
The Diagnosis

Park_A · Fantasy
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13 Chs


After my shift ended, we left the bar to take a walk near the town park. It was quite dark, only lightness coming from moonlight. Looking far away in front of us, I was able to see the dim light of the street lamps but it hardly reached us. We were walking side by side, neither of us speaking. It felt tense a little. "Was this really a date?" I asked myself deep in thought.

"Umm... Suga?"

"Hmm..." he hummed as a response, still looking ahead of himself.

"I still don't know your real name." I sated which made him turn his head and look at me. This is the second time I see that expression on his name. The first time it happened at the bar when I asked him if Suga was his real name. His eyes were very dark, staring directly at my soul. Eyebrows furrowed, tension evident as he bit down on his lower lip.

"No one knows," he said, looking away from me with a heavy sigh.

"Why not?" I asked, curiosity taking the better of me. He sighed again, before stopping in his trace and sat at the nearby bench.

"Because I don't like my real name," he confessed.

"Why?" I sat down next to him, looking up in the sky.

He was silent for some time then he looked at me and spoke again. "Why would I tell that to you?"

"Because..." I paused for a minute to get my thoughts organized before speaking again. "Because I feel like it's something bad like it's bothering you. And if you tell someone, you'll feel better. Well, at least less bothered. And you can always tell me. You know that. But if you don't want to, it's okay." I said and he lowered his gaze to the ground.

"My parents were horrible toward me. They never love me, nor trusted in me. Not to mention they never respected me and my decisions. They were everything except parents... While I was little, I often spent nights crying all in bruises... They made me do things I didn't want to and to be what I wasn't... In the end, my father killed himself because of the nightmares he kept on having every night... They were also the reason why he used to beat me hard and ... And rape my mother. After his death, my mom changed a lot. While father was still alive, she was at least a bit good towards me... But then... I couldn't take it anymore... I ran away from home when I was 16... And now, I've been living here for quite some years. I don't know what happened to her neither if she's still alive. But honestly, I don't even care. The name, I don't like it because they were the ones who gave it to me... And for the sure name, I hate it because it belonged to my father..." Suga explained.

I just watched him in pure shock.

"I-i... I'm s-sorry..." I apologized, lowering my gaze down to my hands that were resting on my lap. I feel bad now that I made him speak about all these things. It probably hurts him a lot.

"What for? It's not your fault."

"Yeah but I didn't know about it and I wasn't by your side..." I confessed what was on my heart before moving myself to give him a tight hug, having my head buried in the nape of his neck.

"Why did I tell you all of this? Why do I trust only to you?" he asked, warping his arms around my waist, returning my hug. It made me very happy knowing he didn't push me away from him.

"I don't know," I replied, unsure if the questions asked were directed to me or himself.

"Yoongi... Min Yoongi..." he whispered, his soft voice and breath tickling my ear. I looked at him, moving back a little making our faces be only a few inches apart. I was about to say that its a nice name but I stopped. It seems like it wasn't nice to him.

At that moment, a loud sound of lightning striking echoed through our ears, soon followed by the drops of rain. Great. I was about to take off my jacket but I felt some shelter above me. Suga took off his jacket and was covering me with it.

"Thanks, but... You'll get cold and wet."

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to rain and coldness and besides... I don't want you to get wet and catch a cold. What kind of a man would I be if I let that happen?"

I felt my face blushing once again at his sweet words. For the first time, I was thankful that it was dark so he wouldn't be able to notice it.

"C'mon, let's go," he said looking around.

"Is something wrong?"I asked, feeling as if something is bothering him.

"No. It's just... C'mon. Let's get outta here." He got up and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him. We were running down from the park, through tons of dark alley until he suddenly stopped in front of one building. "Let's go," he said.

"Where?"I asked, still confused as of what just happened. Why is he in such a hurry?

"To my place. C'mon." He took my hand again and pulled me inside the building and then in one apartment, I assume his. What are we running from?

"Suga! What's wrong?!" I asked, this time raising my voice a little.

