
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 19: 12% Remaining!

AN: We are currently experiencing a power outage here, my power bank wasn't charged, and my phone is almost dead, this might be the last chap for the day if the power won't return.


"Thank you for accompanying me Alexander-dono."

"Well, its no trouble at all. I have nothing to do anyway, well aside from taking care of Alice, but she's currently with Emi."

A day has passed since Yoruichi's visit, and Alex has nothing to do back in the Inn. His daughter is with Emi, and everyone has something they needed to do.

So when Suzuno asked him to accompany her to shopping for her personal use, he agreed.

At least its better to go out once in awhile than stay in the Inn like those two disappointing HIKI-NEET!

Seriously, a Demon General who controlled a fourth of the Demon King Army, and a Court Magician of one of the largest Country, became a good for nothing NEET the moment they came to Earth.

Alex doesn't want to become like that at all.

"So, what are the things you need to buy?" He asked.

"Hmm, well, I only have two pairs of clothes after all, so I guess I'll buy one, I also wanted one of those....Smartphone as they call it."

Alex hummed, "I see, I always saw you on a Kimono so I guess you need something different, as for smartphone, hmm, what's your budget?"

"Oh, um, around a hundred thousand I think. I exchanged my currency to Japanese Yen yesterday with the help of Yuuna-dono and I have a lot more, but I can't spend it all as I still have yet to find a job."

"I see, so around a thousand USD." he pondered for a bit, "...Let's go buy you a phone first?"

"Sure, thank you."

Speaking of which, Alex made a phone for himself, its also equipped with Artificial Intelligence using Soul Magic, so it can think for itself.

Its also connected to every military and civilian Earth observation satellites, communication satellite, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and space telescopes.

Not only that, it is also connected to his own satellite capable of firing a Sunlight Convergence Laser, a pillar of light that disintegrates whatever it touches.

It can be described as a laser beam satellite powered by magic and is a sunlight convergence laser. It is an enormous air-frame lens which converges sunlight.

Of course, the satellite itself was hidden so no normal or supernatural beings will be able to find it.

With this, Alex can literally destroy a country even if its on the other side of the world with a single tap of "fire" option on his phone.

His phone has other functions, but that's a story for another time.

The two of them talked and just converse with each other until they reached the store.

Suzuno herself chose 1Phone II which costs her around ¥50,000 and Alex began to teach her on how to use it.

Alex really has to admit that she look cute while looking at her newly bought phone, like a kid who just got a new toy.

After she got used to her phone, they finally decided to go buy her some clothes other than her kimono.

"Can't I just buy other kimono? Isn't this the normal wear for people in Japan? I have studied it a lot before I came to this country, so it couldn't be wrong."

"Well, its not wrong, but you also need other clothes aside from Kimono, like that girl over there." While pointing at a girl wearing a sleeveless blouse with a very short skirt.

Suzuno blushed, "T-That's too short! I-Isn't that a bit inappropriate?! How could she wear such things! No, why would I wear such things!"

"Don't you have someone wearing something like this back in your country?"

"N-No, not really. Besides, even though I look like this, I'm a devout believer of the Church! I can't wear something like that."

She paused as she thought over her words and her back was immediately drenched in sweat, '...No..No, I...I told him that I'm a believer of the church...'

"Hmm, what are you a nun? But whatever, if you don't want to wear something like that then we can just search for something else."

She blinked, 'He didn't react? No, could it possibly that the church also exists in this world? If not, then surely I would've been attack and killed if he knew I came from the Church.'

"What are you standing there? Hurry up." Alex turned his head as he sighed when he saw Suzuno looking at him in a daze.

Suzuno snap out of her daze as she responded, "O-Oh."

She ran towards him but tripped herself, 'Ah?'

She was about to fall but Alex reacted quickly and caught her, 'What's up with this cliché situation?' He thought to himself.

Suzuno blinked but quickly separated herself from him, "T-Thank you Alexander-dono."

"Nah, don't mention it, its a normal thing to do."

She stared at him for awhile before giving a smile, "Yuuna-dono is right, you are kind Alexander-dono."

Alex rolled his eyes as he smirked, before continuing to move, "I'm far from kind. You can use any word to describe me but kind definitely doesn't suit me."

