
The Devils Puppet

A low life,self aware guy who has low affinity for magic with poor communication skills makes a contract with the devil.. and gains power above his peers.. read as he journey off in the path of good and evil

Jeffrey_Brown_8100 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Its 7:00am and i was still dozing off till i felt something wet on me....yep my sister splashed me with water.. which jolt me out my sleep'' wake up you numbskull''Ashley shouted closed to my ears....''ughhhhh, am awake, am awake' i said.. while entering the bathroom ''oh yeah today's the school trip, i totally forgot, is that why she excited..i guess we havent done that in a while huh'' i said to my self as i got ready for school... i packed what i needed for the trip since its gonna be a 1 week trip and put them in my storage ring and i went down stairs...''i boxed your lunch put it in your storage ring'' my mom said as she handed over my lunch to me, ''you not gonna be eating mom's cooking for a while' she said as she grabbed my cheek and pecked me on the forehead. just then ashley and dad walked into the kitchen ''well are you ready? '' Ashley asked '' yeah i am, by the way arent we taking the school bus'' i asked '' no we arent am teleporting us straight to class'' she said and began to conjure the spell....i stepped into the circle and a bright light enveloped us and as amazing as it was we where in class ''you know i still get amazed even after all this time of teleporting with you''well good luck ill be going''she said then walked off..am in class3d and shes in A well shes an ace... i looked around the class ''its empty'' i said as i sat on my chair 10mins later my classmates started appearing one after the other...''oh its seems chris the loser is here already'' a guy said.. '' did your sister bring you to school today'' another one added i kept hearing remarks about how my sister teleported me to school, and then the teacher appeared....'' take your seats'' she said.. '' before we go on, you the class trip is today.. its gonna commence after we take this class.. '' she said, then proceeded to use levitaation magic on her chalk....''before we go on...we have a transfer student, please come in'' she said, and then the door opened and a girl with silver came in...with her gentle fierce red eyes staring at us...''i..its you'' i said....almost shouting..i mentained my posture and tried to act ass if i didnt know her...''Hi am Elsa Mc Grel, and i hope we get along'' she said 'Elsa huh evev her name is cute' i thought to myself ''go fix yourself somewhere'' the teacher ordered her.. she walked elegantly to where i was sitting and sat close to me ''what the hell do you think you are doing miss X'' i asked cause it seemed all the attentionn where on us...'' what.. the teacher told me to grab a seat, so isnt it best to seat with whom you are acquainted with?'' she asked '' well i guess you are right'' i said and decided not to press the issue further...'' now class the short and abrevated spell to levitation magic is 'LEVITITE' now depending on your mana you can raise anything'' she said then cast levitite on the chair and chalk and even on a student... ''so you see class mana is an important factor for casting levivitate... now you all try'' she said then used wind magic to distribute chalks for all of us, the genuises in class had started making their chalks hovering around the air, it was just me and Elsa left.. ''dont you wanna give it a try'' she asked '' sorry but i dont do magic'' i replied... then she cast her own spell..''levitite'' she said, as soon she said that the chalk flew towards the rooftop.. i mean it was higher than the rest of the class... even the teacher couldnt help but be amazed '' wow, i guess you have the wind attribute mana'' the teacher said.....[there are five types of attribute namely wind, fire, earth, water, lighting] ''sorry but you are wrong i have the lightning attribute'' Elsa corrected her '' wow the rare element.. the only people who had those where the Graysons, you must be talented.. well i expect good things from you..'' the teacher said and just like that Elsa popularity sky rocketed like that....''ok since everyone has successfully made their chalk levitate in guess we can..'' as she was about ending the class a guy named peter interrupted her'' hold on miss, not all of us has cast levitation spell'' he said '' and who might that be ''the teacher asked '' its Chris from the Famous Grayson family.. he hasnt done it'' he said in sarcastic way '' oh please proceed to cast your spell''she.. this time with all eyes on me i was kinda embarrassed ''ok ummm....levitite'' i said for about 5sec nothing happened but to my suprise the chalk started levitating...this shocked everyone ,i decided to play along '' well see'' i said and the the chalk came down... i looked around and saw Elsa winked at me... 'so she cast the spell' '' now that, that's done lets go on the class trip..every one in the class where still shocked about the whole me doing a levitation spell..

''hey thanks for earlier'' i said '' oh its nothing. by the way where you think wed be going'' she asked ''i dont know'' i replied as we, including our teacher walked through the hallway, when we got out we saw a massive teleportation circle on the floor...you could hear statements like ''wow thats massive'' etc..

''now every one step into the circle'' the teacher ordered as we steppeed into the circle i felt someone holding me fro behind and when i turned around i saw Elsa, as i was about asking her what that was about a white light engulfed us we telepoted to an unknown place.

''where are we '' Elsa asked '' and it seemed we are the only ones here'' she added ''we distubuted to various location.'' i said. '' then its a god thing i held unto you right, a defenceless girl like me cant be alone in this forest'' she said with a cute expression '' yeah defenceless my ass, thats a lode of BS, a,m sure you can fry anything that comes your way'' i said while thinking of way to regroup with the others '' awwn you give me so much credit'' she said as we where walking we heard our teacher voice in a form enhanced version like it was coming from a speaker...''am sure you are wondering why you all are seperated, the smart ones might have guessed it, while the dumb ones ares still wandering around, anyways this isnt your usual school trip its a joint Training camp.

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