
The Disabled Mage at the Topaz Academy of Magikal Arts

Forever the shame of the magik academy. In a world where the supernatural flow of magik is as common as the air to breathe, she is talentless and hopelessly lacking in ability---that is until a Demon’s ancient text falls into her hands. With the aid of a strange group of friends, they venture out attempting to decipher its contents. Before they realize it, the world as they know it has begun to suffer from demonic assaults with death as the only release from the chaos. It’s a race against the clock and the sands of time are running out. Can they decipher the forbidden secrets in time or will they be doomed to join the immortal army of perdition in the afterlife?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Conversations with the Demon

I projected my mental voice into that empty band of electromagnetic spectrum as loud as I could.

I waited, not sure if he understood what I was saying.  There was no indication that he even heard my projected call. 

Perhaps I was still communicating at a level that was too low to register in his awareness. 

Since I was existing within a lower electromagnetic spectrum than this demon was, perhaps I should try to sound like a more elevated consciousness. 

I tried again, this time even louder.

'I would like a word with you, kind Demon, if you wouldn't mind.'

I heard the deep rumbling of a voice, sounding all around me, at a volume that would have rattled the windows of this place had it been sound waves. 

'The chit actually knows how to speak properly.'

I quailed with fright! 

No, no, no. 

This was not the time to crap out!  This was the time to be the Queen.