
The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

"Fateful encounter of a cold-blooded assassin and a gentle detective: She wants to avenge her parents’ death, no matter the cost. He wants to redeem her and teach her forgiveness. One of them must give in. Merciless, fierce, vicious, and ruthless were the words that people would associate with her. That's how they would describe her, a living devil. Elle is known as the mysterious and meticulous assassin feared by both the underground syndicates and the government. But she finds herself helpless and at the end of her rope when she meets with despair on one of her missions. Erick, a chief detective, comes just in time to rescue the devil turned damsel. His kindhearted nature had led him to take the cold and aloof girl under his wing. With his protection on the line, Elle couldn't possibly get close to him in fear of being revealed. Can she let him into her walls or will she push him away, like all the others? Can he close his eyes to her crimes or will he punish her?" «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» *Excerpts* "What if I had killed someone? What if I am a criminal, what will you do?" Erick kept silent for a few seconds, thinking. Elle could almost hear her pounding heart amidst the silence of their surrounding. Erick looked into her eyes and met her nervous gaze as he gave her his response. "If that is the case, then I will have to put you in prison," he said in a serious tone. Elle's heart sank when she heard it. She felt like her world fell into pieces. "So... if I ask you to surrender yourself to me, will you do it?" Erick asked her softly as he cupped her troubled face in his two hands. "Will you?... will you marry me Elle?" he added. Elle:"..." Erick took advantage of that chance when Elle was still in a trance as he brought his face closer to her and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. -------------------------------------------------- COMPLETED [ 530 Chapters ] { Warning: This Book Features Mature Content [R-18] } Award: Writing Prompt Contest #93 First Placer- Villainess Female Lead Author's Other Book: 1. The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter Award of this Book: WPC #133 Gold Tier- No Humans Allowed! Female Lead 2. Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge 4. 100 Days to Seduce the Devil Note* The artwork/illustration/photo in the cover is AI generated by the Author [The Author is slowly editing all the chapters. Please bear with me if you see grammar mistakes and awkward sentence structures along the way. Only the first 32 Chapters had been edited so far.] Curious about this author? Follow me in Instagram: elle_zar Please like Author Facebook page: @AUTHOR.ELLEZARG18

ellezar_g · Urban
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532 Chs

Chapter 26: Shopping (2)

It was already 10:00 a.m when Erick and Elle arrived at a shopping mall in City Z.

They went directly to the department store and proceeded to the ladies' clothes section. Elle started roaming around and was checking out the clothes.

Erick just stood on the side observing her.

While waiting for Elle, Erick decided to call Captain Jason of the Task Force Eagle. The phone rang for fifteen seconds before it was answered.

"Hello." Jason's hoarse voice could be heard on the other line.

"Hello, Captain. This is me, Erick. Sorry to bother you right now. Just want to inform you that I couldn't report to the office this morning. I have some important matters to do right now. I hope you will understand. I'll come in the afternoon." Erick explained to Jason politely the purpose of calling him.

"It's okay. No worries. By the way... there's still no development so far. The girls are still looking at the CCTV footage by the satellite and we are all hoping that we can accidentally spot them however there's no sign of them." Jason sighed deeply after saying it.

"Yeah, just like what we had expected Captain, this isn't an easy task. Even though we have their photographic sketches but I am sure they have already taken precautionary measures by disguising themselves very well. They were good at hiding their tracks. " Erick shared his thoughts.

"You are right. We've been working on Catseye's case for so many years now but we haven't found anything useful. It was always been our failure. What a shame..." Jason sounded frustrated.

"Don't worry Captain. We might get another clue if we focus on this case. At least we have an assumption now that Catseye is not working alone, he or she had an accomplice who is helping and assisting him or her to commit his or her crime." Erick tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah, that's right. We should not feel discouraged this time. We got some progress. Okay. Take your time. When you arrive this afternoon, I will call a meeting for our team to convene and plan out a new strategy." Jason's determination was back.

"Copy Captain. See you later." They finished their conversation and Erick hung up the phone.

Meanwhile, Elle was able to pick five pairs of her undergarments, and three pieces of female jeans, three maong shorts, three blouses, and three t-shirts.

"I guess these should be enough. I am not planning to stay longer. I will leave as soon as I am completely recovered." she uttered to herself.

Then she decided to go to the counter where Erick was waiting for her.

"Are you already done? You are a little bit too fast. I thought all women take all their time when they go shopping." Erick was amazed by her.

"I don't want to keep you waiting since you have some work to do."

She said but deep inside what she wanted to say to him was 'Well a typical woman will do that but I am different. If you bring me to a shop which is selling different guns and weapons I will surely take my time.'

She gave the items that she picked to the cashier. Erick frowned when he noticed that she only got a few clothes.

He signaled the cashier to wait then he said to Elle "Get a few more sets of clothes."

Elle was about to reject him when he suddenly grabbed her hand before he turned around and pulled her slowly towards the clothes section again.

She was speechless when she saw Erick stopped and picked up a few dresses.

She didn't like wearing dresses except if she was on her mission.

"This set, that one, and this one too. Please wrap it up for us," he said to the sales clerk nearby who was observing them on the side.

He looked so naturally happy while picking clothes for her.

In just a few minutes, Erick had already chosen the things he wanted to buy without asking for her opinion.

''Where is the man who said that he wanted me to choose base on my preferences a while ago?''

Elle was bewildered while she looked at him helplessly. This was also her first time seeing a man who shopped enthusiastically like a woman.

She thought there was no man like that. Therefore he was not a typical guy either. Elle just shook her head.

The sales clerk was slightly envious of her right now and she thought to herself 'This girl is so lucky to have a very handsome and thoughtful boyfriend like him'. The clerk mistook them as a couple.

After fifteen minutes, Erick and Elle finally left the department store with several bags. They also went to the supermarket to buy some groceries and other necessities.

When they reached the car, Erick handed her a rectangular box and said: "This is for you."

Elle glanced at the rectangular box on her hand and her brows furrowed into a knot. She could not help but mutter.

"I am really amazed to find out that a guy like you is a compulsive shopper. I thought all men didn't want to spend their money on shopping."

Erick chuckled upon hearing her. He was amused by her.

He knew that she really emphasized her last sentence to get back at him when he said to her a while ago that he thought all women take their time when they go shopping.

Nonetheless, they just got inside the car and were ready to return home.

"I bought that phone so that we can contact each other especially if I am at work. I will not be at ease leaving you at the house all alone," he explained to her.

Elle paused when she heard him. 'This is great, I can easily contact Charles with this.'

"Thank you. I will surely pay you back for everything." Elle said to him.

He laughed softly and casually said "Alright, don't be so calculative. Jasmine, you are too serious sometimes and also cold most of the time. Just treat me like a friend, a friend who wants to help his friend... Is it okay?.... Can we become friends?"

Elle was dumbfounded. When he didn't get a response from her Erick turned to his side and looked at her intently. He met her questioning gazed. She looked away first and said nothing.

" A friend....?" Elle muttered softly and an indescribable expression appeared on her lovely face. After a while, she did not say anything and just turned to look out of the window.

Erick was puzzled. He didn't know what she was thinking right now.

Did she just ignore him again? Did he say something wrong again that offended her?

He just shrugged and then leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt before silently starting the car.

Mr. Detective wants to be friends with her! Hmmm he was slowly moving to get to know her more... Unfortunately, seems like Elle has build a great wall to isolate herself from opening up to others. Our Mr. Detective should work hard to be able to climb up that wall. What do you think guys?

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