

We realized this while analyzing one of the subjects of our discontent, a blue whale. Although not the most massive object we'd ever been face to face with, it still gave us an eerie feeling. A primordial sort of feeling, like the very quintessence that made up the fabric of my mind, was being shaken. Looking back at it, even the sounds it made reverberated through the essence of our being, not on an emotional or physical plane – and I won't claim to be so in tune with my spiritual body that we would realize any disturbances made thereof- but on a cosmological plane.

It baffled us, at the time we couldn't comprehend how the sounds made by a particularly large fish could invoke such a high-level sensory reaction. We couldn't understand yet there it was. With each of its primal songs, we were made more aware of the minisculity of our existence. Not because the whale was so much bigger than us but because with each of its echoes, we began to notice the vastness of the ocean world.

As I stared at the massive creature- ignoring me whether due to my size or insignificance we will never know - it made its way into the dark depths of the ocean floor. As if being hypnotized by some king of the deep it dove deeper and deeper, till all that was left of it was its distant call - that even then we couldn't be sure to be real or just the after images of its existence.

Being an avid H.P Lovecraft reader made this scene all the more horrific. What if all his works, all of the mythos he created wasn't the simple creative work of dozens of creative thinkers. What if they were the small pulses of information shared to all creatures of the universe, perceived by humans in the only way that wouldn't shatter their fragile minds. The thought made it uncomfortable so we began to swim to the surface.

As we swam up it got the feeling that we were being watched. Like the abyss had found interest in the little being that watched one of its children and decided to investigate. But for fear of attracting even more attention from it, I didn't stop to verify. I continued my ascent hoping that we would escape the encounter with at least our sanity- or what was left of it anyways-, how foolish I was. As I breached we realized that our perspective had changed.

The world felt less real, like everything around us were props used in a play. I ignored it, making my way to my boat, it could still feel the abyss watching us and I didn't feel comfortable being in the same waters it haunted. Standing atop my boat we didn't feel anymore safe, it was as if it could see through all matter, peaking through the floor boards of my boat, staring into our quintessence.

We looked to the sky to avoid its gaze, when would it leave me. The night sky offered no cover from the stars; all the inhabitants of the earth were laid bare to them. And that's when we first noticed them. A bigger abyss than the one below me, this one making me question not just our existence but the existence of everything on earth. They looked at us with interest, like they had just discovered an oddity, and were all excited to investigate it. My brain couldn't handle it, we collapsed.