
Chapter 9

EITHER GOD WAS OCCUPIED WITH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS, OR He had simply decided my case didn't warrant any direct help. I went home, nuked a Lean Cuisine for dinner, and watched TV because I was too stressed out to try to read or do anything else constructive. I'd halfway been expecting some other sign of Luke's affections a box of chocolates, more flowers, maybe my rent paid for the next year but everything was as it should be, as far as I could tell. What I really should have done was put in a good hour at the gym, because I knew that too many more meals like the one I'd had on my birthday, and I could kiss my size-six jeans goodbye. However, when push came to shove — i.e., when I crossed the intersection where I should have turned right to go to 24-Hour Fitness — I just couldn't do it. As far as I could tell, being in shape was highly overrated. It certainly hadn't helped my love life any.