
Party time

Two days later 3:30am at their Heavendale home. Marsha, Marrtin tossed and turned in the bed trying to find a comfortable place.

“Dominique, are you sleeping?” Marsha asked

“How could I sleep, you have been rolling around like a ball in the bed” Dominique replied.

“Sorry, but I can’t sleep very well after that dream I had.

“Dream!” Dominique asked

Yes, I dreamnt that you stabbed Mr B and all three of you men carried his lanky body down to Seaview Gardens and fed him to the crocodiles.

Hah, hah Dominique laughed. “It would be better to cremate his body Marsha and dump the ashes at sea.” Dominique replied

“Crap” Marsha gushed. “You were actually thinking about it?”

“Marsha, I would never put you through that stress, much less to answer. What, if?” Dominique asked.

“Dominique, it has been on my mind ever since we spoke to Marcus and Whitey at the Office. I feel as if we are no better than Manny Barnes, planning and conspiring.”Marsha replied