"Everything's alright. Okay?" he said, placing his hands on my shoulders, his dark orbs looking into mine. Once again, he did not say anything special, but I felt the temperature in my body raising at just his stare. As if he's looking right into my soul. I start melting right away.

I nodded with a small sigh escaping my lips. He moved away from me and into one of the rooms. I took both his and mine jacket off, placing them on a chair nearby. I walked over to the window and moved the curtains aside to get some light to come into the room. As I looked down on the road, I saw two men, in black suits and black hats, looking up at me. I noticed a smirk on one of their faces. They lowered their heads to hide their faces with hats and walked away in the rain.

"Who are they?" I asked Suga once he case into the room. He immediately walked over to me and looked through the window himself.

"They're not important. Forget about them. Okay? Now go and take a shower." he said, giving me a black shirt and sweatpants. I assume that what he went for once we got here.

"Shower? Here?"

"Yeah. Why? I can't let you be wet and catch a cold. Please Chim." he said and I couldn't find myself to refuse after hearing that adorable nickname that he called me with.

What do I do now?! I screamed in my head as I made my way towards the bathroom where Suga pointed it to be earlier when he spoke.

It didn't take me long to finish showering and I was already out the shower, drying my hair with a towel I found placed next to the sink. After I was done with it, I put on the cloths Suga gave me. I was all in black but the clothes fit me perfectly. I guess this would be his favorite color.

After staring at the mirror for a few minutes to make sure I looked nice for him, I went out of the bathroom.

"You're done?"

"Yup. What are you doing?"

"Making dinner. I'm sure you're hungry."

I smiled and looked around the room to hide my blushing face. Only then I realized what kind of a mess this place is. The dust is all around covering both floor and furniture, many torn and crumpled papers all over the living room, the windows were dirty the same as the couch, carpets ... Easily said, everything was a total mess.

"Would you mind if I clean the place a bit?" I asked.

"Clean the place?"

"Yeah. It's really messy. No offense. It wouldn't be a problem for me to do it." He smiled at me then nodded his head a bit and continued making the dinner.

I took all the supplies I needed and started doing my work. I washed the windows, cleaned the floor and couch, and everything else that needed to be cleaned... It would be an understatement if I said I was hella tired after that. At least, the place looked nice and neat now.

"Jiminnie... Take a little break. Dinner is ready."

I put aside the things that I was doing and went to sit at the table. I felt very uncomfortable having him sit across me and eat. I kept staring at him the whole time. The food on my plate was barely touched. "How can someone be so beautiful?" I asked myself, my mind still not being able to process all of his handsome features.

"You don't like it?" he asked, taking a glance at my plate and then at me.

"No, no... I like it." I lowered my head feeling that my cheeks started burning again and continued eating. I could hear a small chuckle escape his lips but I didn't dare look up again.

After the meal, we washed the dishes together before he went to take a bath. While he was in the shower, I made sure to finish my work as well to have more time to spend together after he's done.

"Woah... You're a hardworking person. Thank you." he stated with a surprised face as soon as he came out of the bathroom.

His comment made me feel warm and proud of myself for always wanting to help my mom and learn new things. "You're welcome," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"You know, you're the first person I trust to. Also the first one I said thanks to, but... Why? Why is it you out of all people I met over the years?" I blushed at his words.

"I-i d-don't know," I replied, stuttering a bit. You're such an idiot Jimin! What are you stuttering for?! I mentally slapped myself.

"You're special," he confessed while walking over to stand in front of me. Our faces were only a few inches away, both of us staring into each other's eyes not saying anything further. Drops of water were falling from his beautiful dark hair and onto my face. He lifted his hand on my check, whipping the water away. Our faces moved closer and I was able to feel his breath tickling my note. Just when I thought something is going to happen, he smiled, turned around, and walked away into the kitchen.

What?! C'mon! Suga?

A sigh of disappointment left my lips as I flopped down onto the couch in embarrassment. "What did you even want to happen Park Jimin? Get a hold of yourself?"I mentally scolded myself before I heard him coming back into the room, carrying a glass of water with him.

"Will you sleep at my place tonight?" and that's when all of the troubles started coming my way.