"No, I have observed you this past week." She said as she followed after him, "You always have this annoyed expression when Urushihara-dono asks for your help, but even so, you always lend your hand. Emi-dono too, but that's given since she's the mother of your child. Nonko-dono, Chitose-dono, and everyone in the Inn, everyone seems to like you Alexander-dono."

Alex actually felt a bit embarrassed by her words as he scratched his cheek. He wasn't really being kind, he knew it himself that he was far from kind.

He was just helping them because they are going to be his allies in the future, yes, that is all. He wasn't being kind to them. Yes. Not. At. All.

"....Whatever, let's go, the clothing store is just up ahead."

Suzuno shook her head and followed after him, 'As expected, I still couldn't believe that this man is Satan that the people from Ente Isla feared. He is completely different. Could it be that living here and taking care of his daughter changed him? No, priest Olba was brutally killed by him and the hero, there's no way....I'll continue to observe for now.'

She was really confused. Base on the fact that the room that Satan is staying at, his magic power should have recovered, then he could easily conquer this world with his strength, why didn't he?

However, she shook those thoughts off from her mind for now and began to choose a clothes to buy.

With Alex giving her his opinion on the way she dress. They stayed at the shop for half an hour and bought five pieces of clothing.

After that, they went to Alex's café to have some snacks before going back to the Inn.


OMAKE: The Fallen and The Magician.

Currently, in the Yuragi Inn, Emi, Albert and Rika were moving their stuff on their respective rooms, with Hisui herself just playing games on the dining room.

After all, she'll stay with Emi's room anyway, so she doesn't really need to move her stuff because Emi will do it for her.

Currently, she was playing "Clash of Tribes" on her phone, its a game that her in-game-friend "F4llenGeneral" has recommended to her.

And she got to say, she quite enjoy it herself even though she only started playing yesterday.

"Clash of Tribes huh?"

A voice suddenly came from behind her, if it was back in Ente Isla, she would've already pulled out her staff and prepared for battle. After all, someone who can sneak up on her is definitely someone to be wary of.

But now?

She just lazily turned her head around, she raised an eyebrow when she saw the Fallen Angel Lucifer leaning forward behind her while eating ice cream.

Lucifer stood up straight as he raised an eyebrow, "Well, I thought you'd pull out your staff and attack me, you know, for hurting your friend and stuff."

Hisui hummed, "We~ll, its troublesome see~ Besides, e~ven if I did attack you~ I'll sti~ll lo~se."

"So you wouldn't even try?"

"Hmm~ Maou~ already pu~nished you right~?"


She stared at him for a few seconds before continuing her game. Lucifer just stood behind her and watching her play.

"Ma~h, Barbarian is too~ wea~k," Hisui groaned, "In Deity's Domain the~y would've destro~yed thi~s wall~"

Lucifer was about to leave when he heard the word "Deity's Domain" he turned his head and look at Hisui, "You play Deity's Domain?"

Hisui paused as she turned towards Lucifer, "You too~?"

He smirked and sat down, "What class are you?"

"Grand Magus~, my partner helped me in obtaining it~"

"Really? You're partner must be quite skilled yeah, I mean, Grand Class like yours takes a lot of time to acquire. I remember helping my partner on her quest and we died a few times. I'm a Grand Assassin by the way."

"Oh~ we died a few times too~ I also remembered it when tried to raid a level 50 Hell Rank Dungeon Misty Swamp, we got killed because he suddenly went AFK." The more she talk, the more Hisui's lazy tone seems to vanid

"Yeah? Us too! I was punished by Maou to move in 10x the gravity and I couldn't move! We got killed there too!"

"Really? What a coincidence. Did you know we got ambushed by PK guild when we went to a quest to acquire the Gaia's Champion class? We got killed but we still took down all of their Elite Players!"

"Really? I remembered we got ambushed when we did that quest too! We also went and robbed the PK guild who killed us, leaving only a single gold coin!"

"What?! We did that too!"

"You did? Wow, what a coincidence."

The two of them talked and laugh for a few minutes before they both sighed with a reminiscing look.

" " I wonder what F4llenGeneral/3meraldM4gus is doing right now? " "

They paused, before looking at each other with wide eyes.

" "Eh?" "