
The Disappeared Heroine

Ariel, who dreamed of a beautiful life with her high school sweetheart, is shocked to know his true nature. Moreover, she gave up a bright future to be with her prince charming, whereas the prince charming is planning to marry his princess, which is not Ariel. Her love for him disappeared into thin air when he made her abort their unborn baby, which is a symbol of her love for him. The woman who lost her prime time to be a heroine will be able to get her revenge..? Or else like every other person who ignored their family will be left on the roads with no help and support.

deepu_ · Urban
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28 Chs

The Best Actress of the year Award

The actress played the main character in the film "peace" is having the poster of the same movie.

The poster is of a woman from back looking up in the sky. The woman is in a black and white frame, whereas the sky is in the shade of blue mixed with white, symbolizing peace.

Even her personal information also didn't display on the screen. The name is also the same one in the film.

After displaying the nominated actress with their respective films, the character of the respective actresses in the movie is also displaying along with the trailer of individual films individually.

The host announced the sponsor of today's event, along with the founder of this award's event, will be presenting the award.

This award is a great honor in the entertainment circle, and whoever receives the prize will be gaining more popularity along with the more work.

All the guests started congratulating Rachel, whereas Xander and henry were fuming inside for not receiving the expected awards from the jury members.

Ignoring Xander, Rachel immersed herself in the elite circle and thanked everyone sweetly. She added, "I have not received the award yet, so it is not acceptable to accept your praises.

Let wait till the announcement done; after all, the talented one should get awarded," she finished with a smug and arrogant look.

There were many actors, models, and actresses under the same agency as her who wished for her to be unlucky today. The people who are under her only knew how arrogant she is.

The assistant who is working under her only what a cruel and heartless woman Rachel is. There is nothing this woman can't do for fame and money.

With one of the best directors in the industry being her partner, no one is ready to go against her. One word from her can ruthlessly tear your career apart.

Despite being petty, rache maintained her polite and humble personality quite nicely. Today is the day for the world to witness her success.

If she wins the award for this year, this will be her ha trick for winning the best actress award consecutively in the third year.

All the guests were quite sure that Rachel will be the winner, and they already started fawning on her and asking for a great party to celebrate her victory.

In between this to keep the suspension and guessing, they arranged a dance performance on the nominated actresses' selected songs.

At first, on Rachel's songs, the dance had danced, being all romantic songs and single songs, her songs in the movies were quite popular.

The woman who came along with Christian is smirking herself, looking at the happy Rachel chatting and enjoying the show.

When she gets humiliated in her friend circle, that will be an excellent show to enjoy than her films; thinking this, she laughed silently and shook her head, focusing on the performance.

The performance is so good, and all the guests enjoyed it thoroughly. After finishing, the host requested applause from the guests for this outstanding dance performance.

The host invited the sponsor and founder of the event to announce the best actress of the year and handed two awards to the present.

The two older adults in their fifties took the envelopes each for one. The sponsor of the event opening the envelope

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I hope all of you are enjoying the show. We decided to present all the awards in a single platform to help you interact with each other industries.

And also to save our money and time, haha, he laughed loudly, joking with the guests. Jokes apart now, are there any guesses, the dear audience for the best actress..?"

Everyone started shouting the actress's name; they felt she is fantastic this year. The sponsor said, "hmm, let's see, and the best actor female award goes to

miss AEC for the film "peace," the film that showcased in the international film festival under the foreign category," he finished and congratulated the woman.

The AEC production company's representative came on to the stage and accepted the award on her behalf, thanking everyone in believing her and giving her a chance.

The guests were all shocked and looked at Rachel, who got up from her seat to receive the award. She awkwardly sat back and looked forward to at least the critics' prize.

The founder of the awards group opened greeted everyone and thanked for their support in making this awards ceremony a grand success.

Without any guessing game, he directly announced the actress's name, opening the envelope with a smile on his face.

"The critics best actor female of the year goes to miss. AEC again, hey young man, if you have not reached your seat yet, come and grab the award".

The young man came again to the stage and thanked them for the same speech and accepted the award.

The guests were in an uproar with the outcome. They have never guessed in their wildest dream that a newbie will grab both the awards today.

The host, with much enthusiasm, came again and said, "the award ceremony is not finished yet, dear guests, so brace yourself to witness two other prestigious awards in the business circle."

These awards are for those who showed outstanding performance in their fields and captured everyone's attention in the business world.

As the day is going to end, I will not drag this anymore; I invite Mr. Christian to announce these awards.

The second floor erupted in loud applause when Christian stood up to walk towards the stage; the young woman also clapped along with others looking at him with pride in her eyes.

After reaching the stage, Christian took the two envelopes and announced,

The businessman of the year award goes to Eric James Potter. This man is the CEO of the potter digital group, one of the most acclaimed companies in digital technologies.

The big screen presented an inside view of the man who earned the businessman of the year award from the day he takes over the business.

This company, under his supervision, contributed so much to the world in a digital platform—his company involved in manufacturing all types of electronic devices that are useful to humankind.

The man holds a master's degree in electronics engineering from a prestigious university abroad. His absolute grip over technologies made him stood at the top in the industry.

The young man wore a white shirt with black trousers and a black tie, complementing his honest look.

His height is more than 6 feet, with a muscular body. His beautiful sea blue eyes completed his handsome personality.

The man with a smile plastered on his face and came to the stage and accepted the award thanking everyone.

Christian handed the award and congratulated him. While he was getting down from the stage, the host requested him to stay to present the next award along with Christian.

Christian laughing slightly after looking at the envelope, said, ha, certainly something is coming home from the business field,

Ladies and gentlemen, the businesswoman award for this year go to AEC for the company "AEC Food chain."

AEC company is the chain of hotels and restaurants established by AEC.

I welcome miss. AEC to collect the award. Looking at the top floor, her added, come here and accept the award, dear.

The businesswoman for this year is none other than the same AEC who was awarded as the best actress for the same year. When she descended from the second floor, everyone looked at her.

When guests felt nothing unusual in the woman with creamy color as more woman and a slender figure, it was her smile and eyes captivated everyone.

The pitch-black eyes looked at everyone like they were looking deep into your secrets. The woman came to the stage smiling brightly.

"I am sorry for not accepting the previous award personally; fortunately, I got this award." Her tone sounded like it was right for her to do so.

All the veterans in the business circle are surprised by this outcome and were dumbfounded. They were unable to accept such a young lady receiving the award.

The host requested to gather both the man and woman for a picture for their magazine. In the entertainment circle, the woman is recognized by some people.

The man and woman posed for the picture and cameras flashed several times, making the man blinked his eyes. The woman looking at this laughed lightly and spoke without being noticed,

"Brace yourself, Mr. businessman of the year, you can't blink your eyes with a frown, or else you will be shown as blind."

Rachel almost went mad thinking who snatched her award. She burned with anger and jealousy, looking at her standing beside such an outstanding man.

After the host thanked everyone and closed the ceremony with the announcement of sponsors for the ceremony, Rachel still unable to wrap her mind with the news of her being the best actress.

Before all the guests leave the place, Christian reminded everyone to attend the banquet with invitations for the party he is going to held and asked them to come without absence to witness a surprise.

All the guests who were invited from the business circle were eagerly looking forward to this surprise.

They decided to visit along with the families to gaind more connections and business deals.

After all in this field, contacts, connections and cunningness works wonders compared to talent. It only matters how you can manage at a critical situation.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

deepu_creators' thoughts