
The Dimensional Shapeshifter

After Rei died(?) and become a shapeshifting existence, Rei begin to adapt and learn about the world. With unprecedented ability to learn/collect, retain and combine abilities, Rei becomes an unstoppable force. This is a story of not so ordinary shapeshifter, who become something beyond our understanding and the one who called, The Library of The Unknown.

WanderingRei · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Beginning

On Earth, an average boy named Rei was making his way home after school, as usual.

Suddenly, his vision went black.


"Huh?! What's happening?" Rei said, feeling panicked.


As his vision cleared, the first thing he saw was the starry night sky, vast and magnificent.

The stars shone brilliantly and stretched across the horizon like a beautiful ribbon of light.

Rei couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before him.


"Woah... am i in another world? the infamous reincarnation?" Rei said but without a voice.


At this point, Rei realized that he spoke, but there was no sound coming from his mouth.

Rei tried to move his body, but to no avail, he didn't feel his body moving at all.

He tried to look around and examine his body and to his surprise, he had become an unfathomable being.


"W-what? have I been reincarnated into some sort of monster? i've never seen anything like this before"


After realizing that he had been reincarnated into a shapeless monstrous looking being, Rei felt a sense of shock and confusion.

After he calmed down a bit, Rei tried to move his body again, but he could see parts of his body moving without feeling them move.


"So, I move like slime or something?" Rei calmly said without a voice.

"Let's see how this new body of mine works, then"


As Rei tried to figure out how his body worked, he accidentally saw a dragon in the distance and thought.


"If I could be a dragon instead of this blob of slime, it would be so much better and I could move around freely at will, This body is so hard to move around"


After thinking that, his body started to slowly and poorly form to look more like a dragon.


"I can transform?!" Rei noticed and said.

"This looks sloppy, but can I fly like the dragon I saw earlier now?" He questioned the body's capabilities.


Rei tried to move his dragon-shaped wings, but Rei still couldn't seem to fly.


"Ugh, this body is really hard to move. I think I need to get familiar with it first," Rei said.


And so, Rei started trying to figure out how his body worked.


"This body doesn't look like its a slime, what could i possibly be?" Rei wondered aloud.

"I can transform into things, i see. Let's try out what else i can transform" Rei said as he tried to form a claw-like shape and a mouth.

"Oh? This is interesting. I can form a specific part?"


As Rei tried to figure out and get used to his new body, he noticed that it was almost morning.

The sun was rising, and Rei could see a large forest not far from where he was.


"I should probably go there and explore that forest to see what i can find" Rei thought.


As Rei made his way to the forest, he also tried to transform into different beings he saw on the way.

As Rei wandered deeper into the forest, he heard rustling in the bushes.


[End of the Chapter]