
The Differents: Partners in magic[BL]

2 Princes,2 Future leaders,2 Spiritual Masters. Both meet in a Annoying but Challenging way, as they go on a mission to find the root of a Mysterious and unknown Sect that has been the sources of Rumors all around the kingdom. And soon master the unknown Sources and become its masters ◇Book 1◇ ♤This is a No-Prologue intro story,It spoils the fun♤ All are pure fiction Disclaimer: the author of this story is not korean nor Chinese, I researched the things that I will be adding in the story before i wrote it

Hanzel_4reads · LGBT+
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17 Chs


It has been 3 Days since The siege happened.

The funeral has ended and the Rebuilding had started.

Gladly None of the Civilian of The kingdom were hurt nor killed.

But the whole Kingdom just suffered a Huge loss.

They lost the most precious and righteous and loving Queen and a Mighty and great king that the kingdom has ever had.

Zhangxe will Become the new King of Fengjin and He has plans on giving the title of Huang clan leader To his sister or His sworn brother Xianye.

"Ah-Xe,I cant be Clan leader,I will be married soon afer the rebuilding has finished,I will have to move into the Wu Clan" Yuli said in an apologetic way.

Xianye also denied the offer on becoming the new clan leader.

"I Reject your offer Xe-Gē(Older brother Xe/ Zhangxe),Its against cultivation laws,Im not a Blood related family member of the clan,So i cant become clan leader" Xianye said.

"But you are a Huang now right?,Even if you are not blood related,You still have the surname of Huang,so you can still be a clan leader,And Since you have Evolved,You have the power to rule as the clan's leader" Zhangxe persuaded.

But xianye Shook his head.

"Ill just be the new Clan Chief General,i will assign myself as your guardians" Xianye said.

"But ah-Ye,That position is low,You are part of the royal family so you should be in a high position like clan leader?" Zhangxe said.

"Xe-Gē...I dont need to be in a high position to be known as a High leveled person,Even if i just had the title as the Yinyang Dragon Master,I still choose to have a decent Level" Xianye said.

"Ah-Ye,i know you hate it but,Please be the clan leader,I cant handle two jobs at once" Zhangxe pleaded.

"Ah-Xe being king and clan leader is just the same,But you have 2 titles,it also runs in the family,So you will just be clan leader and king while Xianye becomes the new Chief general" Yuli said and ended her statement.

the 2 boys Agreed.

"Ill also assign Huang Xiao as my assistant,Incase i need someone to handle my position while i do some stuff,He can be trusted with it,I know he can,Even if he ranks C in the training,He is intelligent and learns fast" Xianye said and looked at Huang Xiao.

"m-me?,Xianye...no way..." Huang Xiao said and waved his arms in disagree.

"Ah-Sun, your father is the former Chief general so i want you to continue his legacy,I will be here to guide you" Xianye said And he succeeded in Persuading his friend.

"But right now...Lets just recover"He added.

"I guess we have to send the other clans back to their homes" Zhangxe said.

"Yes,Its for their safety,If another seige happens We have to be the ones to aid them in our kingdom so its better if they return home" Yuli said.

Xianye looked at sanwol,and sanwol did too.

The mentioning of them leaving made him feel a little low.

"If Xianye wants me to stay,I can stay,ill just move in here with him" Sanwol said.

which made xianye Widen his eyes and his face turn slight pink.

"oh...really?,I hope thats ok with your parents prince Lee sanwol" Yuli said.

Sanwol nodded his head with a stoic face.

he didint hesitate because he knows that Xianye needs him and especially at this moment.

"But i also have to inform my parents about it 1st,so i have to return to Korea and inform them" Sanwol said with his straight face and only showing emotions of Concern.

its so surpising how fast the night changes,From Prince Sanwol the Guy who rejects Date offers and rejects confessions and Invites.

And showed no care abot anything and anyone.

To The prince sanwol now who has finally found a Friend and thought about him more than a friend,And finally opened his heart with out even knowing it.

