
Chapter 16- Clash

Dominique took his cue and eventhough he felt better that he had revealed his secrets about the car and the office as well as the townhouses, he knew that questions were going to come.

“Thank you for your time Ari and we look forward to hearing from you soon.”

“The pleasure is mine Dominique, and of course bye Marsha you do look lovely.”

The office door had hardly closed behind them, when Marsha blurted out, “So if I did not accompany you here today, I would not have known about the office and the car Dominique?”

“Yes, Marsha if I had not cleaned up the garbage at home on Saturday there would be no way that I would have found out about the millions that you have received from a third party. I wonder what else has been happening that I don’t know about Marsha?”

His tone had changed and the anger started to emerge and since Marsha was still silent from his question he took the offensive again.