
The Dictator President And The Reckless Teacher!

'PARAMEE' who used to be a sailor abandoned the rank of Lieutenant (Lt.) for some reason and became a teacher in the school she had originally dreamed of for a long time. She decides to leave behind her past and bad experiences as a commissioned naval officer and come to live a new life as a simple teacher. But it wasn't what she thought when she accidentally got to know her pupil 'CHOMTAP', the grandson of the Mermess group mogul, 'NAKROP'. From the beginning, she wanted to help strengthen the relationship between them. But she didn't know that the spirit of her teacher this time would lead her to become entangled in the story of her past that she wants to forget!! The tragic events of the past began to haunt her again. This coincides with having to deal with an unpredictable man like 'NAKROP'. Plus, her old disease still relapsed again. But this time, she wouldn't give up like in the past. 'NAKROP', a young businessman who has been investigating corruption in his company for five years, when he sees his nephew's new teacher involved in it. Causing him to keep an eye on her as a special case until it was the beginning of an inexplicable feeling. The tumultuous story of both her and him is about to begin...

KnamLady · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: New life

"Teachers, please wait!"

A male high school student shouted out. This caused PARAMEE to halt while she walked toward the parking lot along with the huge pile of documents that she carried.

"Oh- GOMIN, what's wrong?"

She turned to question the male student who was now panting in front of her.

"I brought this one to you."

When the breathing is normal, the male student handed over a crumpled piece of paper. There are also wet marks from his sweat.

"Hmm— Continuing Education Survey… Uh— OK, put it on top of this, my hands are busy."

PARAMEE nodded her head to the pile of documents in her hand.

"Oh— Teacher… I will help you."

After finished speaking, the student took the document in her hand and held it for himself with a bright smile at her.


Then they both walked to her turtle car. After PARAMEE managed to stuff a huge pile of documents in the backseat of the car. She said farewell and warned about his disheveled attire without seriously. Later she drove away.



PARAMEE's huge pile of papers crashed onto the little desk that she had recently bought along with walking to the wardrobe to pick up a towel and exhaustedly headed straight to the shower room.

"Fuu! - So comfortable… Heigh-ho, those kids drain all my energy. Being a teacher is so tiring. I'm going to die. However, taking a warm bath is really good."

PARAMEE came out of the bathroom and finished changing clothes. She gently wiped her damp hair.

"Hmm— seems a bit longer."

She picked up her hair for consideration and walked to the dressing table to look in the mirror. The reflection was a figure of a young woman with long hair slightly longer than her shoulders. She had a cute Chinese-style pinkish-white round face, but she was 100% authentic Thai. Her slim body but with muscles that she gained from exercise due to previous routine work and her hobbies.

"It's better not to cut it— it's good to keep it long so that can do many styles... By the way, how beautiful I am!"

She smiled to herself while walking toward the kitchen. She walked over to open the lid of the rice cooker. Seeing that there was half the rice left, she immediately warmed it up. Then she went to pick up an apron pan and turner. After that, she proceeded to cook and hum happily.

Even though the belief of Thai ancients said that singing in the kitchen would get an old husband, PARAMEE was not interested at all. That's because, during her 29 years, she hasn't had a boyfriend in person!! And she didn't care anymore.

After she resigned from a government job that her parents were forced to do it. She felt that it was hundreds of times happier than when she worked there. Even if she had to fight with her parents but in the end, she explained the reason why to them, and understood her.

She thought choosing a career or life path is the liberty and rights of the child because this thing is the child's life path. If the child is alive according to the wishes of the parents for the happiness of the parents. Where is the happiness of the child?

Wouldn't the child have the right to be happy? —

So PARAMEE decided to take the courage to redirect her life from the path her parents had chosen to the way of life that she chose.

However, it may depend on the rhythm of our lives. If she could go back to that time, she wasn't sure that she would have the courage to do this.

After resigning from government service, she moved from the military accommodation to rent a condo instead. She decided to find a new job with the degree that she had studied as a graduate qualification of education major. But at that time her father wanted her to be a soldier to follow in his footsteps, so she had to take the exam and accidentally passed the exam. Then she couldn't help but be a soldier.

So after she resigned as a military officer, she applied to be a guidance teacher that she dreamed of at a private school in Krung Thep.

Another thing she likes was drawing. She liked to draw a lot until wanting to study at the Faculty of Arts in any field. But her father objected to it because he wanted her to be a soldier like him.

PARAMEE left home to live alone since university. She kept asking herself all the time. The path she was walking was the path she wanted until recently she realized that it wasn't all from her desires at all. So, she decided to follow the path of her choosing. Even though the age is close to thirty, to PARAMEE, she thought that a new beginning wasn't concerned about age.

After she finished dinner, she came to check the survey on the continuing education of students in the last year of high school at this school. When she saw the letters that the students drew, dreaming of their future. She felt very happy, feeling that these children were enviable of being able to find the path they want to be at such a young age. Although some dreams may seem surreal, who knows, they may come true. Everything is always possible if we think to do it.

She didn't want these kids to be like her. She wanted them to walk their paths.

PARAMEE continued to read, sat smiling, and read until she reached one of the papers. It was a clean study questionnaire without any writing, only a pen mark that wrote the name of the owner of this questionnaire on the corner of the paper.


She furrowed her brows in thought because she felt like she was familiar with this last name. Thinking about it, her eyes widened in shock with picked up that paper and looked at it again her eyes fixed on his surname.

"Oh god, this surname!!!..."

After being stunned for a while, her curiosity began to flow out like a breaking dam. Why would a student with such a famous billionaire's last name not write anything on the study questionnaire?

"Or that— Think you're the son of a billionaire and you can do everything? Do you intend to annoy me like that? Ok, just you wait!"

PARAMEE said furiously and narrowed her eyes staring at the paper as if that student was in front of her.

To be continued...

For the name of the character, I will use all capital letters. Because it is a Thai name may confuse the reader.

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