
The Devils Daughter is a High-Schooler!

What happens when the daughter of the many incarnations of the devil gets reincarnated in the modern human world? Absolute chaos that's what! The Devils Daughter is a High-Schooler! follows the story of Lucielle Morningstar as she wanders through her new life as high school girl in modernish Japan! Who knows what else is in store for our young heroine!?!?

Arkasia_Winters · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"You're not going to the human world and that is final!" Lucifer's voice boomed throughout the halls of his fortress as he glared angrily down at his daughters diminutive form. Standing at a measly five foot and three inches Lucielle Morningstar propped her hands on her hips as she stared defiantly upwards at her father. "Just because you're banished from the human realm doesn't mean I am so I shouldn't be bound because of your mistakes! I wanna experience something other than the doom and gloom of Hell for once in my life!"

Lucielle was already twenty thousand years old at this point and she had been obsessed with the human realm since she had been a wee lass of ten thousand. One of her "bodyguards" named Arthurius had snuck the young mistress a collection of manga that he had picked up on one of his many trips to the human realm. Lucielle immediately became obsessed with the humans, though to be more precise she became obsessed with Japan and its manga and anime culture thus resulting in her turning into an otaku of sorts....at least as close as a demonic princess can get to being an otaku. When the young miss wasn't being instructed in demonic politics, magic, history, and the like she was absorbed in whatever manga Arthurius had managed to smuggle into the palace. If Lucifer had every found out about this going on under his nose he would have melted Arthurius on the spot, such was his disdain for humanity and their trappings.

A vein popped on Lucifer's otherwise angelic face as his crystalline blue eyes flashed crimson red. "You may be my only daughter but you should still watch how you speak to me my dear precocious daughter." Lucifer's killing intent was roiling outwards in thick waves causing the lesser demons in the throne room to immediately vomit blood as they hurriedly stumbled from the room as the battle that was about to happen would have seen them reduced to blood mist if they had hung around. Lucielle's pastel eyes began to shine in response to her fathers bloodlust as she relaxed her stance slightly. "Whatever you say boomer." A slight smile creased Lucielle's lips causing her pearly white teeth to shine.

The palace walls shook as Lucifer exploded in laughter as his killing intent rapidly faded away. "Bwahahahaha! Daughter you and your human insults never cease to amuse me. Now run along before I ground you for another thousand years. Lucifer leaned back into his throne before he began to cycle through the various documents that had appeared before him. Lucielle continued to stare upwards at her father. Lucifer had still retained his angelic appearance even after his fall an eternity before. Long flowing platinum hair cascaded down his seven foot form as his feminine hands sorted through various papers. You wouldn't think such a slender and beautiful looking being was the leader of the demonic horde of hell but that's what he was and he never let her forget that fact or that she was destined to rule it at his side.

Lucielle's eyes flashed and several of the documents Lucifer was reading crumbled to dust as her demonic eyes of destruction ripped them to pieces. "Grounding me will do nothing besides piss me off even more dear dad. I'm going to the human world and that is final." Turning around Lucielle began to leave the throne room when she was abruptly yanked from her feet before being slammed into a nearby pillar. Cracks spider webbed across the pillar before crumbling to dust, Lucielle coughed up blood as she glared over at Lucifer who hadn't even moved a muscle from his throne. "I really liked this outfit you know." Blood stained her white school girl outfit as she slid down the pillar before walking away. "You're grounded now so return to your room and resume your studies. If you come back in here before your punishment is over I'll double the time. See you in a thousand years my daughter."

Lucielle left the room without a backwards glance as her wings began to unfurl from her back before she leapt upwards into the night sky. Soaring rapidly through the sky Lucielle ascended to her tower. Flying through the skylight Lucielle sighed as she swiftly undressed, much like her father Lucielle's beauty was stunning by mortal and immortal standards. Her platinum hair shined as brightly as moonlight in the human realm while the tips were as dark as the inky abyss of Tartarus. Her pointed ears were akin to an elves though hers were a bit longer than the average elves ears. Slipping into a new outfit Lucielle sighed as she incinerated the outfit she had previously been wearing. "He's such an ass. I'm going to find a way into the human world or die trying." Flicking about the room Lucielle used her speed to gather the tomes she had hidden throughout the room before settling down at her desk. She was pouring through the tomes when the door to her chambers slowly opened. A towering minotaur demon stepped through the portal and bowed to Lucielle. "I heard you had another fight with your father young miss?"

Lucielle smiled brightly at Arthurius as she looked over her shoulder. "Yeah you know. Just the usual stuff so I'm grounded for another thousand years but I swear I'm going to find a way into the human world someday." Spinning around in her chair Lucielle beamed upwards at Arthurius. "So what brings you to my humble abode today?"

