
The Devils Puppet

A low life,self aware guy who has low affinity for magic with poor communication skills makes a contract with the devil.. and gains power above his peers.. read as he journey off in the path of good and evil

Jeffrey_Brown_8100 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


i think i broke something'' i whimpered in pain.. but then i heard a familiar sadistic laugh i haven't heard in a long time, immediately my body froze up.


my body reacted to the past experiences I had with him..

how he will always bully me once school's over..or how he uses me for target practice....all those past experiences my body and mind never forgot about them. Now feeling his punch, seeing his face, hearing his laugh...my body is reminded of the hell it went through...

"Hello Chris" he said with a twisted grin on his face....

I moved back out of habit...."what do you want " I said in calm voice trying my best to keep my act together.....my mind just keep reminding me of my times with Edward..

he then picked me up with his hands that he reinforced with magic to lift me up as if am weightless.

"can't I greet an old Friend...that gives me everything I ask" he said as dropped me down...and leaned closer to my face..."today you acted as if you where above me, and not only that you dare touch my hand, all because you where trying to please a lady...now I shall show you true despair" He said then he used wind magic to slice of my finger....

''Arggggggggggggggggghh" I scream at the to of my lungs because this was the first time he'd do something like this to me.... 'dammmn...whyyy...justt why...why are humans wicked,selfish beigns....' I thought to my self as my fingers where no longer a complete ten but nine..

"wow would you look at that...blood is flowing from your index finger.....shall we check the other one and see If it will also bleed" he said with a wide grin....as he was about to slice the other one with wind magic he stopped and spoke up.."Why don't we take this elsewhere.....maybe near where you live I think that'd be nice "he said then casting teportation magic on us..immediately i found myself at the alley close to my house..then created a barrier around us..' HE GREW STRONGER AGAIN' I shouted inwardly...Edward strength greatly rival's my sisters strength..."inside this barrier we are completely cut off from the outside world....we have this place all to our self...now let's start figuring your body.." he said as he picked up my other finger..

" no...no.. stop...." I said with a hoarce voice.....but alas he didn't listen and then I felt another wave of pain shot through my Body from my brain "fuuuuuuccckkkk" I shouted with tears in my eyes....

"hahaha hahaha hahaha yeah how does it feel....I don't know bout you but am having the time of my life here"Edward shouted as he continued chopping of my fingers with wind blades....i screamed my voice out till I didn't have voice to scream no more. Already I could fill my consciousness slipping away...due to lack..of blood.....'EDWARD MUST DIE' I said in my mind before finally loosing consciousness.

seeing as he got no reaction from me he stopped torturing me and spat on my body and said "heal" he cast healing spell on me..and began to walk away" I will play with you next time..." then left the Alley...

I WOKE UP FEELING mentally and physically exhausted.."urggghh what the hell" I groaned in pain and then memories of what Edward had done to me rushed into my mind like an open pipe...I quickly looked at my hands....although I couldn't fill pain there physically but that couldn't be the same mentally...as my brain was constantly reminding of the pain i felt..

I staggered as I tried getting up....'dammmmnnn people, Edward I shall give you pain beyond comparison ' I thought to my self as nothing could stop the seed of rage and revenge that's been planted in my heart from sprouting.

I got to my house...and there I found everybody in the dining room seemly preparing ro eat dinner....in my eyes they where happy and talking with each other as if I didn't exist.... 'just you wait...all of you pretenders will come crying at my feet' i thought to my self.

they noticed my presence and my mom decided to speak up.." Hey Chris welcome home, come join us for dinner ok" she said....

"sorry but I don't have appetite....AM going to my room" I said then left their presence, Ashley looked at me for a brief seconds before minding her business...

I layed on my bed with my close and my body sore from all the stress of today...'why.....why...why am I different..why wasn't I born with power....damn this world sucks...people suck...' I thought to my self...wave of drowsiness took over my body.. "am tired" and then I dove into the dream world...

unknowingly to me an unknown voice in my head said "It is Time" as soon as he said those words...a message hovered at the front of my face....






sorry for the late post guys.....I know am late...but sorry health comes first hope you understand.....

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