
The Devil Chain

Angelica White, she is so beautiful like an untouched flower. Victor Black, he is a handsome, hot rich billionaire. Her heart was white like an angel while his heart was black like a demon. Fate brought them together in an unpleasant way. She had made him fall in love with her and he would do anything to make her his. Her nightmare is about to begin.

CelesteLee · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

I looked at the entrance as it opened. A beautiful girl in sexy clothes along with an old man in a suit walked in and stood in front of me. The girl's eyes lit up seeing the jewels in the showcase table between us.

"Babe..." the girl said in a spoiled tone as I was about to open my mouth to greet them."It's my birthday. Can I buy whatever I want?" she asked with a pleading face. "Of course, honey," he said as he stroked her cheek. "I'll buy whatever you want."

"Thank you! You are the best!" she said with a cheerful smile and kissed him on the cheek.

I sighed inside with a fake smile on my face. 'Why so many gold diggers come to this place?' I asked myself.

The smile on her face turned into a cold stare as she looked at me. "Give me the most expensive necklace and ring you have," she said.

"Yes, miss," I replied, keeping my fake smile on. I then took the necklace and ring from inside the showcase table and showed them to her. Her eyes were wide open shining looking at them.

She then put the necklace around her neck with her eyes fixed on the mirror on the showcase table. "Babe, do I look pretty wearing this?" she asked.

She and I looked at her sugar daddy because we heard nothing from his mouth. Anger and jealousy filled her eyes as she saw him was staring at me without blinking. His eyes said he wanted so badly to enjoy every inch of me.

"Babe..." she said in a spoiled tone as she grabbed his arm making him wake up from his stunning and look at her. "Do I look pretty in this?" she asked him. Her hand was not on the necklace but on her half-exposed breasts. She lowered her tank top slowly. His eyes shone with lust settling on her breasts under her red bra. "You do doll," he said in a raspy voice.

She smiled with her evil eyes because she had got her prey back. Then she brought her face close to his ear. "Let's go back now so you can enjoy them," she said in a seductive whisper. He answered her with a devilish smile on his face.

She then faced me and took off the necklace and put it on the showcase table. "I want all this," she said into my eyes with a cold angry look.

"Yes, miss," I said with a fake smile. Then I put the necklace and ring into their box. "Sir, please come with me," I said to her sugar daddy and took him to the cashier.

"Thank you sir," said Amy who worked as a cashier with a smile on her face as she returned the black card to him. She is my best friend.

He paid no attention to Amy at all and looked into my eyes. He took his business card from his jacket pocket and placed it on the counter. "Call me," he said and winked at me.

I forced myself to smile at him. I would have kicked his balls if I wasn't afraid of being fired. Amy stifled a laugh seeing at my face. I took a deep breath trying to calm my upset after that gold digger and her sugar daddy left this place.

Amy took the business card on the counter and looked at it. "Why those sugar daddies always give this to you, not me?" she asked with a frown on her face.

I smiled at her. "You don't want to be like those gold diggers, are you?" I teased her. "Maybe," she replied with a naughty smile.

She surprised me by saying that. She took her phone and searched for something. "I would do anything if my sugar daddy was him," she said as she showed me her phone.

My heart suddenly thumped. I couldn't blink my eyes looking at the picture of the man on her cell phone. He is so hot and so handsome. His body looks perfect and dashing under his black suit. He has black hair and beautiful silver eyes. He bewitched me with his charm.

I woke up from my stunning as I heard Amy clear her throat. I looked at her who was smiling at me. She looked at her phone with her eyes sparkling then she looked back at me. "He is so hot and so handsome, right?" she asked.

"Who's he?" I asked her, curious.

"You don't know him?!" she asked in surprise as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard. I responded by shaking my head.

"He's Victor Black. He's 30. He's the bachelor that all the women in this town want the most. He is not only handsome but also so rich. He owns a property and jewelry company," she said in admiration and put her hands to her cheeks. "Oh God! I'm crazy about this man. I wish I could be his wife even for a day."

I smiled seeing her dreaming face. She suddenly held her stomach while enduring the pain. "Are you all right?" I asked. I'm worried that she's sick.

"I want to poop. I'll be right back," she said and quickly got up from her chair. I smiled in relief as I watched her run to the bathroom at the back of this room.

I moved my gaze to her cell phone on the counter and took it. I want to see that man's picture again. My heart thumping again when my eyes saw his handsome face and dashing body. I could feel my cheeks burning.

