
The Devils Lost Bride

The Devil himself lost his wife, to a war... and illness... and he killed all his followers due to the fact he lost the love of his life.... but he will make sure he will not go through that again... He regained his followers and now he has hundreds and thousands of followers in his hands... and he had many search for his lost bride... not even he knew what she looked like, she was told in a prophecy that only his followers knew about. The devil can travel through mirrors... and watch people and be around people without being seen. He can be seen if he is summoned or when he wants to show you he is there... He found his lost bride Anna Love & he will never lose her again... but what happens when another man comes in the way? Or if an Angel swoops her off her feet taking her away from the devils arms? Will there be war? He promises to keep her.. forever

Adrianna_Renee · Fantasy
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The Devil himself

The world and power at my feet, no one to share with... my heart aches for a woman, my lost love who was killed by the mortals above. It has been centuries since I lost my first love. My sweet Bella... oh how I wish you were here, but God hates me to be happy... so he took you away... I was so struck by love.. that I wasn't strong enough, wasn't protective enough... but that wont happen again. With my next love...

~My p.o.v~

"William!!!!! " I raised my voice at the top of my lungs as I laid there in bed.

"Yes, my Lord? He bowed his head as he slowly started shaking in fear.

"Have you located the girl and done the ritual yet?" I growled

"No sir. We have not located the girl... but we have located her family's home for the ritual. The girl will be drawn to it and come. But we cannot start yet... " he spoke quietly not making eye contact with the devil himself.

"WHY NOT" suddenly rope came from the floor and tied around Williams legs and arms soon around his neck choking him.

"You have to see her at least once to confirm its her. Because a small bond will form... and we.. can start then.." he kept gasping for air.

I snapped my fingers and the rope vanished into thin air. "Very well. Dismiss" I growled lightly and slowly got out of bed.

My body naked, I look into my mirror and chant a foreign language and my eyes glow black as I whisper my future lovers name. The mirror shows me my lost bride.

It was a woman, short and tan, with long jet black hair, soft brown eyes, red lips, curves and thickness. I drooled looking at her and my friend below liked the thoughts we would do to her.

She went by the name of Anna, so her tags appears to say. She wore a business suit, assuming she worked in an office. She did, but for a police station, she was a detective. She lived alone had a nice place to herself. Had bad-luck with men.

"My sweet Anna, soon you will be mine. You will be with me in hell soon enough. We shall rule together then the earth will follow" My smirk was wide as my member below grew in excitement. I laughed as smoke clouded me and soon I was dressed in a black and gold suit, my medium curly black hair at my ears. My chiseled chin sharp, my eyes soft with emotion and darkness. "Time to make an impression on the lady" I thought dressed up so nicely.

I chant a small spell and walk through a portal to the living world.

There she was, at work in her office writing away. She doesn't know I'm sitting at her desk watching her work. Her lips so juicy making me want to kiss her till she couldn't breathe. Her hair so soft making me want to pet her, her body thick and beautiful making me want to have my way with her on the desk.... knowing she couldn't see me gave me the opportunity to mess with her....

As she was working what seemed like paperwork, I slowly come from behind and slide my nails and fingertips up her legs giving her a small sensation like feeling.

She moved her legs away and scratched her ankle with her other foot. I smiled at the thought of her knowing it was me.

I slowly come close to her ear and whisper "Anna..." she turned around and saw the office wall empty. She shrugged and went back to doing work.

Slowly my hand travels to her womanhood area and I press my large hand and cup her pussy and I moan softly as I want her. This giving her a small pleasure like feeling. I back away as she stands up flustered.

"My dear soon you will be mine" I smirk watching her ass sway as she walks.

I make my way to her lieutenant office and finally reappear in-front of him the blinds closed and the door locked. I sat in the chair and grinned widely.

The lieutenant jumped.

"Hello Peter" I smirked so big my smile reached ear to ear. But it snapped and I glared. "I gave you what you wanted... now you will honor my favor in return. No matter what it is" I glare as smoke slowly started to come from my head.

"Yes sir.." he was so frightened he looked like he would have a heart attack.

"The girl, I seek is my bride to be... she works for you and her name is Anna Love... you will watch over her and tell me any details I require. But for starters give me her address..." I laughed in his head as he gave me a small file of her.

"Excellent... now.. one more thing... what I require most is loyalty... when my ritual is complete... you will hide what will be done. No one will know and no one will remember. Got it" My eyes flared black to red to brown.

"Yes, my lord... what will be done for me to hide?..." Peter asked hesitantly

"Pure evil.. just know I will be watching closely, otherwise your soul will be forever damned in hell. So if you want to make it to heaven get what I want done when needed and you will be free, deal with me again and your soul is mine" I smirked that showed my fangs as I laughed

"Yes my lord" he sank into his chair as I vanished into thin air as if nothing happened.

Now I shall travel up to Denver.. alert my followers and finish this ritual...