

It was midnight when the stars started to shine, the people of the village have felt asleep; the forest was populated by many strange creatures ruling the the night. Arkantia was one of the cities hidden in the forest, many people were saying stories about the city but no one knew what's inside of it. No human have never been there since it was populated by monsters: sirens, angels, vampires ecc... Arkantia is one of the most important kingdom in the creature world, humans where saying that they were using black magic to control the weather, many also say that it's dangerous going there that's why whoever immortal creature enters in a human kingdom will be killed. The Ergon empire was one of the most powerful human kingdom in the world, with the death of the Queen of Ergon they were blaming Arkantia for killing her and now after the two kingdoms are at war with each other. But a prophecy from the southern kingdom said "sixteen years later four girls will bring peace in the two kingdoms and destroying the dark ruler" the war will be cruel and deadly but..... the messangers will arrive