I watched him carefully. He has the same hair and eye color as me but his eyes are much prettier than mine. He looks like a gentleman by looking at his appearance.

I bit my lip as I looked at his sexy lips. Heat rose from my core imagining me enjoying his lips.

I looked at his chest slowly descending to between his thighs with my heart beating faster and faster. My naughty mind eager to see and touch the bulge under his trousers. I swallowed my lust. I want to feel him inside me.

I immediately shook my head hard to get my naughty thoughts out of my head. "Angelica White! What are you thinking of?!" I scolded myself.

I put the phone in my hand on the counter and sighed. I've never had feelings like this for a man before. This man made me crazy and turned me into a demon of lust.

I walked back to my desk as I told myself to stop dreaming. I live in real life not in fairy tales. The poor girl with bad luck that always wrapped around me can never be Cinderella.


It was almost dinner time when I got off the bus. My leg muscles feel stiff from standing all day serving my customers. I shoved my hands deep into my coat pockets as I walked towards the old apartment. The air was so cold it pierced my bones. It's snowing, tomorrow is December.

I walked into the apartment and up the stairs. My mom, my stepfather and I rented a small room on the third floor for us to live in. This apartment is far from nice and clean and it's not a safe neighborhood either. I wish I could live in a better place, but my salary is not enough to rent another apartment.

I stopped in front of my apartment room door and opened it. I walked in and closed the door. Curiosity took over my mind because the room inside was dark. "Mom," I said as I turned on the light.

My eyes suddenly opened wide in shock. My heart beat fast in fear as a man covered my mouth with his hand from behind me. I saw my mom and my stepfather kneeling on the floor with their hands and mouths tied. One man stood behind my mom while the other man stood behind my stepfather. They put knives to their necks. My mom was crying with her pale face looking at me while my stepfather was scared with his battered face.

"You better be quiet and obedient if you don't want them to become corpses," the man behind me said in a threatening tone to my ear.

I don't care about my stepfather but I care about my mom. These men with scary faces must have something to do with my stepfather. He must have owed them money to have fun with those whores and gamble.

The man took his hand from my mouth seeing me obedient. Then he smiled devilishly, looking at my face. "Please don't hurt my mom. Please... I beg you," I pleaded with him.

The man held my chin with his threatening eyes fixed on my frightened eyes. "I won't hurt your mom as long as you obey what I say. Your dad can't pay his debts to us so you have to pay his debts," he said in a deep voice.

"Please give me some time. I'll find a way to pay off the debt," I said in a pleading tone. He smiled at me and asked, "Do you know how much your dad owes us?"

I stared at him in silence, waiting for his answer. "One hundred thousand dollars and you have to pay it today," he said.

I was speechless with my pale face. I wouldn't be able to earn that much money in a day. I felt so helpless and scared.

He smiled evilly seeing the helplessness and fear in my eyes. He took his finger off my chin. I quickly stepped back as he caressed my cheek. He roamed all over my body with his lustful eyes and he said into my eyes, "Let's go now. The man is waiting for you."

He shocked me by saying that. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"To the nightclub. You will pay the debt with your body or you will pay it with your mother's head," he said. His menacing eyes told me he meant what he said.

Tears dripped from my eyes as I looked at my mom who was crying staring at me. I shifted my gaze to my stepfather, glaring at him with anger in my eyes. I hate him so much. I will never forgive all the evil deeds he has done to me and to my mom.

"Move now!" the man said, raising his voice made me look into his eyes. "We're already late!"

I have no choice but to obey him. The man moved his gaze from my face to the faces of his men. "I'll call you if she runs away. Kill them both if she dares to do that," he said. His men responded with a nod.

The man took my hand and led me out of the room. We went from this place to go to the nightclub.

When we got there, the man told me to take a shower and dressed me in a short black sleeveless dress. The dress was so revealing and tight. I could see half of my breasts were exposed. When I walk, everyone can see my panties.

This nightclub is so luxurious. I've never been in a place as luxurious as this before. The man led me to a room in this nightclub. My body was shaking and cold. I could hear my rapid heartbeat in my ears. I felt like a lamb about to be slaughtered.

We stopped at the door of the room. The man opened the door, and we walked in and stood in front of three handsome men in suits who were sitting on the long sofa with three beautiful girls in sexy dresses sitting next to each of them.

My heart beat uncontrollably with shock gripping me firmly as I saw the man sitting in the middle. I could barely believe my eyes. I saw Victor Black was staring at me with his sparkling lustful eyes.