
The Dimensional Despot.

"In a multiverse where selected souls are granted extraordinary powers, a delicate balance has been maintained for centuries. Seven unique abilities, including matter manipulation, space manipulation, and telepathy, have safeguarded the cosmos. But when Theodor discovers his power to manipulate matter, he succumbs to an insatiable hunger for immortality, setting the stage for an interdimensional struggle. As Theodor amasses abilities, including space manipulation, he becomes an omnipotent force, determined to possess the ultimate power: foresight. Yet, his relentless quest leads to madness, causing chaos across the universes. A hitman with untapped potential attempts to stand against him, encapsulating his latent power in a crystal before his demise. The crystal is unwittingly discovered by a paleontologist who gains the power of foresight. With newfound knowledge of Theodor's malevolent intentions, he confronts the power-hungry antagonist. A battle of cosmic proportions unfolds, as the fate of countless universes hangs in the balance. Can the power of foresight put an end to Theodor's reign of chaos, or will his insatiable ambition forever alter the course of existence?"

NightmareHadLost · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Ancient Script. (1)

Oliver, still shaken by the bizarre turn of events, made his way up to the road where he had seen Theodor running away. As he approached the scene, he couldn't see anything clearly from a distance, but the fallen men and the fleeing figure left an unsettling impression in his mind.

"Help! Help!" Oliver cried out as he reached the fallen men, not knowing what to expect. To his total shock, he found the three men lying on the ground, seemingly unharmed, as if they had just fainted and had no apparent physical problems. It was a perplexing sight.

Panicked and unsure of what had occurred, Oliver called for help, and the urgency of his plea brought some concerned people from the nearby cottages running to the scene.

"I was just on my way to school when I found them lying on the ground," Oliver explained to the gathered crowd. "Maybe they saw something terrible or had some kind of shock."

A man in the crowd responded with skepticism and sternness, "Are you insane, kid? This is not a time to joke. Make your way to school now. Leave this to the authorities."

Oliver, bewildered and troubled by what he had witnessed, reluctantly followed the man's advice, leaving the enigmatic scene behind as he continued on his way to school. The unanswered questions swirled in his mind, leaving him with an eerie feeling that something extraordinary had transpired.

"Hello there, Konrad!" Oliver greeted Theodor, concerned and hoping to understand the strange incident he had witnessed. But Theodor remained in a state of panic, his breath labored, and his mind clearly troubled.

Oliver attempted to soothe Theodor's anxiety, asking, "What happened, Theodor? Are you okay?"

In a state of distress and clearly agitated, Theodor responded sharply, "Mind your own business, Oliver. Get lost."

Though Theodor's response was harsh, it didn't deter Oliver's curiosity. He couldn't let go of the nagging questions about how Theodor had been able to defeat three men. So, rather than pushing Theodor further, Oliver decided to leave him and follow discreetly, keeping a watchful eye on his friend, determined to uncover the truth.

During breaktime, Theodor found solace beneath his favorite tree, engrossed in his book while savoring his lunch. The serene moment was shattered when Oliver rushed toward him, a look of urgency in his eyes.

"Theodor, I have news for you," Oliver exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and concern. Theodor set aside his book and looked up, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Augustus was found fainted," Oliver revealed, "But... but there's something strange. He doesn't remember anything. He has lost his memory."

Theodor's expression shifted from anxiety to intrigue as he contemplated the unusual turn of events. A sense of mystery hung in the air, and it was clear that the situation had taken a perplexing twist.

Theodor sat back in his spot, a mixture of horror and curiosity racing through his mind. The words of the mysterious voice from the previous night echoed in his memory, and he couldn't shake the sense that there was a connection between his newfound powers and the strange events unfolding around him.

After school, Theodor couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He had to explore the library near his house. The sign out front read "Royal Leipzig Library." As he stepped inside, he was greeted by the sight of well-preserved, expensive timber furniture that exuded an air of grandeur and history.

The interior of the library was a true marvel. Tall bookshelves extended in twelve continuous rows, holding a treasure trove of knowledge. Theodor had never encountered such a magnificent library in his life, and it felt like stepping into a heavenly sanctuary of wisdom.

Suddenly, the voice from the past night resurfaced, a strange presence echoing from behind. "Look," it beckoned, its tone sending shivers down Theodor's spine.

Theodor turned, his eyes wide with both terror and fascination. He saw a book on a shelf, and it emitted a strange, warm yellow light. Engraved on its cover was a crystal that radiated a mesmerizing glow. Theodor was drawn to it as if by an unseen force, his heart pounding with a mix of wonder and trepidation.

Theodor, driven by a powerful mixture of curiosity and apprehension, quickly fetched a ladder and ascended it to reach the book with the mysterious glow. As he reached for the book, his hand trembling with anticipation, the crystal on the book's cover abruptly ceased its radiant glow.

In the instant his fingers made contact with the book, an intense shock surged through Theodor's body, as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning. DHUM Theodor's world turned to darkness, and he crumpled to the ground. The book, now devoid of its luminous allure, tumbled alongside him, leaving behind a chilling sense of unanswered questions.