
The Disabled Mage at the Topaz Academy of Magikal Arts

Forever the shame of the magik academy. In a world where the supernatural flow of magik is as common as the air to breathe, she is talentless and hopelessly lacking in ability---that is until a Demon’s ancient text falls into her hands. With the aid of a strange group of friends, they venture out attempting to decipher its contents. Before they realize it, the world as they know it has begun to suffer from demonic assaults with death as the only release from the chaos. It’s a race against the clock and the sands of time are running out. Can they decipher the forbidden secrets in time or will they be doomed to join the immortal army of perdition in the afterlife?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Above Reproach

Mother shook her head.  "I will let you in on a secret.  You don't have to marry the ones you soul-bond with."

"Huh?"  I gasped, startled.  "Isn't soul bonding the equivalent of a marriage?"

"Who told you that stink pile?"  Mother laughed. 

"No no, Darling.  Somebody thought it was a great idea to combine the soul-bands with their wedding vows.  Then someone else thought it was a great idea also and did the same. 

"Eventually it spread everywhere, and pretty soon, what was once just a way for a weapon to be mage-controlled turned into granite-etched marriage truth." 

She looked at me with intensity.  "The truth is, soul bands were originally created for the sole purpose of connecting the various members of a Power Triad to make it easier for three people to act as one." 

"When your lives are on the line, you cannot hesitate because you are not clear what your partners are thinking about."