
Damon's version (2)- family dinner

" Ahh why did you suddenly call for a family dinner " Grandpa Lu ask

" Y'all find out soon old man " Damon give a mischievous smile at his brother

James already know what was going on

He started to panic.

" Master Lu , Madam Lu , Young master Lu and Second Young master Lu , I'm here"

" Big Brother Damon, I missed you " a sweet little voice could be heard ,while a little girl run and hugs Damon's leg

Everyone left shocked , ' Did he just allow her to touch him '

Clearing his head from the shock Assistant Min shout " Come here Lily "

" But daddy, he's the man who send me back home "

Assistant Min had a next shock, he thought if he stayed a little longer, he may have a heart attack.

" Thank you , young master Lu for bringing my daughter back home "

Damon just smile and nod

" Ok after everything is settled let eat " Grandpa Lu said happily

After the dinner Damon stand up and announced "James would like to show all of you something in the Garden"

(A/N: 😂😂😂😂😂my poor James,you can't escape 😂😂😂😂😋)

Everyone when and wait at the Garden except Lily , Damon ask one of the maid to carry her to her gift .

Everyone was waiting for James, finally when the catch sight of him everyone started to laugh.With angre James shouting

" Old man what are you laughing at , grandma why are you laughing at me ,I thought I was your loving grandson. DAMON YOU BASTERED!!! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY !!!! what are you laughing at assistant Min !"

Grandma Lu answered" Sorry James I can't help it "

" Continue with it " said while holding a phone in his hands that was videoing the whole thing.

After the night of fun everyone one sleep like a slug except James , who keep on having nightmares for a full week .