Arthurius' form began to shift and compress before a flash of light appeared before fading away. Standing where the minotaur demon had been a human male now bowed to Lucielle. "I brought your usual request young miss. The latest issue of Hundreds Piece just released and I managed to snag you a copy before they flew off the shelves. I don't know how you can continue to read this drivel. I honestly prefer to read Tails of Faeries myself." Giggling loudly Lucielle held out a hand and the manga whipped across the room into her outstretched hand. "Thank you so much Arthurius. I don't know what I'd do without you." A smile stretched across Arthurius face as he sarcastically answered, "Die of eternal boredom and anxiety because you'd be left on a cliffhanger of a novel?"

Rolling her eyes she casually gave him the bird with her free hand. "Pfff I'll eventually find a way to the human world and then I'll get my own manga." Turning back in her chair she had begun to read the manga. Arthurius walked across the room before peering over Lucielle's shoulder to examine the tomes she had been reading before sighing. 'Looks like she found the false tomes lucifer had hidden away. None of these will teach you the secret to ascending to the human realm young miss but I've been forbidden from aiding you in your endeavors.' Shaking his head he leaned back before asking her how she liked the newest chapters so far.

Lucielle was completely engrossed in the novel but she managed to tear her eyes away from novel to address Arthurius. Her pink eyes shined brightly as a genuine smile spread across her face. This caused a fire to burn brightly within Arthurius cold dead heart. The young miss' smile was the pride of the demonic kingdom though few demons actually got to see it in person so it was shared among the demons via thought transfer. The princess smile was a valuable currency among the demons though the image would eventually fade over time thus it was a vicious cycle of various demons trying to gain access to Lucifers' court guard so that they might be assigned a role as a bodyguard of the young princess before being cut down by Arthurius and the various other guards that were assigned to her for her protection.

'Her smile is the only thing that keeps me going these days. I wonder when the day will come when she eventually does find a way to leave this place and escape to the human realm. My days will surely be drowned in darkness when that day arrives.' Petting her head Arthurius turned to leave. "Well try not to blaze through it too quickly now. It'll be another month before the next volume gets released." Waving over his shoulder Arthurius began to morph back into his minotaur form before disappearing through the doorway and the door closed. Lucielle had resumed her reading when the pages of the manga began to twist and swirl as the ink began to swirl around in a circular pattern. "What the hell???" The rooms temperature had abruptly dropped to such a degree Lucielle could see her breath as she abruptly stood up from her chair before backing away from the desk. The novel floated upwards and the ink had formed a single sentence. "Do you want to travel to the human world?"

Her heart skittered to a stop as she read the sentence over and over again. 'What the hell?' The magical pressure in her room was steadily rising the longer she looked at the novel. 'What kind of magic is this?' Taking a deep breath Lucielle bit her lips before answering. "Yes I would like to travel to the human world." As the words left her lips a mass of tentacles erupted from the novel. Shrieking loudly Lucielle blasted the tentacles with pure raw mana but the tentacles weren't even phased as the abruptly enveloped her form before yanking her towards and into the novel.

Lucielle's shriek had caused the guards to burst into her room with their weapons drawn but found nothing except the novel on the ground which was utterly blank except for a cheeky sentence that read. "Cthulu sends his regards, hope your daughter likes tentacle schmentai." The demons faces paled as they read the sentence before they turned and ran smack dab into Lucifers' chest. Lucifers' eyes were the darkest they had been in countless eons. "CTHULU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His shout turned the two demons into blood mist as his mana pressure spiked. Arthurius had just walked in behind Lucifer when he let loose his roar. Arthurius was no weak demon but even so he was forced to his knees as he began to cough up blood from the sheer amount of magical pressure that was emitted from Lucifer. "My lord what troubles you!" Arthurius was slowly pushing himself upwards and that's when he noticed the novel lying on the floor. 'Young Miss!'

Lucifer abruptly grabbed Arthurius by the throat before slamming him into the nearest wall. "You will find my daughter and bring her back here. I don't care what it takes. If you return here without her consider your life finished. "His crimson eyes were boring into Arthurius own as he began to the planeshift to the human realm. "Of course my master. I will return with the princess or die trying." Arthurius disappeared in a flash of light leaving Lucifer alone in his daughters room. Sealing the entrance of his daughters tower Lucifer teleported to his office and began to pace frantically. 'How could I not have sensed his presence within that book the moment Arthurius returned from the human realm?!? Has he become even stronger since we last butted heads?' Sighing loudly Lucifer reached into his pocket dimension before withdrawing a cellphone. Holding it up to his mouth he spoke into the mouthpiece. "Xavier video call Cthulu."

Ohayou lovely readers of Webnovel! This is the first novel i've decided to write in years so I'm hoping you guys like it. If you did like it please feel free to recommend it your friends! I'm not too sure what my release cycle for this novel is going to be since I'm also a full time worker as well as a streamer on Twitch but if this gains a following I'll do my best to upload as much as possible! Thank you again for reading my novel. Have a good day/night everyone!

Arkasia_Winterscreators' thoughts