
The Devil Meets an Angel

The opening scene introduces the main characters and their goals, motivations, and conflicts. The major turning points are where the main characters face obstacles, challenges, and changes in their relationship. The climax is where the main characters face their final confrontation and resolve their conflicts. The resolution is where the main characters achieve their goals and end up together.

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The Devil Meets an Angel (Chapter 4)

Angela ran out of the apartment, leaving behind the devil and everything he had given her. She didn't know where to go or what to do. She felt betrayed, hurt, and scared.

She hailed a taxi and asked the driver to take her to the nearest church. She needed to pray, to seek God's guidance, to find some peace.

She arrived at a small chapel and entered the sanctuary. She knelt before the altar and clasped her hands.

"Dear God, please help me," she whispered. "Please tell me what to do. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't understand why you allowed this to happen. I don't understand how I could fall in love with the devil."

She waited for a sign, a voice, a feeling. But she heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing.

She felt alone.

She cried and said, "Please, God, please. Don't abandon me. Don't forsake me. Don't punish me. I'm sorry for my sins. I'm sorry for loving him. Please forgive me."

She waited for some mercy, some grace, some love. But she received nothing, sensed nothing, knew nothing.

She felt hopeless.

She sobbed and said, "Please, God, please. Give me a chance. Give me a choice. Give me a way out. I don't want to be with him. I don't want to be his. I want to be yours."

She waited for some answer, some solution, some direction. But she got nothing, found nothing, learned nothing.

She felt helpless.

She collapsed on the floor and said, "Please, God, please. Save me."

The devil watched Angela leave from the window of their apartment. He felt angry, hurt, and scared.

He wanted to go after her, to stop her, to bring her back. He wanted to explain himself, to apologize, to make her understand.

But he knew it was useless. He knew she wouldn't listen to him. He knew she wouldn't trust him. He knew she wouldn't love him.

He knew he had lost her.

He cursed and said, "Damn you, God. Damn you for creating her. Damn you for making me love her. Damn you for taking her away from me."

He waited for some challenge, some fight, some response. But he faced nothing, encountered nothing, provoked nothing.

He felt bored.

He laughed and said, "Fine then, God. Fine. You want to play this game? You want to test me? You want to mock me? Fine."

He waited for some thrill, some excitement, some fun. But he experienced nothing, enjoyed nothing, amused nothing.

He felt restless.

He smirked and said, "All right then, God. All right. You want to see what I can do? You want to see how far I can go? You want to see how much I can take? All right."

He waited for some limit, some boundary, some rule. But he met nothing, respected nothing, followed nothing.

He felt powerful.

He grinned and said, "Watch this then, God. Watch this. You want to keep her from me? You want to make her yours? You want to save her? Watch this."

He waited for some reaction, some emotion, some expression. But he saw nothing, felt nothing, showed nothing.

He felt cold.

He picked up his phone and said,

"Hello? Is this Father Michael? Yes, this is Dante. Angela's boyfriend."

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