
The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

"Fateful encounter of a cold-blooded assassin and a gentle detective: She wants to avenge her parents’ death, no matter the cost. He wants to redeem her and teach her forgiveness. One of them must give in. Merciless, fierce, vicious, and ruthless were the words that people would associate with her. That's how they would describe her, a living devil. Elle is known as the mysterious and meticulous assassin feared by both the underground syndicates and the government. But she finds herself helpless and at the end of her rope when she meets with despair on one of her missions. Erick, a chief detective, comes just in time to rescue the devil turned damsel. His kindhearted nature had led him to take the cold and aloof girl under his wing. With his protection on the line, Elle couldn't possibly get close to him in fear of being revealed. Can she let him into her walls or will she push him away, like all the others? Can he close his eyes to her crimes or will he punish her?" «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» *Excerpts* "What if I had killed someone? What if I am a criminal, what will you do?" Erick kept silent for a few seconds, thinking. Elle could almost hear her pounding heart amidst the silence of their surrounding. Erick looked into her eyes and met her nervous gaze as he gave her his response. "If that is the case, then I will have to put you in prison," he said in a serious tone. Elle's heart sank when she heard it. She felt like her world fell into pieces. "So... if I ask you to surrender yourself to me, will you do it?" Erick asked her softly as he cupped her troubled face in his two hands. "Will you?... will you marry me Elle?" he added. Elle:"..." Erick took advantage of that chance when Elle was still in a trance as he brought his face closer to her and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. -------------------------------------------------- COMPLETED [ 530 Chapters ] { Warning: This Book Features Mature Content [R-18] } Award: Writing Prompt Contest #93 First Placer- Villainess Female Lead Author's Other Book: 1. The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter Award of this Book: WPC #133 Gold Tier- No Humans Allowed! Female Lead 2. Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge 4. 100 Days to Seduce the Devil Note* The artwork/illustration/photo in the cover is AI generated by the Author [The Author is slowly editing all the chapters. Please bear with me if you see grammar mistakes and awkward sentence structures along the way. Only the first 32 Chapters had been edited so far.] Curious about this author? Follow me in Instagram: elle_zar Please like Author Facebook page: @AUTHOR.ELLEZARG18

ellezar_g · Urban
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532 Chs

Chapter 35: Charles

Elle booted the computer quickly. She would try to track down Charles' current location. She was put in a difficult situation now.

Even though everyone knew her as a ruthless, vicious, and devilish assassin however she was not that heartless to let her accomplice suffered from the hands of her enemies.

Who dared touch her people would really pay double. To her, she was the only one who has the right to hurt Charles.

Even though sometimes she really imagined many ways how to kill Charles because of his blabbering mouth but she would not let her enemy kill him tonight.

"Damn, as expected he has a password. It would take me some time to hack this." a tapping sound of the keyboard could be heard inside the study.

Elle was looking so serious at the monitor.

'Charles just be sure to be alive. This is the first time I will exert some efforts for you'.

After five minutes, Elle finally unlocked the password. She typed again and she started to use her hacker's ability to locate Charles's location.

While waiting for the result, Elle reminisced about the first time she met Charles. She was 18 years old while Charles was 22 years old when Phantom introduced them to each other.

She heard from her Master Phantom that Charles was an orphan. He was a street child when he was young.

He was engaged in different illegal activities such as theft, robbery, gambling, and carjacking, for him to survive.

Phantom saved him once when his life was put in danger because he robbed a gang leader. If not for Phantom, he would die from their beatings.

After that night, Charles had sworn his loyalty to Phantom. He said to Phantom that he would serve him as long as he lives.

At first, Phantom didn't take it seriously. That time, Phantom was already taking care of Elle so he could not take in another kid.

They went their separate ways. Phantom didn't imagine that their paths would cross again after seven years.

Charles wanted to follow Phantom and he kept on pestering him. Charles changed a lot. He became an expert in his field.

He had built a connection in the underground world. He thought Charles could be a great help for Elle so he decided to finally let him in.

Elle was practicing her martial arts moves when Charles and Phantom came to the gym to see her.

"Master Phantom, who is she?" Charles asked Phantom as admiration could be seen in his eyes, watching every move of Elle. It was perfect.

"She's my foster daughter but, do not tell her that," Phantom whispered to him.

"Why?" Charles was puzzled

"Because she will kill you!" He replied while chuckling.

Charles's eyes widened. 'My master is weird!'

"Just kidding... But be careful....she might really kill you. She hates talkative and noisy people like you." Phantom warned him.

Charles was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what Phantom had just said.

The lady in front of him was as beautiful as an angel and she looked like she wouldn't kill anyone just because of being noisy.

'I think Master Phantom was just playing a joke with me.'

It was true that someone would only believe if they had experienced or seen it with their own eyes, just like Charles.

Elle stopped what she was doing when she felt the presence of others inside the gym. She looked towards the direction of Phantom and Charles.

She frowned as she saw the unfamiliar face of Charles standing beside Phantom. Phantom and Charles walked towards her. It was Phantom who spoke first.

"Elle, I want you to meet Charles, my friend. Charles this is Elle, my disciple." Phantom introduced the two.

"Hi, Elle, nice meeting you!" Charles greeted her happily as he extended his right hand to shake with her.

Elle ignored him. Charles gave Phantom a questioning look. Phantom laughed at him and said, "Later, you will get to used with her cold treatment."

"You'll be safe as long as you don't talk too much. So Goodluck!" He added as he tapped Charles' shoulder.

As Charles didn't mind Phantom's warning, instead he became more curious about Elle. He wanted to talk to her.

So without thinking about Phantom's warning, he followed Elle hoping that she wouldn't ignore him.

Elle was sitting in a corner while cleaning her daggers. Charles approached her and sat down beside her.

"I saw your martial arts moves. They're perfect. I was really amazed. Could you teach me those moves?" Charles spoke up to start a conversation with her.

Elle didn't say anything and she just continued what she was doing. Charles spoke up again.

"Did Master Phantom teach you those moves? Are you an assassin like Master Phantom? Are you good also at shooting?"

"What weapons do you like most? By the way... how old are you now? Me, I am 22 years old. Single and available!!"

Charles spoke one after another. He thought his cheerful personality and charisma that he used with Phantom would also work with Elle but he was wrong.

Elle suddenly threw the dagger towards him. Charles was shocked beyond belief. Fortunately, the dagger didn't hit him but only grazed his right face.

Blood appeared on a small portion of his face. Both his eyes and mouth were wide open. His face was pale and his heart was beating so fast. He seems like he turned into a statue.

'Did I see death a while ago?' he thought to himself.

Elle was looking at him right now giving him a cold sharp glare. Charles trembled in fear just looking at those eyes.

"Get out of my sight if you don't want me to stick this second dagger in the middle of your head right now!" Elle threatened him.

Charles stood up immediately and he ran for his life. He left the gym and ran as fast as he can far away from that deadly beauty that he just met.

"MASTER PHANTOM SAVE ME!" Charles's loud shouting voice could be heard coming from the gym.

From that day, Charles' life also started to change. He didn't imagine that following Phantom would be meant meeting the living Devil. It was too late to turn back.

He became the helper, messenger, assistant, and accomplice of the most ruthless assassin. It was a miracle.... able to survive 7 years of working with the Devilish Assassin Catseye.

However, was this the end of that miracle...Charles' miracle?