
The Devil In Disguise

Asmodeus Wulfric Azazel I, called as Reza was known for being the first Demon Lord and was asleep for hundreds of years in his castle. When he woke up, there was an elegant young girl standing in front of him. Reza don't know anything that has happened outside his castle, he came up with something that will help him and the elegant young girl that will be fascinating for the both of them. Copyright Disclaimer: I don't own this cover.

LouVainglory · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Like Any Other Day

Celeste's POV


I woke up, earlier than usual, I noticed my silver-blonde hair and it was a mess but I did not pay attention to it. I am still in my bed staring at the ceiling wearing my white nightgown. I have a wide circular room with pillars of white and gold and a large balcony with a roof that has a gold and silver curtains covering it, I have a canopy for a bed with gold sheets and white pillows and a wardrobe next to it, I also have bookshelves and a desk where I read and study.

I got up which is hard since I'm still sleepy, I walked forward to the balcony and move the curtains to take a peek. The sun was just beginning to rise, I smirked and then I went back to my bouncy bed and soft pillows to sleep again. What could possibly go wrong if I just sleep a little more?

Moments have passed then I woke up again, I stretch my arms and yawned. I still continued to stare at the ceiling lost in my thoughts, I closed my eyes to relax, planning on getting out of bed slowly. Jumping out of bed was not something I liked to do. I walk towards the balcony then pulled the curtains sideways feeling the warmth of the bright sun and the breeze on my face. The view was wonderful, you can see the whole kingdom. The people wouldn't see me even though I'm in my nightgown because my room is in the highest floor of our palace. I walked to the edge of the balcony leaning myself towards.

I sighed, you see, I am just any other girl who is living in a palace in Wintervale Kingdom who loves to learn new things, loves to read, my alone time, planning, goals, puzzles, interesting places, sarcasm, hanging out with smart people (If there is someone out there, I would like to meet them. It's not like I don't like people, I like some, like the ones who are close to me), practising magic, and pretty much other stuff. What I don't like is socializing, small talk and interacting with humans.

The world is filled with entities born with special abilities or so as called magic, well not all of them, there are some who is unlucky or someone who is lucky that got their abilities from their ancestors, there are some who were born with weak abilities, and some with powerful abilities, it actually depends on the person if they are hardworking. Not all of us are humans, there are elves, dwarves you name it.

According to the books that I have read, hundreds of years ago, there are many different types of classes that a magician can have, sorcerer, warlock, conjurer, wizard, and necromancer. Sadly some of them has gone through extinction, the ones that are left are magicians and magic swordsman. Well, I'm a magic swordsman, and my ability is to manipulate ice, like my father. Magic that is able to produce and manipulate ice runs in the blood of Salvatores.

I went back inside looking at my self at the mirror seeing how messy my hair is then I pick up a brush to fix my hair. I was up late at night practising magic with swordsmanship.

I heard a knock on my door, "Princess Celeste, are you awake? If so may I come in? There is breakfast waiting for you." She called out, perfect timing I was getting hungry. "Yes, you may come in."

A woman with black hair and brown eyes opened the door holding my breakfast on a tray, her name is Ozryn, a hard-working servant working here in the palace. "You came at the right time, Ozryn. What's for breakfast, is there a tea?" I mentioned as she put my breakfast in my table. "Oh, you love tea, of course, there is." she chuckled then she glances at me with a smile. "This looks delicious, thank you, "I remark, then I took a sip of my tea.

"Tell me if there is anything you might need before I leave so I may be able to help you with it." she offered while raising her eyebrows with a soft smile. "I think after I finish my breakfast first I will need a bath, can you prepare it for me?" I pointed out while eating my breakfast, it's delicious though.

"Of course, My Lady." she nodded. "Actually, I didn't come at the right time, I came here earlier but you didn't reply, I assume you are still sleeping." That is right but I can't help it to sleep a little while longer. " I will prepare your bath, please continue."

I stood up and pick up the book I still haven't finish, I sat down reading it while eating. After I finish my breakfast I just left it at the table then return the book where I took it.

I walk towards the wardrobe then I open it filled with dresses and gowns. I didn't waste my time picking, I just pick up the dress I want to wear at the moment, it was a light blue dress.

"My Lady, your bath is prepared!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you, Ozryn."

"It's nothing, My Lady, do you want me to assist you?."

"There is no need, I can do it myself, and could you take care of my leftovers?" I replied.

"Of course, My Lady, I shall take my leave." She walked out of my room then closed the door. I pick up the dress then I was gone for a bath. After that, I put on the light blue dress that I picked earlier. When I walked out of my room and closed the door I saw the golden pillars of the halls of the palace. I was wandering on my way to the library while the servants greeted me.

When I made it to the library, my eyes widened even though how many times I have been here, I still admired the place with awe because it is so massive and filled with books with different genres that I have not yet read. I picked some books that catch my interest, then I spent hours reading the books I have selected. Suddenly, my mother, Queen Lyra Campbell Salvatore appeared.

"How are you doing, my dear?" My mother, she is exquisite, smart, humble, sweet, and she has this blue eyes like I'm staring in the ocean with a long silver hair. Her eyes are blue, unlike mine which is scarlet, which I have got from my father. My mother is also a magician, she can manipulate air.

"I am fine mother, I have been enjoying the books that I have picked," I replied with a bit of smile on my face.

My mother sits beside me, she grabs a book that I chose earlier, then we both read in silence. Even though I like to be alone, I like it when mother accompanies me.

She broke the silence first." Well, I think I will finish this book later, it is about time we have lunch."

"Yes, mother, " I responded with a calm tone.

I just leave the books on my desk eventually followed my mother. We were taking a stroll inside the palace until we reach our destination where the feast will take place.

Afterwards, we entered and it has two extended table on the opposite side and at the front, there are three reserved seats, I assume that it was for me, mother and father. The tables are used by dukes, barons, and anyone royal inside the palace. We are all standing waiting for our King to arrive.

There he was, The King of Wintervale, King Alastair Williams Salvatore IV. Making a grand entrance as always, he walked towards his seat and smiling at me and mother. My father is a very talented magic swordsman, as he can produce and manipulate both ice and lightning. He has short blond hair and the colour of his eyes are maroon.

"You all shall take your seat!" The King announced.

As we all sat down my father sat in the middle, my mother on his left and I was on his right. The butler and the housekeepers appeared to prepare our meal.

It was like any other day, people discussing and enjoying our meal. I do not enjoy it when there are a lot of people, so I left as soon as I finished my meal.