
The Disabled Mage at the Topaz Academy of Magikal Arts

Forever the shame of the magik academy. In a world where the supernatural flow of magik is as common as the air to breathe, she is talentless and hopelessly lacking in ability---that is until a Demon’s ancient text falls into her hands. With the aid of a strange group of friends, they venture out attempting to decipher its contents. Before they realize it, the world as they know it has begun to suffer from demonic assaults with death as the only release from the chaos. It’s a race against the clock and the sands of time are running out. Can they decipher the forbidden secrets in time or will they be doomed to join the immortal army of perdition in the afterlife?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Working Mages

Rafael paused a moment.  He opened his mouth, about to say something more but at the last moment reached out and pulled me and Gabriel towards a table. 

"Sit and let us have dinner together so we can discuss this in more detail."  He raised his hand and a house staff member came to the table. 

After a few quick words, Rafael had ordered a full meal for all of us.

As we were serviced by the staff, I noticed a few things which I had not noticed before, but now stood out like sore thumbs of possible contentions. 

First, the servers were NOT HUMANS! 

This was not strange in and of itself because in Topaz, there were plenty of servers who were mages, but we were in the land of the humans.  These were mages who were living in this magik-free zone of their own free will, performing their individual duties to maintain Andalusia City without the advantages of magik.