro, Gin Bartolomeo and Van Augur all got Observation Haki.

Jango, Sham, Buchi Gambia and Bear King got Armament fruit. He also gave Vlad and Fisk a DF curse release fruit for 1 billion. A total of 43.8 billion spent. You can imagine the heartache. After everyone left he also spent 200 million on a six Styles fruit for himself.

He had ignored speed before and so Soru was picked for him. He then improved his Conquerors Haki to lvl 3. He also increased his armament to lvl 3 Outer body release. Observation Haki has also rose to lvl 3. A total of 9 billion.

He also improved his strength from the Vice Admiral lvl to the Admiral lvl. A total of 53.5 was spent. He also bought two more strength fruits and two healing fruits for Carmen to use it as a soup for the shrimp soldiers. Making the total 55.2 Billion Beli.

This left 800 million Beli left. The previous 600 million was used to buy healing fruits for Kuro and Bartolomeo. He needs another 1.2 billion Beli for Weevil and his mother. No just kill her and let Weevil eat it.

With that in mind he went to the kitchen and gave the four fruits to Carmen. She instantly started to make a large pot of soup with the assistance of all chefs. He then came to Carina.

Carina: I'm not giving you anymore money. So if you came to ask don't even think about it. 56 billion Beli the nerve of you.

Ryan: No I'm seeing how long is it to Shawkens Island.

Carina: Another day at this speed. Can't you blow a wind.

Ryan: By the way where is Desire?

Carina: Her, Gambia and Bartolomeo went over to Vlad's ship to talk life

Ryan: I can wait. So what's it like to be a billionaire

Carina: Not enough. Because of you the original 196 billion has shrunk. And those guys you recruited are so poor I didn't bother to even count the money. 140 billion Beli.

Ryan: Well in addition to the city of gold we can also look for captain John's treasure.

Carina: Pirate treasure. What a joke. You're actually comparing pirate treasure to the city of Gold.

Ryan: Although I say captain John's treasure. It's more so The Overlord of the New World. Rock's D Xebecs treasure.

Carina: Rock's D Xebec. Who is that.

Kuro: It's like the captains name it also has that D in it.

Ryan didn't keep his voice down and with Carina throwing a fit over the money the eye's of everyone are on the two of them.

Ryan: Rock's was the strongest man in the world at one point.

Vlad: Even stronger than Whitebeard?

Ryan: Let me say this Rock's was a pirate close to 40 years ago. He had the ambition to become King of the World like me. His pirate crew consisted of Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiki, Big Mom, Kaido, Wang Zhi, Captain John, Silver Axe, Shakky and Weevil's mom Stussy.


Bartolomeo: All of them on the same ship. That's crazy.

Ryan: It's true. But because of his ambitions and how he would always kill celestial dragons. Along with inner turmoil in the crew the WG slowly erased his existence away. And those guys don't like to mention the time on the ship at all so people of our era don't know.

Carina: So before Rock's died John stole his treasure for himself.

Ryan: That's right. You should know Rocks robbed government affiliated countries and traveling celestial dragons along with heavenly gold. You can imagine the wealth.

Kuro: Captain i really can't see how the Rocks Pirates lost. Or rather how Rock's died.

Franklin: Such a powerful guy and crew. Who beat them

Ryan: Well the reason why Garp is called a Hero is because of Rock's death. You see Rock's had killed the fleet admiral two generations ago and even two more Admirals. That's why the marines two generations ago was small and weak. Kong took over and out from the ashes four figures rose rapidly in strength. Monkey D Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr and Tsuru.

Kuro: The last generation of marines.

Ryan: Mh. Zephyr and Sengoku rose to the status of Admiral. Garp refused because he wanted freedom and didn't want to protect the celestial dragons directly like the Admirals. Tsuru strong wasn't strong enough to fill the role. So that era only had two Admirals. During a certain incident with a lot of celestial dragons. Rock's planned to kill them all.

Gin: So the marines defeated them with Garp at the lead

Ryan: No. The marines joined forces with Pirates to take down the Rock's pirates. And the Pirates that joined are the Roger Pirates.


Ryan: That's right. See Rock's was the Overlord of the New World. His existence pressed on the hearts and ambitions of all Pirates. Including those of his crew. With Garp and Roger teaming up along with the slow betrayal of the crew. Rock's fell. And a new era of pirates emerged. The Rock's members separated and out came Barlock Redfield The Lonely Red, World Destroyer Bundy Wald, Don Chinjao, Naguri and many other ambitious guy's. However because of this incident Garp felt shame because he not only teamed up with pirates he also protected the celestial dragons. So although the world called him Hero he never took it serious. He instead made catching Roger his goal.

Carina: What's the point of telling this story it doesn't concern me getting money

Ryan: Oh but I think it does

Carina: It obviously doesn't

Kuro: Captain do you say. You want to rob the heavenly gold or celestial dragons directly.

Carina and everyone's eye's widened.

Ryan: Why not. You want money but don't dare to grab it. Are you scared Carina.

Carina: Humph isn't it just heavenly gold. I see it I take it.

Ryan: When you rob the heavenly gold you'll have a better understanding of the treasure of Rock's.

Kuro: Captain what does that D in your name mean. Be it you, Rock's, Pirate King or Navy Hero all of you have it.

Ryan: D. Well I don't know what it means. I only know that for those with the D the WG hates them and celestial dragons also hate them. Hate them so much that they call them the natural enemy of God.

Kuro: God's Natural Enemy

Carina: I can see why. Rock's wanted to become king of the world and killing celestial dragons at will. Roger started the great age of Pirates. A hero who doesn't like them. Now you

Ryan: You forgot the Revolutionary Dragon. He's also a D.

Kuro: Gods Natural Enemy. I see now. Captain your ambitions aren't just Pirate King. You want to surpass Rock's.

Shock and silence enveloped the surroundings. Only the waves could be heard hitting the boats.

Ryan: That's right. My ambitions aren't just Pirate King. Nor is it to become the Second Overlord of the New World. My goal is one and one thing only. When I say king of the world it never refers to Pirate King. I want to sit on the throne that hasn't been sat on by anyone in the last 800+ year's. To Smack an Admiral, Step on a celestial dragon and Blow a hole through the Red Line. My ambition is to become king of the world.


Ryans Conquerors Haki erupted with his word's. However it didn't effect any of the crew. They all looked at him in awe as he looked out into the sea.

Ryan: With the fall of Rock's a new era emerged. With the death of Roger a new era emerged. Who will it be this time. Garp or maybe not even a D. No matter who in this era of great change only one thing is certain. it's time for another person to dominate this sea Rise or fall, Live or Die this is the time when those with ambitions shine. Are you Ready?!