
Chapter 11- Desires of the heart

Two and a half weeks had elapsed since that Sunday morning when Marsha demanded that he did nothing about the business expansion, but Dominique would not allow his wife to dictate anything to him. Why did he need her approval for in the first place? The intercom rang in his office and disturbed his thought process.

“Yes Maxine,” he answered.

“The landlord is here with your notarized copy of the rental agreement for the office should I send him in to you orcan I just collect it and place it on the file?”

“Maxine you are the office manager and the documentation relating to the office space at 32 Red Hill’s Road is your responsibility and not mine, so thank you for the update, but you can handle it from here.”

“Ok thank you, Mr Martin,” and he heard the line go dead.

As he hung up the phone he wondered whether hiring Maxine was a good choice because she seems to second guess everything.