
The Devouring Serpent

Asmodeus Nagini, a shut-in that got ran over by truck-kun and gets reincarnated as a snake. Watch as he evolves and grows more powerful the more he devours. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The mc is ‘evilish’, he won’t take pleasure in killing others, but he won’t hesitate to kill. He mainly sees everyone as food. There is no rape, but there may be some blackmail among other things if there is something he wants. Finally, he will have allies and lovers, but he will have ways to make sure they won’t betray him. And yes, there will be romance later in the fic. The system only gives the MC skills and evolutions the more he devours. There won't be any stats or shop. The world starts in an original world I created, but eventually he will be able to travel to other dimensions. There may be lemons later on in the fic. The only characters and worlds that belong to me are the ones that I have made. The cover picture of the fanfic is not mine so if the owner wants me to take it down, let me know.

OP_NovelAddict · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


The next day I woke up in the morning like usual. I started to plan out how I wanted to spend my day. I got the poison ability from that woman yesterday, which I could possibly use to kill large amounts of humans. I just need to find out how I would spread my poison through out the city.

After thinking for a while I got a brilliant idea. It was a perfect plan, all I would have to do is find a place that is tall enough. I started to search through the forest near the city to see if there was any high place I could get to. As I kept searching I finally found a hill that was similar looking to the one in Hollywood, Los Angeles, overlooking the city. I started to produce a type of poison called Sarin all around me for an hour until the whole area was covered in it.

For the last step I slithered behind all the gas and faced the city. I did my best to lift up my tail and I slowly started to swing it in a circle. A couple minutes later it was already spinning so fast you could not see it with the naked eye. It was like a fan, pushing all of the poison into the city. At first I thought that the poison I made was enough but when I looked at the poison compared to the rest of the city, I decided to make some more. So, I spent two hours creating more Sarin and fanned it out again towards the city.

I could already see a bunch of ambulances and people speeding towards the hospital. However, it was unfortunate that one whiff of this poison was enough for a person to die. First, they would foam at the mouth and fall into a coma, then die. I'll just wait a while for the poison to take over the whole city then I can feast. The only thing I am worried about is the organization the poison woman was from. Although I can't even be hurt by missiles, they could still have some unorthodox way of killing me.

Anyways, I will worry about that when they come to fight me. For now I will go and feast. So, I slithered down the hill and went into the city. I would just open my mouth and slither down sidewalks and streets, swallowing cars and humans whole. There was almost nothing besides bodies and cars on the streets, so it was much easier to eat then chasing running humans.

After having my meal I decided to go back to the forest when, as I expected, 10 people in black clothing started to run at me. I suspect these people are apart of that organization the purple haired woman talked about. As they ran towards me they started to shoot me with attacks. One spewed fire at me, another dried to drown me with water, one used wind blades which didn't even scratch my scales, and another used earth to try to trap me into the ground. However, I just broke through the earth.

It looks like these four each use one of the four elements, but it looks like their abilities still aren't enough to damage me. Still, they would still be useful against normal humans. Next, another one of the humans popped out from my shadow and tried to cut me with a knife. It was a futile endeavor, so I just smacked him away from me with my tail. But, the next thing makes me gain a little interest. The sixth human use some type of healing ability, and healed the dude I smacked from all of his broken bones. Although, the human that healed him looked really pale so it probably used a lot of energy.

The next human just turned himself into metal and tried to punch me which again didn't work. This time I hit the guy with most of my strength. It was so strong and fast it instantly split him into two. They all shouted, "NOOOO," "NO, PAUL!" "DAMN SNAKE! I'LL KILL YOU!" I started to get tired of them so I just used some highly lethal poison which instantly killed them. The fight was over in just under 30 seconds. I thought I was going to have a good fight, but it looks like the ability wielders in this world are all canon fodder compared to me. So, I began to devour them to gain their abilities.

[Ding! Traits gained, 4 elements Affinity, Mana Affinity, and Negative and Positive Energy]

[Ding! Skills gained, Metal Skin, Time Lock, Animal Speak]

'System, show me my status" I thought.


Name: Asmodeus Nagini

Age: 1 Year

Size: 25 Meters Length, 3.5 Meters Girth

Race: Devouring Serpent

Traits: Endless Evolving Body, Human Tongue, Metallic Scales, Poison Secretion, 4 Elements Affinity, Mana Affinity, Negative Energy, Positive Energy

Skills: Devour, Metal Skin, Time Lock, Animal Speak


This chapter kind of felt a little dull with the action scene. I also might have gave him some OP abilities. I don't want him to gain any more abilities for now since it's my first time writing a fanfic, I need to learn how to incorporate these abilities into an actual fight. Anyways, I'll try to make the chapters more entertaining, but I'm still learning.

Also, what do you guys think about the pacing. Should I keep the mc in this world for a while, or do you want to see him go to another world in the next couple chapters? Comment some suggestions for worlds to go to because I haven't decided yet.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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