I tried to survive but I am tired of living
well as you my dear diary can see I don't have a lot of friends so I mi my self decided to make you. now let me introduce myself I am zero ...
well that felt wird now I am going to describe my self I am tall I always were a black scarf my hair is black my eyes are Brown I am kinda slim and well since I was very young I always thought that the end of the world was coming so I trained and learned skills the basic stuff how to craft weapons how to hide handle my breath sword skills , medicine etc...
as you might imagine I didn't have friends or close relationships my family was well let's say that they worked all the time and my sister hated me. so then I am a ghost a wird one but whatever I liked making magic and not those fake tricks I am talking about real magic after some time I made some experiments with magic on mi myself and what did I got you may ask well I can see colors that normal people can't see and kind of misty things that aren't there and some times I hear this voices they're cute and funny but sometimes they make me want to scream I have been suffering depression and people bullie me every now and then . people tend to ignore me they make rumors they say things like "that kid is so wird have you heard my friend told me he is some kind of grimreaper or something " or " yeah I was friends with that creep before he liked me but I rejected him " same talk in the hallway people see me with a disgusted face but what do I care for them they're just humans I will never be able to be one of them nor that I want to be.
enough with my past experiences they don't matter anymore because you are my friend now r right ? well I guess this is enough for today I will write in the morning