
The Disabled Mage at the Topaz Academy of Magikal Arts

Forever the shame of the magik academy. In a world where the supernatural flow of magik is as common as the air to breathe, she is talentless and hopelessly lacking in ability---that is until a Demon’s ancient text falls into her hands. With the aid of a strange group of friends, they venture out attempting to decipher its contents. Before they realize it, the world as they know it has begun to suffer from demonic assaults with death as the only release from the chaos. It’s a race against the clock and the sands of time are running out. Can they decipher the forbidden secrets in time or will they be doomed to join the immortal army of perdition in the afterlife?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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213 Chs

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I blinked.  "I thought you were a gardener.  Aren't you a bit young to be a physician?"

Gabriel shook his head.  "Not at all.  Just as the twins have been training to be hand-to-hand combat fighters most of their lives, I've been extensively training since I was a child to be a healer." 

He waved his hand dismissively.  "The gardening thing is, as I told you, a hobby of mine."

"Oh," I said, feeling foolish.  "I'm not trained to do anything specialized."

Connor grinned.  "So says the woman who can command an army of animals."

"But I never got the kind of specialized training that you guys got."  I shrugged.

"Darling, what did you think twelve years of your thaumaturgy and thiriomancy teaching was for?" Connor said.

"I was trained to be a cook,"  I pointed out.  "All I can do is make a feast for an entire batalion of warriors."

"No, no, no.  You oversee the work that the Kitchen Primates do."