[Sanwol Returns to Korea]

2 months after the siege

Sanwol returned to korea and In Xianye's request,He allowed him to join him.

it took 3 months for them to arrive,It was faster than usual,and with the fast evolving technology and More usage of spirits for transportation are now discorvered.

"The Crown Prince has Returned!" The kingdom's Look out guard yelled and everyone screamed for his arrival as he and xianye steps out of the carriage.

"And the crown prince brought a Visitor!" The guy said which brought more curiosity to them.

"Sanwol...what are they saying?" Xianye asked Sanwol.

"Dont mind them" Sanwol replied not caring about anything and just being his usual self..

They were greeted with A crowd of locals greeting Their crowned prince and his visitor in korean.

The culture shock Overwhelmed Xianye,Pushing his Curiosity and worrys to the limits.

"You'll feel better once we reach the palace,I know you are expecting Jeonju to be Engranding like in Fengjin but we like to keep it simple and lively here and with more nature" Sanwol spoke to xianye in mandarin and assured him.

And onced they were escorted to the palace by Carriage.

The 2 foster Fathers of Sanwol greeted them from the entrance.

"Sanwol-Ah, you have returned!" Fan Guxeng said and With his husband Lan Duzui behind him.

"Oh and you brought a Visitor" Lan Duzui Said and greeted the visitor in korean.

"Fathers,Shall we enter the palace?" Sanwol spoke in korean.

and the couple nodded and they soon entered the Magnificent and calming palace.

Sanwol inhaled the air of Home,He is finally home.

Xianye enjoyed to scenery inside Sanwol's Home.

He instantly liked it and Adapts to the new environment little by little.

they all sat down in the Grand hall where they Entertain visitors.

"Fathers,This is My Friend and Companion,Huang Xianye,The youngest prince of The Fengjin Huang clan" Sanwol introduced to them in Korean and The couple looked at Xianye in a Astonished way.

"Huang...Xianye?,He is chinese?" Lan Duzui asked as he poured tea into His husband's Cup and Fan Guxeng Poured tea into Lan duzui's cup.

"Ne(yes)" Sanwol replied and glanced at the Nervous younger beside him.

"So...um,Hello Youngest Prince Huang Xianye" Fan guxeng Spoke to Xianye in mandarin which caught him off guard.

"wait-Wha-What,did your father just speak to me in Mandarin?!" Xianye asked Sanwol in mindblown.

"Yes,Huang Xianye,Me and His other father here are Former Cultivators of the land of china,I am a Wandering cultivator and he is a Former Lan clan Disciple" Fan guxeng said in a heartwarming way and especially in mandarin.

"So you are His foster parents?" xianye asked them.

Du zui and Gu xeng both Nodded Which blown His mind even more.

They chatted about how it all happened.

And Xianye wasntfully open about what happened 5 months ago.

but the couple understood that he is recovering.

"im sorry about your loss,Actually you deserve alot for staying strong even if you lost 2 sets of parents and nearly lost your 2nd family,Sanwol-Ah,also suffered the same thing but yours is more worse,so i think you deserve all of what the earth shall offer" Lan Duzui said.

"I agree,Huang Xianye deserved that title as the Yinyang dragon master,And the gem of the amulet is actually a master that passed away 50 years ago,Ive learned about it and i am so glad you are its new master" Fan Guxeng said.

Xianye's jaw dropped once more.

"The founder...passed away 50 years ago?" He asked.

and Guxeng nodded.

Xianye sat there with a stunned face and mouth slightly agape.

He took a look at the Dragon Amulet and Communicated with it through his mind.

"That Gem Found you and chose you,Xianye,So take care of it and Use its powers for good,As what flows through the goals of Cultivation,Is to eliminate all evil from this world" Guxeng said.

Xianye looked at Guxeng and nodded with a smile.

After Tea time with Sanwol's Foster Fathers,He deciided to take a Tour around the Palace.

They walked around the place with eyes showing admiration and Delight.

