
The Diamond in the Rough

Two sacred beasts, transmigrated from an old dying world,sent by The supreme Leader to guide and protect His One and Only daughter... These sacred beasts,turned into two Pitbulls in this world. They are ones sent to protect the only thing that can be used as a blessing and utter chaos... The supreme Leader's daughter,who was a force to deal with....Storm. She was sent to this world to be hidden because she was unnaturally supreme in everyway. But as dark forces are nearing,only the two sacred beasts can help guide her and teach her the meaning of true power...

Joya_Hendricks · Fantasy
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1 Chs

I'm aware

Thunder and lighting violated the city's buildings as a unnatural storm ascents. After 9 brutal lighting strikes, everything calms down. Utter silence...

Somewhere underneath an old bridge, something moves under the ruble. A beautiful blue-grey American Pitbull puppy with sky-blue eyes and a red nose, stretches his head out

Rough:"Where are you Diamond,I don't like this place. It's wet and smelly!"

A cream coloured American Staffordshire terrier puppy with yellow eyes,red nose and a white stripe that runs from her nose to her tail, replies.

Diamond:"Ag,just shut it Rough. You know very well what Master said. We're here to accompany Little Miss in her new life here. She's to unlock her potential,become powerful and who knows... Maybe find her soul mate!"

She replies giggling and urging Rough to come out underneath the dirt.

Diamond:" We need to explore this realm in order to pick up Little Miss's scent, otherwise we'll perish, you got that!"

Rough:"I could've found her in a split second with my abilities but unfortunately Master placed our power levels at zero. I feel bullied Sis!!"

Said Rough as he wiped imaginary tears.

Diamond just rolls her eyes at him. Unable to understand why this dog is named Champion in the underworld. Super vision, super strength,the ability to breathe fire,flies and A WHOLE LOT MORE.

Unlike him,she's telepathic,can turn invisible, spellcaster and again A WHOLE LOT MORE!!!

Unfortunately Master sent them here because he needs to protect his only daughter Storm. So they have work with what little abilities they have.

Meanwhile on the other side of the cityA young 16 year old opens her eyes. Lifts her hand to her face, immediately breaking out in a huge grin. She no longer has a pale sickly complexion. She gets out of bed, hesitantly and walks over to the mirror in the room. She gasps and blurts out

"I'm awake and fully aware but in someone else's body!"