"Its nice to be back home after a year" Sanwol said but still with that Straight face but his Voice shows a different side,Soothing and Happy.

"It Actually looks similar to ones back in china"Xianye said as he looks around.

"From what my teacher told me,China ruled the land before we did,But im not Generalizing anything,Its just what i learned and Heard" Sanwol said.

Xianye hummed and nodded.

Sanwol lightly grazed his fingers on the carvings on the doors and walls And Admired the meaning behind it.

They passed through a Wall with writings that Xianye will never understand.

"Sanwol,What are those?" Xianye asked as he pointed on the writings stuck on the wall.

"Those are the Palace rules made by the 1st King,I can give you the Chinese translation of it if you want" Sanwol said.

"ah-ah,Not thanks,I hate memorizing Rules" Xianye said and quickly waved his hands smaller than sanwol's to show rejection.

The two male teenagers went into a More astonishing place in the palace.

"and this the Garden,My favourite place inside the palace besides my room" Sanwol said.

As the sun prepares to set,The wind breeze gets cooler and Stronger,Bringing the leaves with it as it falls to the ground.

Its the season where leaves changes their colors before winter.

Sanwol takes xianye deeper into the trees and Xianye admires the trees so much that his eyes shinining with so much emotions,Making him Twice as more adorable.

Sanwol couldnt take his eyes off of his Friend that he couldnt tell if Huang shixianye is actually his friend or someone more than a friend.

His eyes wont stop on averting its gaze on the Boy with Ravishing attractive features,that goes well with his type of person.

For sanwol,Xianye is worth more than just a friend or a bestfriend.

And Xianye locks his eyes on a falling leaf,He meets and locks his vision on Sanwol's Deep brown eyes as they feel mutual to each other.

"You look handsome" Xianye said and broke the eye contact and looked at the horizon.

"Excuse me?" sanwol said.

"I said you look handsome" Xianye said.

"Thank you" Sanwol said and Smiled.

Xianye glanced at him on the best time.

He saw Sanwol's Bright smile for the 1st time and what goes along with it is the extravagantly Beautiful colors of the setting sun and the sky.

"I wish I could paint the sunset and along with your smile" Xianye Said and sighed.

and at that very moment,Sanwol snapped his fingers and An art set came right infront of xianye,It caught him off guard but sanwol urged him to paint before the sunset ends.

And right by The end of the sunset.

Xianye manages to Finish his painting in time.

"Your painting skills are Brilliant,Xianye"Sanwol Complimented in the most brightest way he can.

Xianye smiles and becomes flustered and Thanked the other.

and once the moon came out,The two headed in the Same place they had tea,The two had dinner with the royal adults of the palace(Sanwol's foster dads).

"Wow,I couldnt believe that you guys eat this in one meal?,it looks alot..." Xianye said.

"Hahaha,Its normal here in Korea,We bring out the best meal we can Everyday,There is soup,Main dish and side dishes to satisfy your stomach" Duzui said with giggles and smiles

"And Father Duzui cooked all of this" Sanwol said with a neutral face.

Xianye had his eyes wide open and sanwol nodded.

Xianye then just continued eating and trying out new foods.

He told them that he loved the kimchi and the soup that he would love to eat it again one day.

But he and sanwol only had a week in his place so he is enjoying every second of it, He learned a little of their language and Engaged in Cultural activities And experienced wearing Hanbok.

For him,Its the best way of recovering from a huge loss,And he wishes that he could take his sworn older siblings to Sanwol's Kingdom,He had lots of fun and learned alot of new things and Fell Deeper into his attraction for The one and only Sanwol.

And he hopes That the other feels the same.

And all of what he can say among all of this is.

"That Eye contact was the best eye contact that i had with a person,And i feel like nothing will beat it,I couldnt not explain what i felt during that time,He is just extremely mesmerizing,A god made indeed" He said to himself as he lays in His bed in his guest bedroom.

But he wishes to sleep with sanwol,But that would be too intimate.
